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: Do you have any homosexual friends?
Yes 19 48.72%
No, but I wouldn't care if I did 14 35.90%
No! I hate the buggers! 6 15.38%
: 39.

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02-01-2005, 02:55 AM
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The School I attend is rather, how should I say, more "feminine" than my previous School. I suspect a few people there are bending over backwards in more than one way, and it is so planely obvious, but I guess being more "feminine" people don't have to put on the huge acts as much. And our School is starting a Social Justice committee! Wheee! I'll be straight into that

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“Also, we don't need no Jacob to gay this place up. We have officially won the award for the forum with a highest proportion of gay members whilst not being themed about poojabbing, cowboys or Kylie.” - Nate

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02-03-2005, 05:59 AM
Gravity's Avatar
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Am I the alternative lifestyle magnet?

I've probably know at least 10 out of closet homosexuals, My best friend is Bi, as am I (I know what you're thinking, allow me to answer: NO!) And there are at least about twenty people who make the gaydar go off, including this really butch football player. I really only accuse him now so I can make fun of how nervous he gets. I remember I quoted this one comedian, about what closet homosexuals when they bash other gay people:

"I'm kicking your ass because I think you're hot, and I wanna lay you but I can't cause I'm not out of the closet yet...."<---- Funny.

As for my orientation, not many people know because I don't feel like hearing the ridicule. However if I feel someone that I know can accept it, or they've provent themselves worthy of knowing, I'll fess up.
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08-15-2006, 04:30 PM
: Jun 2006
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Not all Christians hate gays.I'm a Christian myself (surprise surprise) and I don't mind gays at all.The Bible (so what?I listen the the Bible,sue me) says we should not judge or hate.So that's what I do.If any other bastard says that Christians hate homosexuals,I'll wring they're scrawny necks...PHYSICALLY!

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08-15-2006, 04:43 PM
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ANGRY ELEPHANT, please don't revive old threads. This one has been dead for over a year.

In the spirit of things, my best friend is bi, my very good friend is a lesbian and my extremely beautiful friend from on here is gay. If it makes the people I love [and of course people I don't even know] happy then that's all that matters to me.

- Rexy

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08-15-2006, 04:50 PM
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I don't have any that I know of. A few of my friends might be secretly homosexual, but hardly anyone would dare to reveal such a thing about themselves in a town like this.

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08-15-2006, 06:01 PM
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Jeez, it has been an eventful time since this thread was last posted in. I now have a large number of gay friends. Most of my friends in the US are gay and I now have a couple here in Oz as well. Not to mention finding out certain pieces of information about friends I already had on this here internet thingy.

And yet I'm still single. Doesn't seem fair really.
Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

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08-15-2006, 06:08 PM
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*statements retracted*

I was going to say something, but last time I did, Doughnut yelled at me.

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08-15-2006, 07:52 PM
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I was thinking "WTF? Why is this thread here?"

ANywho, um...I know a few gay people, none of them are my "friends" but they're more of just aquaintances that hang out with the same peeps I do. I know many Bi people though

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08-15-2006, 09:36 PM
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I have a friend who is Bi. I dunno anyone who is gay though... I think.
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08-16-2006, 02:09 AM
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I don't have any friends. Sad but true. I sort of wondered about the one I used to have, though. This was before I knew about the whole metro thing. He gamed a lot and then he got a girlfriend so all doubt was gone in my mind.
R.I.P. H.S.T.

I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.

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08-16-2006, 02:14 AM
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The entire population of OWF.
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08-16-2006, 02:22 AM
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Hey guys, just a question. Don't you think it doesn't depend on the sexuality that they can love one an other?

Well, I think so.

(I'm hetero indeed but I don't care homos or bisexuals.)
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08-16-2006, 03:43 AM
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Hey guys, just a question. Don't you think it doesn't depend on the sexuality that they can love one an other?
Yes! Who you are physically attracted to determines sexuality, not the other way around. But that's a different discussion…

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08-16-2006, 03:58 AM
munchman92's Avatar
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there isn't anything wrong with having homosexual freinds its just a difference to who they fancy. i don't mind having one, one of my best friends is gay....
www.dandamanwiththemasterplan.piczo.com like to see you find a longer piczo site name

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08-16-2006, 07:44 AM
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Yes! Who you are physically attracted to determines sexuality, not the other way around. But that's a different discussion…
I'm sure love is not sex but a warmness in the heart of everyone.

And now I don't post in this thread anymore...
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08-16-2006, 11:41 AM
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I suppose MF counts as an online friend. So I guess that means one confirmed.

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08-17-2006, 06:00 PM
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Yeah, a couple. Stupid little gaybos, both of them!
Hang on... I'm counting dates on my fingers.
Life! Death! Prizes!

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08-18-2006, 09:28 AM
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Quiet you!
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08-18-2006, 12:26 PM
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I'm sure love is not sex but a warmness in the heart of everyone.
Again, yes. However, sexuality is determined by physical attraction. You can desire sex from someone you don't love and love someone you wouldn't have sex with.

