You know ur a trophy whore when u sacrifice a run just to get a trophy
Grabbed the bible as azazel so I could ge the trophy for killing mom with the bible. Wasnt all bad, unlocked the halo as well, and I got the dark boy trophy. So 2 trophies for 1 run, not bad when the games been out for a month and no ones got the platinum yet :P
I was on twitch today watching some guy play isaac. He was in the chest and got Ipecac + Soy milk + Pyromaniac. Dude, if u ever have the chance to get that combination, do it. You are literally invincible. Ur attacks are really weak, but theres so many explosions on screen ur pyro (if its not pyro, then its the other one. Its the one that heals u with ur bombs) is outhealing the damage ur taking. It was insane to watch.