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Codek 07-16-2004 11:30 AM

Random Shit That Pisses Me Off
Some asshole miles away in London pretty much expected me to accept that I made a bad decision by repairing a £10 encoder coupling rather than replacing the whole fucking spindle drive.

I lost count of how many pickup trucks I saw today with shirtless toddlers standing up in the seat without seatbelts.

My goddamn freezer won't defrost.

AOL is proving to be too damn slow for my liking. I'm probably going to end up switching to BT by the end of this month.

Contrary to popular socialist belief, you can't legislate common sense.

My freezer problems are fuckering my icecream sandwiches and my beer is almost warm.

There is a disk stuck in my DVD player.

I probably won't punch either machine to death, even though they've both earned themselves a jolly good metalbending.

It's dark now and I'm still not completely pissed off. That pisses me off.

Lucipher 07-16-2004 11:35 AM

You sound pissed off.

Killa_47 07-16-2004 11:45 AM

I guess your trying to get these things off your head.

Codek 07-16-2004 11:47 AM


You sound pissed off.

I managed to get the disk out of the DVD player with a bare minimum of violence, so I'm less pissed off than you might think. It's just been one of those days where I can't remember what I walked into the kitchen for.

Oh, also, 3 doors up, the new neighbours have finally moved in after the previous owner moved out because the apesteins next door were running an illigitimate childminding business, which consequentially lowered the value of the entire street by about £5000, and made it about as desireable to live in as being within a 100 meter proximity of a sewage treatment plant.

They were making a horrendous amount of noise while moving furniture and other domestic items into their house at the most rediculous hours of the night. It went on way past 10 pm. I was in a good mind to go round and ask them why exactly the good lord didn't bless these poor souls with the fucking sense to realise that it probably would've made a better impression if they'd got the "moving in" done during the day-time. But for some reason I didn't, and figured that if they were stupid enough to do that shit in the middle of the night then they might just be stupid enough to try and assault me for "getting funny" with them.

WiLL the Wander 07-16-2004 11:50 AM

Random thing, eh?

One second power cuts. These are almost kill my Pc...

When somebody calls me "crippled" (or sg...)

When I try concentrate and somebody always talk to me...

Killa_47 07-16-2004 11:51 AM

Ok you are damn pissed off.

Codek 07-16-2004 12:00 PM

I also can't stand it when people don't take a hint and STFU. Even if that hint is "STFU!". That really ticks me off. ClaireBear does it all the time, she'll say something stupid and then I'll point out that it's stupid, then she goes off on some fucking crusade, trying to ultimately prove her innocence and worthyness like she is on trial and like the forum is a fucking courthouse. "must... protect... public image... at all costs..." It's probably the most effective way to completely fuck over a really good thread. And it pisses me off.

It's also worth noting that she does this whenver she takes a joke the wrong way, whenever she is mentioned, and whenever I say anything about her that is even a tiny bit negative, no matter how true it is.

YES. I'm fully and completely pissed off now. Thankyou God, my day is complete.

SeaRex 07-16-2004 12:45 PM

My Xbox is broken. The Middle Eastern customer service guy at Microsoft says that they won't be able to recover the game files. I have no memory card. I will never trust hard drives again.

I have to go back to work tomorrow. That kinda makes me mad... kinda.

Al the Glukkon 07-16-2004 12:52 PM


I also can't stand it when people don't take a hint and STFU. Even if that hint is "STFU!". That really ticks me off. ClaireBear does it all the time, she'll say something stupid and then I'll point out that it's stupid, then she goes off on some ****ing crusade, trying to ultimately prove her innocence and worthyness like she is on trial and like the forum is a ****ing courthouse. "must... protect... public image... at all costs..." It's probably the most effective way to completely **** over a really good thread. And it pisses me off.

Like in the Gaffiti thread and you didn't even say anything about her.

One thing that really pisses me off is when people yell at me while I'm bike riding from the safety of their cars.

Codek 07-16-2004 01:56 PM

My computer has developed the rather irritating habit of locking up completely for short, 10 to 60 second periods of total non-response. Clicking on things doesn't do anything. This really pisses me off, since I like my computer to do what it's told rather than put its' hands over its' ears every five minutes.

SeaRex 07-16-2004 02:47 PM

Update on my pissy whiney mood...

Xbox Live agents are total jerkwad nerds. Don't you "Yeah..." me, you son of bitch.

My hard drive is shot. All games gone. Everything. All of those wasted hours of my life... wasted! :D

Time to buy a new box. Le sigh. At least I can revive me Xbox Live account.

Codek 07-16-2004 02:56 PM


Update on my pissy whiney mood...

Xbox Live agents are total jerkwad nerds. Don't you "Yeah..." me, you son of bitch.

My hard drive is shot. All games gone. Everything. All of those wasted hours of my life... wasted! :D

Time to buy a new box. Le sigh. At least I can revive me Xbox Live account.

That's really gay. :laugh:

God I love saying that, haha, makes me laugh every time.

Now if only I hadn't calmed down. I'm going to go back to look at my freezer again, that should piss me off.

sligster 07-16-2004 02:57 PM

I can't lay most of my computer games now, because when I start to do stuff, my comp locks up to where I can't do anything. I can't click, I can't type, and the screen is frozen. I clean the discs, and I uninstall/reinstall, but that only worked for Halo... all the other games still do this...

The fact that my sis is having a massive multi-day sleep over at our house right now also pisses me off, for more than one reason.

I am not allowed to hook up my Xbox Live after I've had the damn starter disc for years now.... but soon, I will have it up.... mabey....

Me best bud moved to New York... wtf.... this is both irritating and depressing...

