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: What happens after we die?
Heaven or Hell. 9 23.68%
Reincarnation. 5 13.16%
Purgatory. 0 0%
Another world, an Afterlife. 4 10.53%
Nothingness. 12 31.58%
I have another theory. 8 21.05%
: 38.

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07-27-2007, 04:55 PM
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I'm sure I heard you sigh.

If I believe that you do not exist, am I right? No.
That had little to no relevance.

goto 10

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07-29-2007, 01:37 AM
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And the end is all I can see?
Nailed it. High five!
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Check out my band!

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07-29-2007, 01:49 AM
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I don't understand people who believe in Heaven/Hell. Why would you believe that the is somewhere bad to go?

Oh that's right, because you're told to.
I'm sorry, but that was one ignorant and thoughtless comment. If you can't except that people believe in this sort of stuff and should only follow what you believe in like some sort of communist society, STFU. Thank you.
"Losers always whine about their best. Winners go home and f*ck the prom queen!"

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07-29-2007, 09:21 AM
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The answer I believe is this: we are buried, our bodies rot and decay, then we just lie there in the shape of how we expect a zombie to look like until we have disintegrated. Unless, of course, you have been cremated.
A man walks into a zoo. There's nothing there but one dog. It was a shih-tzu.

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07-29-2007, 09:37 AM
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I'm sorry, but that was one ignorant and thoughtless comment. If you can't except that people believe in this sort of stuff and should only follow what you believe in like some sort of communist society, STFU. Thank you.

You can get offended if you want but it's not like he's wrong. Would you honestly believe that there is a lake of eternal torment waiting for your soul if noone had ever bothered to give you the "good news"? I think not.

My bowels hurt.

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07-29-2007, 06:53 PM
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I'd like to believe that there is a spiritual afterlife of some sort. Not a heaven perce, but a kind of spiritual plain of existance that is interwaved with the planet in some way. Like any normal humanbeing I don't like the idea of nothing being there when you die, even though the probability is there.

Here's a thinker btw; What if you're dead from a previous life right now and you just don't know it? What if this, this round hell we call earth, is the heaven (or more appropriate; hell), of a life you had before this one.
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When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

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07-30-2007, 08:05 AM
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I believe in Heaven, but not in Hell, because the church of the middle-age told us from demons and pain and the whole stupid sh*t. The christian should read the holy writing, if they want to believe in those things. Jesus never told us directly from Hell. He describe us a world of nothing and a world of cry.

@ Havocs thinker: That's a very interesting state.
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Last edited by Oddys; 07-30-2007 at 09:04 AM..
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07-31-2007, 10:11 AM
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I want to believe in a great beyond, but as for Heaven and Hell I think Hell was always used as a form of obedience to the masses. An all loving, all forgiving, all knowing God who condemns those who don't follow perfectly or follow the "One true path" in his footsteps...I see a flaw in this idea.

I was raised Roman Catholic and yes, it did provide me with a nice base for discovering more about life, ethics, morality, and the beyond. However, I doubt that any human can really contemplate the true nature of the afterlife, because in all honesty there is no universal binding idea of what happens and in the end it either is all explained or we go into nothingness.

I do believe in God, not sure whether it's the exact Christian one I was raised to believe in, or some form of higher being/power/energy. I can't really see this as all meaning anything but maybe death is but one step amongst a path, or that when it all ends we start back at the beginning in a perfect circle, I have no idea. As for Heaven and Hell...who's to say that this right now is not Hell or purgatory. Heaven seems romanticized quite a bit in all religions, but maybe that's the way it is. Regardless, excellent topic creation here.
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07-31-2007, 10:56 AM
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I believe in life after death, being an atheist/ignostic. But not the afterlife kind, nor reincarnation, nor resurrection, I mean actual life after your death.

My body will decay and be returned to the bottom of the ecosystem and be reincorporated into a multitude of living organisms, some of them people, just as matter that was part of me has been part of countless other people and other organisms.

