I couldn’t narrow it down to one, but here are a few:
Firstly, and perhaps most pertinently, I’d love to have some better idea of what to expect from the Oddworld film, and how it will differ from the Oddworld of the games in terms of its plot and the Oddworld Universe itself. Will familiar and well‐loved characters and concepts be there, like Big Face, Alf, Elum, possession, wells, SoulStorm Brew, etc.? I worry that if Oddworld changes too much it will alienate the fans, but I don’t want that to stop Oddworld evolving into something greater. I just want fans to be prepared to love a different kind of Oddworld if they have to.
A little bit historical, but I’m still curious as to exactly why different characters were used in
Stranger’s Wrath, mainly Grubbs rather than Mudokons and Wolvarks instead of Sligs. Lorne has hinted that it was to avoid upsetting the fans’ expectations of the existing characters, but I’d love to have examples of exactly
how the new races differ from their predecessors, and what Lorne could accomplish in storytelling and cracked mirror observations about our own world by having these alternatives. This isn’t to say I don’t love the new characters.
And a more sentimental and trivial question, are Lorne and Sherry (and/or Bross) ever going to bring back the Oddworld theme (the one heard in several different styles in the starts of AO and AE, running through several of MO’s gameplay vis videos, and at the very start of the
Icons episode)? I love that piece so much, it hits all the right emotive and scalar tones, and is really very beautiful.