As Alf so very clearly stated: Dear Alf
O.K. Listen up, the answer to most of your questions is this: Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee is an exclusive title for the Xbox. Exclusive means ONLY on the Xbox. Not another console, only the Xbox. OK?. Get it? Got it? Good! - Alf
Start facing the music, and Munch is just the tip of the ice berg, wait till you see next years games, I have and wow, is the best way to explain them. Anyways, even if it did come to PC next year,........ that's next year.By then a whole new generation of games will be hitting. Well It's Munch and me with 5.1 Dolby surround sound on a big fat extra large HDTV this November 15th. The XBOX will already be paying dividends, go figure.