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07-17-2004, 07:40 AM
TheRaisin's Avatar
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People who are intolerant of other people. I hate those people.

My friends. They're all idiots. Absolute idiots. And jerks.

I'll bet I could think of more, but it's summer right now and I still have a month and one third until I have to go back to school so I'm feeling pretty mellow.
Step right up and shoot pasties off the nipples of a ten-foot bull dyke! Win a cotton candy goat!

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07-17-2004, 08:08 AM
Codek's Avatar
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That bastard arch-nemisis toaster of mine is playing up again. It has managed to fuck me over consistantly for an entire fully consecutive month, by getting the toast stuck in its poorly designed japanese holdy-bits. I have to turn it off at the socket (because it stays on and keeps cooking if it doesn't pop up), turn it upside down, and shake out the toast.

You'd think I wouldn't bothered with going to all the effort to get myself pissed off in the name of a full stomach each morning, and would grill my toast instead. But I can't be bothered to use the grill. So instead I wrestle with my korean kackwarmer and leave home in a bad mood. And it fuckity fuck fucking pisses me off.

The deck on my riding mower is assed up again leaving big scalp marks along the yard. I didn't punch it to death, but I did turn it over with great force in the back yard.

A week ago. I caught Merlin letting his dog piss on a low hanging branch of my peach tree. I was pissed right off then but I'm finding peace today. I have a Wal-Mart sack that blew into my yard from his and I'm going to fill it with peaches from that branch and take them to him today.
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07-17-2004, 08:41 AM
oddguy's Avatar
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That bastard arch-nemisis toaster of mine is playing up again.
Aren't you wealthy? A toaster isn't much moolah. It'd be worth it in the long run, because you could leave home everyday in a peaceful mood.

A week ago. I caught Merlin letting his dog piss on a low hanging branch of my peach tree. I was pissed right off then but I'm finding peace today. I have a Wal-Mart sack that blew into my yard from his and I'm going to fill it with peaches from that branch and take them to him today.
Who is this 'his' guy? Your neighbor?
Anyway, you're taking him pissed-on-peaches...how kind of you! Remind me not to let the wind carry things of mine over to your yard!


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07-17-2004, 08:42 AM
TheRaisin's Avatar
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That would be hard, considering you are separated by a continent and an ocean.
Step right up and shoot pasties off the nipples of a ten-foot bull dyke! Win a cotton candy goat!

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07-17-2004, 11:57 AM
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Ahhh! I've dreamt of such a place. I guess the random shit my computer comes up with is the only thing that's pissing me off, right now. In fact, it hasn't fucked up for about 10 minutes, which is pretty goddamned impressive. I'm sure it's on its last legs. It hasn't errored in the middle of vital work being unsaved, though, so I'm not so much hopping about the room in furious agony as being somewhat melancholy about the whole situation.

Arg, pointless family day out tomorrow. Arg! Forgot to phone Jonny! *cries*

I am *so* going to need this thread from day to day. *hugs Codek for his foresight*

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07-17-2004, 12:12 PM
Codek's Avatar
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Aren't you wealthy? A toaster isn't much moolah. It'd be worth it in the long run, because you could leave home everyday in a peaceful mood.

Who is this 'his' guy? Your neighbor?
Anyway, you're taking him pissed-on-peaches...how kind of you! Remind me not to let the wind carry things of mine over to your yard!

But this is the thing, I don't want to leave home every day in a peaceful mood. The very thought of doing such makes me feel physically ill. I love the toaster really - it gives me a reason to rant and make myself feel tons better.

Oh, and by "his" I mean the Apesteins next door. I should really say "her", because I haven't a fucking clue as to who's married to the bitch and who's not, since the last I heard was her huge-husband was dying of cancer or something. Whether he's dead now or not is unclear, but the last thing I saw of any males beyond the age of 30 at that house was some complete ass who decided he would take a piss over the wall into my garden.

