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09-03-2003, 05:07 AM
oddguy's Avatar
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Hey, I thought I'd share this site with you that sells officialy licensed LOTR swords, since halloween is coming up soon.

Click here!

Like what you see? There's a lot more!

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09-03-2003, 12:51 PM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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Those look cool! Do they have "Glamdring?" I was looking for it, but I didn't see it. Maybe I missed it! I want to be Gandalf for Halloween! I'm very lame and still do the Halloween thing. But hey, you get candy! *Insert evil laughter* <-----He doesn't look evil! They should make an evil laughing Oddcon! That's better!

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09-03-2003, 07:43 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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Nothing's wrong with Haloween! I'm going to get free candy from people till' I'm old and wrinkly!


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09-03-2003, 07:59 PM
MasterChief's Avatar
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are those swords like "real?" like i mean made form iron or steel or wutever, cuz if they were id definitly get some, but ne way everyon should see the 12 min preview of ROTK, it definitly looks better than the first two and u all know the battle of minis tirith is going to be INSANLY huge but the actual numbers of uriks/orcs at Helms deep was 10,000.... and Minis tirith ther will be about 200,00 thousand uriks/orcs and more, the wringwraiths will be battleing along side the orcs too whicih looks awesome. and does ne1 know if the fellowship meets back up in the end of ROTK? cuz i really hope they do
make love.

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09-03-2003, 08:48 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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Originally posted by MasterChief
are those swords like "real?" like i mean made form iron or steel or wutever, cuz if they were id definitly get some.


but ne way everyon should see the 12 min preview of ROTK, it definitly looks better than the first two and u all know the battle of minis tirith is going to be INSANLY huge but the actual numbers of uriks/orcs at Helms deep was 10,000.... and Minis tirith ther will be about 200,00 thousand uriks/orcs and more, the wringwraiths will be battleing along side the orcs too whicih looks awesome.
I have seen the preview for ROTK, and it looks awesome!

does ne1 know if the fellowship meets back up in the end of ROTK? cuz i really hope they do
In the book they do.

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09-04-2003, 02:42 PM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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Yeah, the preveiw does look awesome! Frodo even said that itwas his favorite out of the rest!

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09-06-2003, 03:59 AM
MasterChief's Avatar
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MasterChief  (9)

ya those swords are definitly cool, ya in the preview everyone says and acts like ROTK is their favorite, and it looks like it will be mine too. although it will kinda suck when its all over
make love.

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09-06-2003, 04:08 AM
oddguy's Avatar
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I don't want it to be over either. Hey, wouldn't it be cool if in the future they made "The Hobbit" into a film?! That would be awesome!


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09-06-2003, 03:32 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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Originally posted by oddguy
I don't want it to be over either. Hey, wouldn't it be cool if in the future they made "The Hobbit" into a film?! That would be awesome!

Ian Mckellen said he definately would be a part of the hobbit. And hes really trying to see what Jackson's decision will be. He also stated that he would love to reprise his role of Gandalf once again.
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09-06-2003, 04:07 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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Originally posted by Al the Vykker
Ian Mckellen said he definately would be a part of the hobbit. And hes really trying to see what Jackson's decision will be. He also stated that he would love to reprise his role of Gandalf once again.
Wow, that would be awesome! Would they be able to put Bilbo in there?

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09-06-2003, 04:44 PM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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Originally posted by Al the Vykker
Ian Mckellen said he definately would be a part of the hobbit. And hes really trying to see what Jackson's decision will be. He also stated that he would love to reprise his role of Gandalf once again.
Does that mean the person that they had play Bilbo in LOTR would be Bilbo in "The Hobbit"? That would be so cool! I wonder who they would get to play all of the dwarves?

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09-07-2003, 05:33 AM
MasterChief's Avatar
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maybe they could get elijah wood lol or kennyBaker (guy inside R2D2, hes very small)
make love.

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09-07-2003, 12:15 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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I think if they do the hobbit they will do the following for Bilbo. They may do what they did in the prolouge for Bilbo, by under the wig taping back somehow the mask or skin to make his face look younger. Although, I dont know how comfortable that would be for Ian holme.
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09-07-2003, 01:38 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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In the epilouge of FOTR, Bilbo finds the ring and hears Gollum scream about losing it at the exact moment. In the Hobbit, Bilbo finds the ring and then meets Gollum, then Gollum takes his little boat to his little island and goes to get the ring so he can kill Bilbo, but realises it's missing and then he gets ticked. So, if they did the Hobbit, would they keep the story as they had it in the prolouge of FOTR? Something to think about.


Last edited by oddguy; 09-10-2003 at 02:34 PM..
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09-07-2003, 09:26 PM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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They could just have Gollum try to attack him without going to look for the ring, and Gollum wouldn't know what Bilbo had in his pocket until it was too late! The writers are smart, they'll figure it out, if they're gonna even do it.

