Firstly, ok, I'm not 100% certain on what I say, but I get quite annoyed when people speak in low modality, I have a freind that always does it, and apologizes, and I find it pointless, just keep in mind I don't research what I say, but they are my beliefs, and I'm just giving an argument for the sake of a discussion.
Ok, now going on, yes, but to a much lesser degree besides, males are deemed more physically able to than the average female, it is far harder for an average male to advance over another average male than it is with an average male and an average female.
Also, some people suspect that females are not able to "rape" (I disagree, since both genders should be treated equally in terms of the law). Also, the "soap" scenario occurs mostly in prisons (Obviously it CAN happen anywhere), and these aren't your average people. Also, I am perfectly aware that males can sexually abuse other males, as can females, but this is of a lesser case as I said above, and you can't give a bathroom for every different person (altouigh those not physically able, or disabled, have their own bathroom), due to lack of recources and space, so the current system keeps alot more people safe, ok, rape is still possible, but by having two seperate bathrooms, you're minimalising it.
And I was responding to the OP, so I haven't checked if sports have been mention, and I'll be surpirzed if they haven't (due to the fact that males and females participate seperatly in nearly all offical events), but this is again due to males seen as more physically able, and females are seen as more flexable (This is of course in averages).
Also, Australia and the US are not developing countries, my main point.
And to a MUCH lesser degree to china, it's not shanty towns, so much as a few developed cities in a shanty country (I know this may be deemed offensive, but so may the term "Develping country" or "3rd world country".
Also, I meant maternity leave, also, this is MUCH longer than paternity leave, but it is perfectly plausable why. It's just this exact argument was used in saying why women get a lesser pay then men, and I was arguing against it.
Also, to show how irrirelivent seperated bathrooms are, or at leaset typical ones, in the grand skeams of things, I will tell you my experiance on exchange to italy:
Women, by tradition, are made to clean, cook, etc. My family, did not have a father, so the mother worked, and the grandmother did all of the house work, the grandfather did help out in other ways, like driving members around.
The text books had several examples, some of the girls I went with were disgusted by this, I wasn't in their classes though.
The thing that irritaed me though, was sport, ok, all the captains were male, but what realy annoyed me was the change rooms/ bathrooms. The boys got a change room attached to the main center, fit with showers, etc. The girls got a sperated shack 100 metres amougnst some brush. Now I'm not even going to go into the acceptable activites of what the males did, but it was sexually darrogitive to women.
Hence why I felt the need to show problems I thought were a greater importance, becuase, altough the examples stated are hidden, there are much worse (in my eyes anyway) problems happenning that we are not aware of.
*Edit* Also, on the subject on homophobia, I'm appalled by it, I act more dramatically than most, and I'm excluded, abused, etc. becuase of the way I act, even though I am hetrosexual.
But where I'm from (upper class australian, going to a rich, upper class all male school) anyone anything short of perfect is put down (some could say it is not that bad, but it is horrible, the fact that there is much worse things happening shows how horrible things have become), looks, clothes, wealth, beliefs etc. are all attacked, the only ones that are spared are the ones that were so prejudiced in the past, that people who do abuse them are abused back (such as race, I would say homosexuals, but untill the eventual acceptance, they won't be left alone either).
People don't like what is different, it's in our instincts to fear them, but that doesn't make it right.
Also, to Wings of Fire, and everyone else, I by no means know I'm right, and know that I contracdict myself when I speak, I'm just presenting my beliefs, I hope no one gets offended or annoyed by them.
Last edited by mudling; 04-12-2008 at 04:38 AM..