To Dan-
Here's something I put together:
Abortion is clear murder
Abortion is clearly murder as no one can deny. No one can also deny that it is murder of the innocent. Medical studies show clearly that a fetus is conscious and is performing all six life processes. Just because a fetus may not have a whole lung doesn't mean he or she isn't a human. Many people are born without all body organs or limbs. A lot of people who are against the death penalty are FOR abortion. That is indeed contradictory. It shows they are not about justice, but sin. Abortion is one of the worse types of murder, because it is the killing of a person who has not performed any sin. Those who practice abortion should receive the same that they give the baby.
Motives for abortions
Their are several reasons people have an abortion. One common reason is for rape pregnancies. No matter how much a woman may disdain having become pregnant through rape, she should realize her baby is not the cause of the rape, and thus shouldn't be dealt like a rapist. Rapists should be put to death, but not the baby procreated through rape. What does America do though? America puts the rapists in prison for a few years or months or whatever, and gives the baby the death penalty. That's crazy. If a woman truly doesn't want her baby which was conceived through rape, the government should care for the baby until he or she is grown. Some people still try to sensationalize the emotional distress the baby may have once he or she is older realizing he or she was conceived through rape. He or she may be emotionally distraught, but is that a cause to murder them? Isn't it crazy, for a woman who was raped and is thus emotionally distraught, to add to her distress by becoming a murderer of her child? Also, the child is either going to heaven or hell. He or she still will in the end realize he was conceived through rape, and will have to live throughout all eternity with that knowledge. So murdering a baby just because of rape is totally unjust. The only time a person should be put to death is when they have committed a crime, not when they were a victim of a crime! Why can't Americans see that?
Does a woman have a right to choose
It is awfully crazy to even think of a woman having the right to choose who and who not to murder. Just because the baby is in the woman's body doesn't mean she has the right to do whatever she wish with the baby. The Jews were in Hitler's country. Indeed, if a woman can do whatever she wish with her baby in her body, Hitler can do whatever he wishes with the people in his nation! Besides, in many cases, the woman is the one responsible for the baby in her. The baby had no hand in impregnating his or her mother, but the mother did. The mother then, must reap what she sows. She cannot punish her baby for something she brought upon herself...even if there is possibility she may die from the child.
Abortion for population control
If you want to consider a method for controlling population, forget abortion and turn your attention to putting to death the guilty, not the innocent. Murderers, homosexuals, adulterers, etc. are some you can begin with. Murdering babies is uncivilized, immoral, and a terribly crazy method for controlling population.
What about deformity
A deformed person has enough heart distress from being deformed, and do you mean to tell me that you would add to it by murdering him? Killing the deformed is animalistic and should not be a practice among humans. Humans should love and care for one another, and since deformity is not a crime, it must be lovingly dealt with. If a couple is truly fiscally unable to care for a deformed child, the government should be moral enough to step in, and provide the health benefits the child needs. This would indicate a government truly contoured to meet the needs of it's citizens.
What if the pregnancy "threatens" the mother's life
It is better to give a life than to take one, at least for an innocent person. A good mother would never decide to murder her baby to help insure she will live. A mother who does murder her baby to protect her life proves she wasn't a good mother in the first place. Look at how that unreasoning mother bear ferociously protects her cubs! A mother who has an abortion is worse than this bear. Such a mother also shows that if her child ever grew up and got into a situation where he or she must be saved, the mother wouldn't risk her life to save her child. This is a no good mother. Also, during a pregnancy, who knows whether the mother will die or not? Just because a doctor says it doesn't mean she will! There have been a score of cases where this liberal pony tail doctor urged the mother to get an abortion simply because he "thought" she wouldn't survived the pregnancy, and the woman refused, and didn't die. Again, getting an abortion is not even a sure way to prevent your death during pregnancy. There have been cases where women who had abortions died from the abortion. I couldn't feel sorry for them! Also, again, supposing the woman started the pregnancy, she knew the possibilities before she became pregnant. If you are afraid you are going to die from a child birth, don't get pregnant in the first place. If you do get pregnant, bear your own responsibility. You can't kill someone else for it.
Should I bomb the abortion clinic
No. If the government won't do it, leave it up to God. You are likely to do more harm than may even murder a pregnant woman and her baby yourself.
What can I do to fight against abortion
Talk about it with people. Get pictures and details on how it is done and press upon people the terrible things done during an abortion. Convict the consciousness of those who continue supporting or performing abortions. Teach your kids against abortion, and make them feel sorry for other kids who fall at the merciless hands of abortion. Vote against any candidate who supports abortion. If both support it, vote for the one who has the least favoritism for it, or don't vote at all.
Also, abortion can also lead to cancers and depressions. The mom has no right to kill the baby because the baby is not part of the mom! It had different blood type and everything. The only thing that connects the two is the ability cord.
Last edited by PinkHaired Mudokon CWR; 02-14-2002 at 11:36 AM..