Stupid Answers for Stupid Questions
Ask a stupid question and wait for a simple answer.
Q. Who is the superintendent of Jimmy's bowels? |
A. Peter Jhonson
I havn't seen this kind of thread for ages Q. What sound dose Zioberg make in Futurama? |
A : ''Whoop whoop whoop whoop whoop!''
Q : How many months have 28 days? |
A: All of them.
Q: What is the ultimate question? |
A : What is the meaning of life
Q : Will this thread get closed? |
A. Mabey
Q. What type of gas dose the mudokon Abe produce? |
A : Bowel Gas
Q : Why can't I drink something? |
A; Because you ate something
Q: How many toes does a glove have? |
A: 27 and a half.
Q: If a cat always lands on it's feet and a slice of toast always lands butter side down. What happens if you strap toast (butter side up) onto a cat's back and drop it off a high ledge? |
A; It lands on its eye.
Q: How many potatoes can I buy with 60p? |
A. 1.5
Q. If these are the end times then why do I feel like frying an egg on your face? |
A: Because everything's dirtier in the south.
Q: Can you answer my question without sounding stupid? |
A. um, no.
Q. How many cubes can you fit in a box? |
A. Mubey.
Q. Who came here to ROCK?! |
A: Ms. Miller's 7th grade English class of Hardington Middle School in Scarbrook, Mississippi.
Q: Why does Russel Crowe hurt people? |
A: Because he loves them, true love!
Q: If a tree falls in a forest, and nobody is there to witness it, does it make a sound? (The stupidest question- EVER.) |
A : Yes
Q : Will I get Conker Live and Reloaded, soon? |
A : Maybe
Q : who cut the cheese? |
A: Guess. *Shifty eyes...*
Q: How the hell can you choose the story character on Mapmaker levels on Timesplitters 3? |
A: Through the use of a kaleidescope, of course.
Q: Why is Jesus' blood 40% alcohol? |
A : God got him drunk one night, VERY drunk
Q : Do aliens exist? |
A: Several times.
Q: Do you like pooptey peuptey paints? |
A. Only when they are green
Q. What's the number for 911? |
A: Try calling the police.
Q: How can someone "Do the Dew"? |
A. I'll have to answer with another question: How can't they?
Q. Where is Atlantis? |
A : In Atlantis
Q : How do you spell FBI? |
Q. How long is a 100 minute movie? |
A:1.66666666666666666666666666666667 seconds
Q:Are the whoppers at Pizza Hut still $.99? |
A. No they're $1.00 minus 1 cent.
Q. What is the capital town of Washington DC? |
A. London
Q. How much money do you get for $10? |