The penis-potshot was quite evidently a drunken one, but I was pissed off nonetheless. I'm still a bit annoyed that I didn't make him come out and clean it up, but I'm quite content with the fact that I've increased the height of the wall on my side to well over 6 foot, which not only blots out the light on their side, but looks ugly on their side, since all I've done is attatch a 6 foot 6 inch wood panel fence to my side of the wall. And if the gibbonfuckers next door start complaining, well maybe we could make arrangements for a urinal to be constructed there instead.
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07-17-2004, 12:24 PM
Oddish's Avatar
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My comp is being a bit unfair, well it is, it needs inprovments.

"For us, it's not about muscle bound characters with big guns. It's about little guys "
~ Lorne Lanning 15/02/2000
"We knew there were more of us out there, and were gunna find them!" ~ Abe

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07-17-2004, 08:17 PM
Dipstikk's Avatar
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Things that piss Dipstikk off: The top 10-or-so
10: Teenage girls who talk like, "Oh...my god. And I was like 'Yakyakyak', and he was all 'Yakyakyakyak,' and I was all 'OH MY GOD, no WAY!'"
9. People who find everything bright and sunny. "Prettyyyyy...Flowerrrrrr...Butterflyyyyyyy"
8. Thoes jackasses in the excersize equipment commercials.
7. Mammals in general. Especially the human species. What? I can't hate my own species?
6. People who think reptiles are ICKY ICKY POOPIE POOOOOOOO. Here, lemme introduce you to my friend, mr. Ophiophagus hannah, A.K.A. the King Cobra.
5. People who don't give jack diddly about dinosaurs.
4. Creationists.
3. People who love Jurassic Park and draw their "KEWL RAPTURZ" according to Spielburg's model.
2.Furries. Furries are pasty 30-year-olds who dress up as animals because they believe they are the animals they portray. Oh, and they draw nothing but wolves/wolf anthros/their stupid pathetic anthro character because they think OMG ITS SO KAWAIIII!!!!!
1. People who suck. Yeah, eat THAT generalizaton.

Those are my hates.
Untill next time, watch your frickin' back!

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07-17-2004, 08:27 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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2.Furries. Furries are pasty 30-year-olds who dress up as animals because they believe they are the animals they portray. Oh, and they draw nothing but wolves/wolf anthros/their stupid pathetic anthro character because they think OMG ITS SO KAWAIIII!!!!!
I saw something about that on CSI or Law and Order. One of those crime shows. Weird stuff.


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07-17-2004, 08:29 PM
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I saw something about that on CSI or Law and Order. One of those crime shows. Weird stuff.

BWAHAHAHA! "Caught in the act of banging a cat!"

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07-18-2004, 12:03 AM
Killa_47's Avatar
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I hate crime shows, they just suck badly, especially The Bill now that pisses me off.

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07-18-2004, 04:25 AM
Codek's Avatar
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UK Gold is pretty annoying too.

Actually I'm suprising myself here at how much I really hate TV for how lame and shit it is. The only reason I have TV is so I can watch the Simpsons while I eat my lunch.

EDIT: Oh yeah, and loan/insurance/compensation adverts fucking piss me off too. Not only is their pitch bad, unoriginal, and poorly acted, but often most of it is just acted and none of the "scenarios" are real.
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07-18-2004, 04:27 AM
oddguy's Avatar
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I hate reality game show type things. They've really gone over the top with them and pretty much ruined television in my opinion.


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07-18-2004, 04:31 AM
Codek's Avatar
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Bah, TV has always been lame Oddguy. It's never been good.

Pretty soon I'm going to stop watching TV and just buy my favourite series whenever they come out on DVD. (and hopefully they won't get stuck in the player)
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07-18-2004, 09:41 AM
The Red Muse's Avatar
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Oh, and it pisses me off when Muse keep saying they might split up.
Don't say that! Evil Fez!!


I'm quite upset because I don't have any money.

My parents are bloody idiots, they don't trust me one bit. What's wrong with drinking?

I've spend all my money on booze and pot.

I actually started using pot again. And I thought I've gotten over the shite.

My boyfriend is going out of town tomorrow and there's no saying that when he'll be back.

I'm hungry.

