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Greeter 02-21-2005 12:03 PM

Joe's Life As It Is
I'm going to make a animated comic! okey this slig's boss bought him a computer and lies about likeing it. :compmad: when his boss is gone he watches the killer smily. :chairhit: but... he forgot the video at his friend's house and its do tomarrow! :eeek: he looks at his pet fuzzles :fuzzle: :fuzsmile: :fuzblink: chad,amy,and mike. he trys making it but not good so he walks out to his friend's house TEN HOURS LONG! HE IS NOW VERY,VERY SICK! :sick: When Gets there he is...well dead! :dead: the end!

Alpha 02-21-2005 12:07 PM

The comic was funny but are there going to be more comics or is that it.

Abe's son 02-22-2005 09:13 PM

Really, stop trying to be funny... becuase it isn't...

I'm just going to sit back and watch this slowly die... like a cockroach... and stop using so many smilies, it makes you look like and idiot and a two year old. And PLEASE, PLEASE!! PLEASE, try to use some grammer....

Fuzzle Guy 02-23-2005 12:15 AM

Why is this in Non-Oddworld Related Art and literature, it mentions about Fuzzles?