My uncle's girlfriend got hooked on drugs and stole a bunch of my families belongings and shit... but at least she didn't touch my stuff... but me grandmother losing 1700 bucks worth of stuff kinda pisses me off... and she did all this under our noses... we didn't even realize she was stealing till a few weeks ago... sneaky devil...

along with other things that I will not go into detail right now...

Disgruntled Intern 07-16-2004 03:02 PM

My hours were cut from 40 to twenty a week at work. This pisses me off because I really like my job. A lot.

My CD drive refuses to read my digital camera's software CD...thing. I took about three hundred really awesome pictures in the past month and I can't fuckering [I like that.] upload them.

My drivers side window is broken. This is irritating.

It's hot. It's always hot. I live in a god damned cultivated desert, and I'm tired of it.

I thought it was only going to be me and my lady friend seeing gravy train on the 22nd, but it turns out she's bringing two of her god damned moronic friends. Great.

People won't stop calling and IMing me. I want to scream.

Codek 07-16-2004 03:05 PM

Oh god that fucking freezer, it's doing to me what every single George Bush public announcement makes me want to do. Punch someone/something.

When I went to go check on it I found a big puddle under the door. That useless box finally defrosted itself, all at once. Is it just me or does modern-day technology somehow know what pisses me off?

Now if you'll excuse me, I have a mess to mop up...

the brew master 07-16-2004 03:24 PM

hmmm.....things that piss me off.........

dumb asses that ask dumb questions and make them sleves look like dumb asses

my old computer which was a ****ing piece of shit...........but now i got a new comp

this girl at school who likes me and won't take the hint that i don't like her!

this guy in my class whos a ****ing idoit whos ****ing annoying.....not only that but he accepts it and continues to do what hes doing

my stupid 56k internet connection........i can't download anything or play any of my games online....except for like icewind dale and baldurs gate 2.......but thats it

theres more to come.........im sure of it

Fez 07-16-2004 10:21 PM

A-ha! finally a place to list what I hate.

My lawnmower, its fast and efficient. But if it gets the tinyest bit overful it spews out its entire contents in a 20 metre zone. Very irritating.

My strimmer, I could never get that thing to start to save my life.


The horrible lack of Placebo B-sides on the internet.

When ever something good happens to me, it will only last a week at most, very irritating.

the stupid amounts of power cuts our house gets.

Hypocrits as parents.

My lack of money, and general bad luck when it comes to finding a job. Guess i'll have to work with Luc.....

Steam, it ruined CS.

Muse, for being to damn good you get addicted to them.

oddguy 07-16-2004 11:21 PM


The Middle Eastern customer service guy at Microsoft

Holy crap! :flames: Customer service people that are stupid really kills me. I had a problem with my internet...so I call SBC and they send me to India.

"My name is Bob! What is zee traking code on zee back ya computa, sir?"
*I give him the number*
"Okay. I will relay zee code back to you and you vill confirm...okay? F as in Foolish? T as in Tampering? 5? 8? C as in Cucumber...etc"

You get the idea. They drive me crazy! :rant:

By the by...the technical error was SBC's fault turned out. How ironic. I went through all the guys dumb steps, that I had allready taken on my own, and found out what I already knew. Lovely.

-oddguy :cool:

Fez 07-17-2004 12:37 AM

Oh, and it pisses me off when Muse keep saying they might split up.

Lucipher 07-17-2004 01:50 AM

When I walk 2 miles from ferill's house to mine and I get moaned at! It's 2 miles of course I'm late! And maybe I wouldn't be late if my mum stopped being lazy and picked me up from the house! And then I got shouted at for arguing and getting annoyed! I can't help getting annoyed! I'ts human nature! iT CAN'T BE BLOODY HELPED!

Codek 07-17-2004 03:00 AM

I feel like I need to get something done today but I don't know what it is.

I can't find a certain pair of jeans. Which pisses me off because they probably stink and need washing.

Killa_47 07-17-2004 03:12 AM


I can't find a certain pair of jeans. Which pisses me off because they probably stink and need washing.

That's happened 3 days in a row now for me!

When i can't make a decent graffiti.

Hobo 07-17-2004 03:40 AM

No-one looking at my Ebay items.

Dammit, they're only 10p!

Codek 07-17-2004 03:53 AM


No-one looking at my Ebay items.

Dammit, they're only 10p!

What are you selling?

Hobo 07-17-2004 04:01 AM

Stuff that I bought without thinking about it:

Nickelback - Silverside up (alright quality, but I just hate the album)
Gorillaz - G Sides (Same as above)
Limp Bizkit - Chocolate Starfish and the hotdog flavoured water (God what was I thinking)

And C&C Tiberian Sun & Firestorm Add-on pack.

10p each. I am gonna put more sutff up this week but I don't want to have to post everything at once. Too much hastle.

Codek 07-17-2004 04:27 AM

I'd just bury it all in a shallow grave somewhere. :laugh:

No wonder nobody's touching it.

Hobo 07-17-2004 04:28 AM

Yeah it's crap I know. But some idiot out there might give me cash for it.

*looks for Peter*

Fez 07-17-2004 04:49 AM

Can I buy your Red Hot Chillis album you hate. The new Best Of one....

SeaRex 07-17-2004 05:46 AM


Holy crap! :flames: Customer service people that are stupid really kills me.

He wasn't really stupid... just hard to understand. He didn't put S's on the end of plural stuff.

"My manager says there is little chance that all of you saved game can be recovered."

I almost said something, but I knew what he meant. Didn't want to give him a hard time, you know?

Hobo 07-17-2004 07:24 AM


Can I buy your Red Hot Chillis album you hate. The new Best Of one....


It's mine I say