...shaky too...

There's only one month summer vacation left.

Can't write properly anymore.

K-lite doesn't work. Bastard.

My PC is full of trojans and adware.

My cellphone is busted.

This is all I can come up with the moment.
~[:: Surrender your cookies and you shall not be harmed! ::]~

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07-18-2004, 10:17 AM
Sekto Springs's Avatar
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When I stub my toe.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

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07-18-2004, 10:41 AM
Codek's Avatar
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This morning I was attempting to warm up a Ginsters pasty in the microwave oven. Not to actually heat it, just to get it to room temperature. I overcooked it and it heated up to way beyond room temperature, which caused it to go soggy with grease, and that made it taste absolutely disgusting. So I had to throw my lunch in the bin, which really fucked with that part of the day because I didn't have anything else to eat.

My toaster is still being a bastard.

The door of my freezer finally fell off today and fuckered four kitchen tiles when it landed as well as nearly wasting me (or at least causing great pain) as it fell. So I'm going to take that chinese crapchiller to the refridgerator disposal center today, and I am fully intending to push it off the back of the pickup with great force.
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07-18-2004, 10:41 AM
Cyber-Slig's Avatar
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What pisses me off?People who cant resist making gynormous loud noises when they eat.Its like an old man trying to get saliva
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07-18-2004, 12:29 PM
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People who chew with their mouth open. It's not so much disgusting - it's just the most fucking irritating noise ever. Most people have lips - USE THEM!! *stress*

Jonny wasn't home today. That pisses me off. He's probably gone on holiday. "Hey Jonny, let's go on a date." "Sure. Give me a day, and I'll not book anything else for that day." "Okay, Monday." "Okay. *goes and arranges trip to Gabon for Monday*"

*sigh* I can take a hint.

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07-18-2004, 02:18 PM
Codek's Avatar
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I feel your pain, max. A while ago I asked for my friend to come over and stay at my house for the weekend. He was also bringing along my other friend, John. He spent all of Friday (the day he was supposed to come), waiting for John to get home so he could ring him, so that he could get to his house, so that he could come with my friend to my house.

And it gets worse, he waited until 6pm for John to arrive home, and I had to call him to let him know that there is a very strong possibility that John won't be able to get here before dark anyway, and that he should just stop waiting for John and come on over anyway. He agreed, and went to go ask his dad if he could drive him over. He came back upstairs to the phone, to tell me that he had, and I quote, "opened a can of lager and cannot drive". So naturally I said "OK, I'll come over in my car and pick you up", to which he responded "No we can't, my dad doesn't like me going anywhere unless he takes me".

I just shook my head, sighed and said "OK". We arranged for him to come to my house on Saturday. So Saturday comes and I get everything ready for him to get here like I did on Friday, and stay in the house to wait for him to either call or knock at the door. Minutes pass, then hours, then it hits the 10-11pm deadline, so I decide to give my friend a call. He answers the phone in an increadibly pathetic voice, and tells me that he is "not feeling too good". I asked him why he didn't phone me, and what he is doing up if he isn't feeling well - he said "ugh... I only just got up, I've been asleep until now". He was fine the day before, and now he is suddenly ill, and is coincidentally standing by the telephone, out of bed, when I just happen to phone him up.

I gave him a really good bollocking about being annoyed because I have to stay in the house and wait for him to either phone or knock, which means I can't go out and do anything and he wastes my time and my day. And I also waste a lot of time and effort by getting things ready for him to get here when he didn't even turn up.

I won't bother arranging for him to come here any more.
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07-18-2004, 05:32 PM
Majic's Avatar
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My lady friend I enjoy talking to is gone for two weeks.
I'm out of Tic-Tacs. Think I still have some Altoids or Orbit somewhere... Need... Minty freshness...
I'm running low on cash, and there's still many months until Christmas.
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07-18-2004, 06:41 PM
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My neighbors are into S n' M and every few nights I hear moaning and orgasms and all that rot for hours on end. It sucks, almost as much as the rabbit. Lucky for me they're not doing it under my crawl space and I managed to ignore it.
I bought some powdered water, but didn't know what to add.