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08-18-2006, 01:06 PM
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There are different kinds of love, though.


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08-18-2006, 01:43 PM
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You are saying that desiring and love can split?

1)So someone can desire sex with guy, 2)and be inloved with a girl?
Is 1) counting or 2)?
Is that person hetero or homo or bisexual?
My opinion is:
We are social specie, and we need friends. Love is just a friendship mixed with sexual attraction . Practicaly, love is no 'warmness', just a natural call for having sex to make new babies who will also have sex ..(how romatic I am).

The thing that I just typed is realistic, or at least I think so. Love is just a fairy-tail [sp]
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08-18-2006, 01:49 PM
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You are saying that desiring and love can split?

1)So someone can desire sex with guy, 2)and be inloved with a girl?
Is 1) counting or 2)?
Is that person hetero or homo or bisexual?
It all depends on what you consider "love" to actually be. Whether it be a strong, deep familial love; raging, burning erotica; or quite possibly "true" love; love thriving primarily on the emotional bond between two people. There are many kinds of love.

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08-18-2006, 01:56 PM
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For some reason it says i've posted in this topic...have i?

Anyway - i'd say sexuality is based on attraction. For instance, i could bum a girl's Vagina and still be Gay, 'cos i wouldn't be attracted to her.

Sexuality is so complicated, made even worse by societies dictation of it.

America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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08-18-2006, 02:16 PM
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Yes, blame the society. Civilization made a simple things so complicated.
In nature (where is everything so simple) you can't find Homo or bi. That means no inteligence-no civilization-only hetero. Being homo is a need to try something different, unusal and also a need of particular person to belong to a group.
No inteligence- no needs like that ; inteligence- having needs like that

I could talk about this whole night..........but no.
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08-18-2006, 02:52 PM
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"you can't find Homo or bi [in nature]"

Of course not, Chuckles. Yeh. Course.

America: So soaked in Religion its seething with Sin.

"In Heaven all the interesting people are missing" - Friedrich Nietzsche

"America is the most grandiose experiment the world has seen, but, I am afraid, it is not going to be a success." - Sigmund Freud

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08-18-2006, 11:00 PM
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Yes, blame the society. Civilization made a simple things so complicated.
In nature (where is everything so simple) you can't find Homo or bi. That means no inteligence-no civilization-only hetero. Being homo is a need to try something different, unusal and also a need of particular person to belong to a group.
No inteligence- no needs like that ; inteligence- having needs like that

I could talk about this whole night..........but no.

Why did I never see this before. People choose to become gay because they have no friends and they like to be a part of this wierd and wonderful counter-culture which is reviled and legally discriminated against!

Oh, and this.

Spending as long as I do here, it's easy to forget that Oddworld has actual fans.

Last edited by Nate; 08-18-2006 at 11:03 PM..
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08-19-2006, 12:54 AM
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Oh, and this.
Didn't know. I'm not a proff.

Well you consider me idiot just because I have and also posted my opinion. Idiot is someone who do not has any opinion about nothing.

Please, your trys to have a sarcastic (or Dino posts, how do you call that) are disgusting[sp]! Do not be so childish!

Last edited by Dusan; 08-19-2006 at 07:49 AM..
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08-19-2006, 03:42 AM
Mutual Friend
Outlaw Cutter
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Yes, blame the society. Civilization made a simple things so complicated.
In nature (where is everything so simple) you can't find Homo or bi. That means no inteligence-no civilization-only hetero. Being homo is a need to try something different, unusal and also a need of particular person to belong to a group.
No inteligence- no needs like that ; inteligence- having needs like that

I could talk about this whole night..........but no.
You couldn't even talk about it then. I can barely understand what you're actually getting at, so learn some ****ing English if you want to spout some proper, grade A bullshit.

These are new highs of idiocy for you, Jeremy.
Life! Death! Prizes!

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08-19-2006, 03:52 AM
E'l Scrabino's Avatar
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I thought his name was Dusan?
@ Dusan (Jeremy?):
Whaddya mean, no intelligence? Does that mean straight people are dumb? Seriously, what you said meant that most of the worlds population are complete idiots! Think before you post shit like that next time.
Statikk HDM is t3h pantz
The Albino Scrab, the ancient RPG.

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08-19-2006, 04:29 AM
Mutual Friend
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No, Dusan is a screen name, Jeremy is his real name.

And he wasn't saying heterosexual people are stupid. I think he was saying that to be gay is a conscious decision, a synthetic thing, based on people's insecurities and whatnot. Where as heterosexuality is natural and normal and needs no conscious thought, i.e. "no intelligence".

That's how I deciphered his ramblings anyway.

Although if he had of said that most of the world's population are complete idiots, it'd hardly be inaccurate.
Life! Death! Prizes!

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