Hi everyone! With MOHD finally out for PS3 (I'm enjoying it a lot- the new character models are great!), I've noticed some bugs in the game that I thought were worth reporting. Perhaps they could be patched or something later on?
Firstly, the main one I have experienced is that after completing Paramite Run, the movie did not play. I could hear the audio just fine, but the screen remained black. Once the audio stopped, nothing happened. I pressed a few buttons and the 'skip movie' screen did appear, but on pressing (X) to skip, the game froze and I had to restart my console. Thank God you can load quicksaves!
Next one is minor- when completing a level, you unlock more art in the extras menu. I found that after completing several levels, and checking for new artwork, I could no longer view the art unlocked previously (as in, I couldn't cycle back to it). On rebooting the game, all the artwork was there to view.
Lastly, a funny one- in the Quarma menu, it says 'Mudokon Scrabs' not 'Mudokon Scrubs'