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07-18-2004, 11:00 PM
ClaireBear's Avatar
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A week ago. I caught Merlin letting his dog piss on a low hanging branch of my peach tree. I was pissed right off then but I'm finding peace today. I have a Wal-Mart sack that blew into my yard from his and I'm going to fill it with peaches from that branch and take them to him today.

Peach trees?



Have you moved to America? I thought you were a Russian living in London?

Is it another of your "lucky bugger" holidays?
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07-18-2004, 11:06 PM
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Like in the Gaffiti thread and you didn't even say anything about her.
Oh... you mean like where I decided for the benefit of our younger posters to point out that it is considered a criminal act to spray you artwork on public property!

Then went on to compliment all who'd posted there on their excellent grafitti art....

Yeah that kind of mature, caring and sensible act is a real annoyance!!!!! NOT!
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07-19-2004, 12:25 AM
the brew master's Avatar
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double posting.........

Whats stopping you?

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07-19-2004, 12:35 AM
Coiled Ice's Avatar
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Shit that pisses me off:
I have no money.
I feel like my friends are constantly using me.
People that have nothing better to do in their fucked up lives but to pick on people because of the way they want to dress and the music they want to listen to. Just leave me alone, for fucks sake.
Some teachers. Like Mrs Dickinson. But, luckily, I don't have her anymore, so now that doesn't piss me off. But some other teachers are real idiots.
Hmm, I'll just say school in general.
Not having a job. (Not that I've really tried to get one, but still!)
CD's/DVD's costing so damn much.
When no one is on MSN messenger...

Hmm, I'm sure there is more, but at the moment, that's all that is pissing me off...
Dear God if you were alive, you know we'd kill you...

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08-06-2004, 09:16 AM
Statikk HDM's Avatar
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You know what I hate? Being 17. No car license yet, can't gamble, can't smoke,can't have sex, drink, vote, go to bars and strip clubs, or buy R rated movies and CDs without odd looks and being carded. Oh, and I can't get my money from the bank, buy a car without my Mommy's permission, and I still have to live with my two dipshit, maladjusted brothers.
R.I.P. H.S.T.

I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.

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08-06-2004, 09:35 AM
Mac the Janitor's Avatar
Mac the Janitor
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I hate how jerky people are for no reason. You know, the kind who have to make others feel bad to feel good themselves. It's horrible, and I see the nicest, friendliest poeple who don't deserve it getting bashed and crap. Agh, I hate it.

Oh, and people who spend their entire life judging other people by their music taste, cos of course the music THEY like is just the best ever and makes them better than everyone else. Just because someone doesn't like the exact same music they do means that they are a horrible person and they automatically hate them and spread rumors and crap.

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08-06-2004, 11:09 AM
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Yeah, I've got some friends who have downright awful musical taste but Im still tight with 'em. Rooming last year was quite weird with him into bugglegum pop music and me heavy metal and thrash music. One day we had a stereo duel and lets just say Exodus whupped Hanson's ASS!
R.I.P. H.S.T.

I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.

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08-06-2004, 11:15 AM
Statikk HDM's Avatar
Statikk HDM
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I'll use this thread to bitch about people who irk me. I'm gonna kick it off with a "rant" about why I think Dennis Miller is douchebag hack. Dennis Miller used to be one of my favorite comics. Though he was always slanted to the left he ripped into both political parties with savage, biting wit. That was pre-9-11. Post 9-11 this guy's morphed into a simpering little pussy who just doesn't have the balls or the common sense to tear Dubya the new asshole he so richly deserves. Also, how can I forgive this Emmy-winning artist for his shitty, suck-balls propaganda-fest on MSNBC? He is pale shadow of his former brilliant self and he needs to let it go. To Dennis: You. Are. Not. Funny. Can't you just go toss Toby Keith's salad and leave me and the rest of America alone. That's my opinion, and there is no way in hell that I am wrong!
R.I.P. H.S.T.

I wanna have El Scrabino's man babies.

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