thread: Skyrim
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11-14-2011, 02:29 PM
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Disgruntled Intern
Faerie-Digesting Tachyon
: Dec 2001
: Port Orchard, Washington
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I like Skyrim better than the recent fallout games. A lot better, actually. Skyrim just has a lot more depth and feels more immersive than fallout to me. Which is weird since Fallout is more 'realistic' in its plot/gameplay/story. I don't know, it's probably just me being totally biased. I loved Morrowind, thought Oblivion was kind of meh. Man, Morrowind. I remember my friend Anthony and I playing that non-stop, multiple play throughs..It was awesome. When I'd go to his house on the weekend I'd bring my smallish tv and xbox, and we'd both play our separate games next to each other for ages.

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