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: Posts Made By: Youngsy
: Off-Topic Discussion 12-24-2011, 03:39 PM
: 59
: 10,235
I never said you can survive on Guinness, if...

I never said you can survive on Guinness, if you're making a kick towards me.
: Off-Topic Discussion 12-24-2011, 05:11 AM
: 59
: 10,235
You know it, my friend haha.

You know it, my friend haha.
: Off-Topic Discussion 12-23-2011, 12:37 PM
: 59
: 10,235
I say it to hide my crippling alcoholism.

I say it to hide my crippling alcoholism.
: Non-Oddworld Gaming 12-23-2011, 12:10 PM
: 59
: 6,706
Oh god the Resident Evil 1 remake! Many, many...

Oh god the Resident Evil 1 remake! Many, many nappies were lost trying to get through that. Not to mention the zombies break down doors and the music that plays when they come after you...
: Off-Topic Discussion 12-23-2011, 11:58 AM
: 59
: 10,235
Guinness is good for you because it has alot of...

Guinness is good for you because it has alot of iron in it, not to mention it's fucking delicious too. I've recently gave up smoking, nearly two weeks now, because I'm thinking of joining the...
: Non-Oddworld Gaming 12-18-2011, 05:23 AM
: 1,499
: 111,423
Playing Resident EVil 4, getting back into the...

Playing Resident EVil 4, getting back into the PS2 spirit. I've got such a hankering for Conflict: Desert Storm too it's ridiculous.
: Non-Oddworld Gaming 09-10-2010, 01:11 PM
: 90
: 6,432
I've played Reach on my friends flashed xbox. He...

I've played Reach on my friends flashed xbox. He bought it, fixed it and plans to sell it and it didn't have a hard drive so I've only played the first 2 missions (Didn't use his hard drive for fear...
: Non-Oddworld Gaming 07-31-2010, 09:40 AM
: 1,498
: 83,264
I'm playing Lost Planet 2, was a fan of the first...

I'm playing Lost Planet 2, was a fan of the first and this one is pretty fun too. The only game I'm looking forward to is Halo Reach, got a while yet...
: Non-Oddworld Gaming 07-26-2010, 02:21 AM
: 58
: 7,605
Goddamn, what the hell is this shit?

Goddamn, what the hell is this shit?
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-19-2010, 10:37 AM
: 165
: 15,816
I never said you have to. I though I'd post it as...

I never said you have to. I though I'd post it as it seems quite obligatory to this thread.
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-19-2010, 09:26 AM
: 165
: 15,816
So do any of you remember those Mickey Mouse...

So do any of you remember those Mickey Mouse cartoons from the 1930s? The ones that were just put out on DVD a few years ago? Well, I hear there is one that was unreleased to even the most avid...
: Oddworld Discussion 07-16-2010, 08:34 AM
: 395
: 58,698
Good God! This news has just made my day.

Good God! This news has just made my day.
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-08-2010, 04:10 PM
: 339
: 39,222
I lol'd quite a bit at this.

I lol'd quite a bit at this.
: Oddworld Discussion 07-08-2010, 04:06 PM
: 70
: 6,767
I too was pissed off that Munch got all of the...

I too was pissed off that Munch got all of the spotlight. Yes, I am aware it is Munch's Oddysee but, to me, is appeared that Abe was pushed to the side. I don't really like anything about the new...
: Non-Oddworld Gaming 07-02-2010, 07:09 AM
: 72
: 4,184
Looks graet. Shame my PS3 broke though... And I...

Looks graet. Shame my PS3 broke though... And I have to admit there were some awesome AO levels out there.
: Fan Corner 07-02-2010, 07:00 AM
: 533
: 99,061
That's really well done, nice work.

That's really well done, nice work.
: Non-Oddworld Gaming 08-10-2009, 02:18 AM
: 1,516
: 153,840
007 Nightfire and Ghost Recon 2, yeah I'm badass....

007 Nightfire and Ghost Recon 2, yeah I'm badass. I got three xbox originals for £4 at grainger games. (if anyone wants to go there they might have deals all around the country)
: Oddworld Discussion 08-10-2009, 02:14 AM
: 100
: 7,218
I was a wee boy. When my brother or much older...

I was a wee boy. When my brother or much older cousin would play then demo of AO when that first came out I was shit scared of it. However now I love it, I just finished AE about 4 days ago actually...
: Oddworld Discussion 08-10-2009, 02:09 AM
: 22
: 2,944
Never insult the honor that is Scrabble! But...

Never insult the honor that is Scrabble! But seriously I agree it's worth another shot.
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-16-2009, 12:23 PM
: 108
: 10,261
Basically this.

Basically this.
: Oddworld Discussion 07-07-2009, 01:32 PM
: 74
: 7,014
Thanks, i havn't played the first Oddworld in...

Thanks, i havn't played the first Oddworld in about a year and a half so I'm a little rusty. I'll find the discs and give it a whirl some time soon though.
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-07-2009, 01:30 PM
: 152
: 15,412
Indeed. I dont know when it ended but I stopped...

Indeed. I dont know when it ended but I stopped watching it ages ago and thanks for welcoming me.

And I do remember Sooty. To be honest I just remembered it there, name rings a bell. And well,...
: Oddworld Discussion 07-07-2009, 01:13 PM
: 74
: 7,014
Paramania or Scrabmania. If it were to be...

Paramania or Scrabmania. If it were to be Scrabmania I would constantly play the Scrabmania theme to complete the look.
: Oddworld Discussion 07-07-2009, 01:10 PM
: 147
: 13,986
I''ve got two tickets to the gun show... Wait...

I''ve got two tickets to the gun show... Wait...
: Off-Topic Discussion 07-07-2009, 01:01 PM
: 152
: 15,412
Come on, you guys never saw Kim Possible? Man, I...

Come on, you guys never saw Kim Possible? Man, I miss the old days.


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