This new life will also die and undergo the same process as I for as long as there is life of Earth. Some would argue that this is no afterlife, but you can't get more lively than actual life! The matter of my current body will go through countless individuals and species, most of which do not yet exist, until the sun becomes a red giant, possibly engulfing the planet, perhaps letting it into a wider orbit. Eventually the sun will die, and a catastrophic event in the vicinity will destroy the sun's white dwarf remnant and the Earth's cinder, and scatter me and everyone else across the cosmos as a beautiful supernova.

And with a bit of luck, become a new planet orbiting a new star that might just develop life....
^wat hee sed^

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08-01-2007, 10:25 AM
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I technically don't believe in a hell, so I put afterlife.
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08-02-2007, 12:07 AM
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I will burn in hell, because I am a bad person. I like to believe in heaven and hell, spices things up a bit.
As God is my rabbit, I'll never be hungry again.

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08-02-2007, 06:44 AM
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I believe there is such a thing as hell and reincarnation. But heaven is beyond my intrests for it just doesn't have the reality.

One theory mother brought up in the car one day was: If we all die and fade away forever, never to exist again, then why don't we all consider sin as much equal as goodwill and become a combination of both, if we know it won't affect us when we die?
Warped Wisecr4ck Wonders:
Why does hell tend to freeze over?

Last edited by Spirrow; 08-02-2007 at 06:53 AM..
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08-02-2007, 11:08 AM
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One theory mother brought up in the car one day was: If we all die and fade away forever, never to exist again, then why don't we all consider sin as much equal as goodwill and become a combination of both, if we know it won't affect us when we die?

It's either the fear of the possibility of it being real heaven and hell similar to "Pascal's Wager." Or there is the whole theory that we do have some form of morality that goes beyond religion, etc. that is all human beings. Ideas like Karma, etc. Some of the ideas of religion in purest form are great like the essential "goodness" of people and to take care of others and the earth leaving it better than you found it. Even if these are only sometimes implied.
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08-02-2007, 12:14 PM
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Yes, I hear you, Al.

What I said basically meant why do we bother being kind if can
just die and our spirits or souls fade away and never become conscious again
and we never have to know what damage we've caused.
Warped Wisecr4ck Wonders:
Why does hell tend to freeze over?

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08-02-2007, 03:19 PM
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I consider myself agnostic, but I typically lean towards the idea that we will all enter eternal, dreamless sleep some day. I really hope there's an afterlife of some sort, besides Hell that is. I try to focus on life the most, because if we really do just disappear when we die, then much of life is wasted if you spend most of it thinking about death.

Not necessarily. I mean, I'd say the single act of creating the universe is enough in itself for eternal thanks. For example, I personally just don't believe in divine intervention, but I would like to think that some sort of higher power kicked off this whole mess.

Arrogant as it is to pretend to know God's will, it is my belief that He wouldn't interfere with human affairs simply because He gave us free will. In other words, He wants us to make our own decisions, and divine intervention would essentially negate the point of free will, chance, and the consequences of our actions. At least, that's my opinion.


But then, of course, you get into the whole "God is dead" thing... and I really don't even want to touch that.
That's a pretty good way of putting it IMO, but then where do you base your faith in a higher power without a few specks of divine intervention here and there? Of course, a bolt of lightning could be considered divine intervention in those times I guess. Anyway, I'm very ignorant about religious history, so my own personal views is really all I have in the end.

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08-02-2007, 04:04 PM
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I consider myself agnostic, but I typically lean towards the idea that we will all enter eternal, dreamless sleep some day. I really hope there's an afterlife of some sort, besides Hell that is. I try to focus on life the most, because if we really do just disappear when we die, then much of life is wasted if you spend most of it thinking about death.
Then why are we just sitting here writing crappy posts? Yet most of the time common sense and a guilty conscience is what stops us. That's why we have them in the first place.
Warped Wisecr4ck Wonders:
Why does hell tend to freeze over?

Last edited by Spirrow; 08-02-2007 at 04:45 PM..
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