Oddworld Forums > Zulag Three > Fan Corner > Non-Oddworld Art & Literature

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02-21-2005, 12:03 PM
Greeter's Avatar
: Jun 2003
: I live in the mudomo vaults
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Greeter  (10)
Joe's Life As It Is

I'm going to make a animated comic! okey this slig's boss bought him a computer and lies about likeing it. when his boss is gone he watches the killer smily. but... he forgot the video at his friend's house and its do tomarrow! he looks at his pet fuzzles chad,amy,and mike. he trys making it but not good so he walks out to his friend's house TEN HOURS LONG! HE IS NOW VERY,VERY SICK! When Gets there he is...well dead! the end!
I am greeter here to destroy you ABE!

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02-21-2005, 12:07 PM
Alpha's Avatar
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The comic was funny but are there going to be more comics or is that it.
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02-22-2005, 09:13 PM
Abe's son's Avatar
Abe's son
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Abe's son  (10)

Really, stop trying to be funny... becuase it isn't...

I'm just going to sit back and watch this slowly die... like a cockroach... and stop using so many smilies, it makes you look like and idiot and a two year old. And PLEASE, PLEASE!! PLEASE, try to use some grammer....
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02-23-2005, 12:15 AM
Fuzzle Guy's Avatar
Fuzzle Guy
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: Apr 2003
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Fuzzle Guy  (2482)Fuzzle Guy  (2482)Fuzzle Guy  (2482)Fuzzle Guy  (2482)Fuzzle Guy  (2482)Fuzzle Guy  (2482)Fuzzle Guy  (2482)Fuzzle Guy  (2482)Fuzzle Guy  (2482)Fuzzle Guy  (2482)Fuzzle Guy  (2482)

Why is this in Non-Oddworld Related Art and literature, it mentions about Fuzzles?

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