I saw The Thing yesterday. The prequel, not the one from the 1980's. It was okay. Story was kind of lame, acting sucked, and the atmosphere wasn't that scary. There were a few moments that had be a bit freaked out (probably because I was pretty damn high while watching it), but it was overall a pretty meh horror movie.
Considering that they went and made the Thing itself entirely CG, I knew from the start that the gritty, visceral effect the original had would be entirely absent.
No matter how hard you try to make something gross or visceral in CG, it always falls short. It looks too clean and over-animated. The number of textures they add in a feverish attempt to amp up the realism actually makes it look
less real. I think the closest CG has ever come to grossing me out was with those giant penis slugs in King Kong...
Of course, the award-winning sound editing in that film definitely helped in that regard, as well. It was a one time deal though.
Yet every time I watch the original The Thing, I feel just a little bit ill. It looked so organic. I haven't watched any of The Thing's production material, but I'm willing to bet some actual meat and other food products were used to achieve that putrid, organic, barf-bag look.