I have The Butterfly Effect on DVD, too, and yeah, I have to agree that it is one of the best movies I have ever seen. Not THE best, but one of the best none the less.

I like the way it plays around with the alternative realities theory. It reminded me of a Red Dwarf episode, 'Dimension Jump'.
ACE: You wanted to see me, Bongo?
BONGO: Ever hear of a thing called the dimension theory of reality?
ACE: Doesn't that run along the lines of, there is an infinite number of parallel universes where every possibility exists?
BONGO: It's along those lines, yeah. The basic tenet states that for every decision that's made, the alternative decision is played out in another reality.
ACE: So?
BONGO: So, the lab boys have come up with a drive that can break the speed of reality.
ACE: Those boffins have hammered together a crate that can cross dimensions? When do I launch?
BONGO: It's a one-way ticket, Ace. There's no coming back.
ACE: I'm free at 1500.
BONGO: You do realize, this is a prototype -- there's no way of knowing if it'll even get there.
ACE: Where's there, exactly?
BONGO: You'll be transported to an alternative reality, a reality where there's another Arnold Rimmer. Some decision was made at some point in your life where he went one way, and you went the other. You might find he's quite different to you.
ACE: Sounds like quite a caper.
Though TBE is nothing like Red Dwarf whatsoever, the similarities are sort of weird, huh?
- DH