Munch rolled to the ground, grabbing his sword, and sprung back to his foot. The blade of his super awesome ninja sword gleamed in the light of the fire crocodiles as it was deftly woven through the flesh of it's enemies. Dark figures loomed ahead, but they were no match for Munch's barrel roll. The stupid assholes never knew what hit them.
Blood dripping from his face, the Gabbit picks himself up and surveys the area. After a few moments of frantic eye darting, he found what he was looking for. Quickly, he dispersed the fire crocodiles and whipped out his walkie talkie.
"Cricket to Blueballs. Come in, Blueballs", he whispered.
"This is Blueballs. Over". The voice seemed to come from an especially slow clone of Gomer Pyle.
"We have a problem here, Blueballs", said Munch.
Silence on both ends for what seemed an eternity.
"Well? What is it?", asked Gomer's retarded cousin.
"Fucking Gloomba's, Abe. Fucking Gloomba's."
My bowels hurt.
Last edited by OANST; 07-21-2010 at 12:02 PM..