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09-08-2003, 05:55 PM
MasterChief's Avatar
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i thought gollum lost the ring to bilbo in some kind of bet/gamble?
make love.

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09-08-2003, 07:12 PM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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No, have you read the book? Gollum dropped it somewhere, Bilbo picked it up around where Gollum lived, they riddled, Gollum went to get his ring, couldn't find it, and he assumed that Bilbo had it. And he was right. Gollum would never give the ring away freely.

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09-08-2003, 07:12 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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Originally posted by MasterChief
i thought gollum lost the ring to bilbo in some kind of bet/gamble?
Well, that's what Bilbo told Gandalf and the dwarves to explain how he got the ring. He actually just found it where Gollum had dropped it. The game was so Bilbo could win his way out of the cave by Gollum showing him.

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09-08-2003, 07:25 PM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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I posted first! Anyway, I recommend to everyone that hasn't read the books to........READ THE BOOKS! Thank you! They're really good too! Not a waste of time at all!

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09-08-2003, 08:25 PM
MasterChief's Avatar
Bola Blast
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MasterChief  (9)

no i havent read the book yet but i want too and im gonna
make love.

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09-08-2003, 08:28 PM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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GrigtheSlig  (23)

Well then...go read right now! Then come back with lots of LOTR knowledge! GO on now! Shoo! Go!

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09-08-2003, 09:37 PM
MrBoj's Avatar
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it would not be hard to cast Ian Holme as a younger Bilbo. Bilbo is actually around 50 when he goes on his adventure with the dwarves, so it could be done.

And Peter Jackson had better keep the "Riddles in the Drak" chapter as close to the book as possible, if he knows what's good for him.

and as for the little epilogue at the beginning of FotR with Bilbo fining the ring and Gollum screaming, that was merely an epilogue, ment to give you just the marrow of the story. If they make the Hobbit (which I have heard rumors they are seriously considering) they shouln't change the story around too much, since it is a shorter tale than any one of the trilogy books.
purple skies are dead.

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09-08-2003, 09:47 PM
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Seriously don't even say the words change riddles in the dark. One of the best chapters in the book

My bowels hurt.

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09-08-2003, 10:18 PM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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I love that chapter! It's one of my favorite chapters! They could easily make Ian Holmes Bilbo again! Infact, I think they had to age him to look older in Rivendell.

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09-10-2003, 10:38 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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"Riddles in the Dark" and "Queer Lodgings" are my favorite chapters. Actually, I like the whole book. The way Tolkien decribes Murkwood makes you feel like you're as confined as the charcters in the book. I'm hoping the book is brought to life in a film.


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09-11-2003, 02:53 AM
Ashe's Avatar
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Hello everyone. Yes, I would agree with Oddguy and others. You should read the books if you have not. I think that they are a lot more detailed than the film and they do show more of the story as the film is limited in areas.

I luv Vann!!! He is so Hot!!!!!
Final Fantasy Fan Forever!!! Cannot wait unitl FF12!

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09-11-2003, 07:00 AM
Facsimile's Avatar
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But they're so boooring. I read until the end of Two Towers and gave up.
I do like fornicate
Check out my band!

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09-11-2003, 08:21 AM
TheBlueScrab's Avatar
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Well, I´m a very big fan of Lord of the rings.
I love the movies and the books.

My favourite character is Arwen and the elv Legolas, he is sooo cute!

I´m looking forward to see the last part of L.o.t.R!
I´ve seen a part of the next movie and it was very cool.

See yas soon~~~

- Jess
Why´d run away?
Don´t you like my style??
Why don´t you come and play, I guarantee you a great big smile.
I come from the imagination, and I´m here stricly by your invocation..so what´d you say?
Why don´t we dance a while?
Cause' I know what you feel boy.
I know just what you feel boy.
You call me and I come a-runnin.
I turn the music on I bring the fun in.

I can bring whole city`s to ruin, and still have time to get a soft shoe in.

Now, we´re partying, that´s what it´s all about!

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09-11-2003, 04:14 PM
oddguy's Avatar
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oddguy  (10)

Also, the LOTR books have history and culture that always isn't explained in the movies. Like this:
Did you know that hobbits are exceptionaly skilled at running in the forests without making a sound? It's one of the few things that hobbits pride themselves for.

This is completely off topic, but......BlueScrab you are awesome! I saw your sig and knew you are a Buffy fan. I recognize the lyrics from Buffy the Musical!

-oddguy Read banner. Obey banner.

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09-12-2003, 02:31 PM
GrigtheSlig's Avatar
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*drools* You like Buffy! I have a Buffy thread! Anyway...

I didn't know that Ian Holm was 71! I thought that he was way younger! DUDE! He could still pull of playing Bilbo! I want to see how they depict everything.

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