More name-calling from Dino. Not a surprise.
More bigotry and ignorance from MojoMan. Not a suprise.
I never accused Britain of anything.
Yes you did, you accused it of giving up it's rights/freedom because of fear. That's what has happened in the US, not what's happened in the UK. Nobody has given up any rights.
Funny. I already looked, every article has been fairly vague on the actual details of the event. It sounds to me that you, yourself have not read of such an event taking place, but are merely assuming.
I am assuming nothing. I live in Britain, and therefore have access to superior news sources on the subject, just as I deserve. You've no real right to access breaking news, but I, as a citizen of the UK, have priority over the details. So don't be so suprised when the only thing you manage to get ahold of for a wihle amounts to "OMG LIEK THE UK WAS SOOOO BOMBED IN LONDEN! TEH TERROROIST ARE LIEK, GETTING CHASED BY TEH SCOTTISH YARDz0r!".
If you know it to be fact, present the article. It would definately strengthen your claims. I'm not at all saying this detail does not exist, but many reports do have it absent.
Fine I'll find you an article when I can be bothered.
Again, don't be so suprised if it is. The US don't really give a shit about the UK, so they're not about to start providing accurate information on it. The only time you ever got anything that truely concerned the UK that we didn't get (which is an absolute travesty) is the Diana tapes. Especially considering that the majority of you didn't have a clue who Diana was, nor did you care.
either of us do, that's the point. Were you there? No? That's what I thought. Just because you happen to live closer to the events then I do is negligible.
No it isn't. It affects me as a British citizen, because it's MY country that's being attacked, not YOURS. Therefore I need to know all the little facts and details. You however, do not, because you're several thousand miles away.
When 9/11 occured, who had more right to comment on it, and speculate, and come out with crackpot theories, and moan about their rights being taken away? US citizens or UK citizens? It's the US of course - and that's the way it was. We in the UK thought what was happening was terrible, but to be honest the majority of us really didn't comment much on it, or even give a shit, and in fact some of us were glad to see a few Americans die for their stupidity in the middle east, as sick as that idea may be.
You really have a way with words. There's no doubting that plainclothes officers cause a miscommunication when they confront a suspect. A lot of innocent people have died because of it.
No they haven't. Present your proof of that please.
Everyone in the UK is fully aware of plain clothes officers, and because it's illegal for ANYONE except police to carry guns, most if not all people KNOW that they are plain clothes police the very second they take their guns out. It's really quite hard to get guns illegally in the UK, and it would be especially difficult to arm five people with five identical police issue guns. So I find it unlikely that this guy came to that conclusion.
You could also call the officers who shot him in the torso, idiots. If they believed he was strapped with explosives under that heavy jacket, it's probably not a good idea to shoot the damn thing. A shot or two to the head would have gotten the job done fine.
Police know better than you where to shoot a man armed with explosives, so do not make assumptions. The police are not the idiots here, it's the dude who ran away, he's the idiot. The police had their reasons for shooting him where they did, and they did a good job. Personally I'm glad they killed him, I'd rather have him dead and hundreds safe, than have him still alive, doubt of the police's ability to do their job, and him potentially detonating a bomb.
For all this man knew, they could have been the terrorists. We don't know what the man was thinking, humans have a tendancy to run when they're afraid. Not everyone is as cool and collected as yourself.
As I said, they were all English police with English accents, armed with five identical police issue guns. It would've been a HIGHLY unlikely conclusion to make. But if this guy did make that conclusion, then it's his own fault. There's going to be some casualties of this thing, not through police doing a bad job, but from them obeying the law and doing their job properly, and other people just being idiots. If you don't like UK law, then tough luck, because we DO - it defends our great country from terrorists and does a f
ucking fantastic job of it too.
I'm sure they are doing a great job for the most part, but when innocent civilians are killed because of a hunch, there's a problem.
No there isn't. They obeyed the law and did what they HAD to do. For starters he wasn't innocent, he broke the law by jumping the barriers and running from a police officer. When someone runs from five police officers after they shout "FREEZE! POLICE!" and then tries to board a train, it's more than a hunch. It looks a whole damn lot like a suicide bomber in fact. To be able to come to the conclusion that the guy isn't a suicide bomber is MORE reckless than to kill someone who f
ucking well does a brilliant job of making himself look like one.
If these were uniformed officers, it would be very stupid for him to run, but as I said the lack there of, causes confusion.
Not in the UK it doesn't, for aforementioned reasons.
It's not difficult to believe that someone would react the way he did..
Yes it IS difficult to believe. He reacted stupidly - if I was in a tube station, knew about the current climate created by the London bombings, and then had 5 people pull out guns and tell me "FREEZE! POLICE!", I'd just do what they say. I mean of COURSE there is going to be plain clothes officers there to control these terrorists... do you think that uniformed police would ever be able to track them down? They're so easy to avoid because you can see them coming.
More speculation, you're on a role. These flame wars are becoming awefully redundant. This forum used to be such a nice place.
Whatever. I'm a UK citizen, I'm allowed to speculate, cause I know the laws and the way things work here. If this were a US attack, then you would be the one with the license to speculate.