My brother deserves an ass kicking
Man, I can't believe what my brother did! He "accidentally" stomped on 3 CDs of mine and ate my Cheetos when I was at the library. That COCK! If any of you guys see a short, brown haired guy who's being a real asshole ask him if his last name is Morrow. Thats M.O.R.R.O.W. If he answers yes feel free to give him a real savaging. Do any of you guys have problems with your brothers and sisters?
Well i would'nt we suprised if your brother was age somewhere between 1 and 2. Yeah i have a borother who is 1 & a half, it is'nt so bad, but when he come in my room, which he dos'nt much, he gets everything out of my draw. Which is a pain, becuase it makes a mess. For ME it is'nt that bad.
No, he's thirteen and he can do a lot more damage than a 1 or 2 year old.
11-14 that age catogory means: Kill on sight!!
Phrehaps you need to teach him to get a taste of his own medicen.
I only need to know three things.
Where can I find him? What does he look like? What are you paying? I'll be over to kick some ass when you tell me. :) Seriously, though, younger siblings are a PAIN IN THE ASS. I feel that using all capitals here is neccesary, as it expresses my point much better. I am the oldest of four children. I am sixteen, my sisters are fifteen and seven, and my brother just turned thirteen. It is sort of my unwritten responsibilty to keep them out of mischief and on task, because if one of them slips out of line, four out of five times gets me in trouble. Or at least scolded. Haylee, the 7-year-old, has a severe attitude problem. Her father (my soon-to-be stepfather) doesn't discipline her as much as Mom (or I, for that matter) thinks she needs. Anyways. Enough of Dave's life for today :p. |
My brother and I get along most of zee time. Grig...he used to be on here a lot, but now just asks me about Oddworld stuff instead of coming here himself.
Sometimes he can be a huge idiot though. :flames: -oddguy :cool: |
Don't you feel he's been punished enough? I mean he was given the name 'Morrow'! I am a youngest child so I can't really relate to anything you guys are whinging about, beyond saying "Suffer in ya jocks ya bastards!". Oh and I could say something about how older siblings are the spawn of satan but it would be too easy. |
I'm on the job. I'll need 35 bucks and a pack of cigs.
Me and my sister has a very healthy relationship, and i dont think i can bash your brother up since i live in Australia.
Statikk, your brother screws chickens. What were the CDs? If they were Metallica, he removes chickens heads and inserts them into his anus. Let him read this. Let him realise, how much he sucks balls.
chicken balls?
You could slip a knife into his bag before school.
that'd do the trick. |
Nard kicking naked photos to friends lie cheat break his stuff... I can go on and on. |
How to get back at brothers:
Ingrediants: baseball bat, your brother. mix carefully but very quickly, than run like a bat out of hell. Note: you may also use a shovel if necassary. |
This is one I learnt from 'Life Support' - for any Australians who may remember the show.
The best way to get revenge on a little brother is to buy one of those tiny spy cameras off the net and put it in his room facing his bed. It won't be long until you catch him 'with a glamour magazine' (as george costanza would say). You not only have revenge but a great blackmail tool as well. A less expensive option if he has his own computer is to take a look in his 'Temporary Internet Files' directory, burn any incriminating evidence you find onto a cdrom and use that as blackmail. |
My brother clears the Cookies, Temporary Internet Files, and Offline Content if he doesn't want me to see what he's doing. He did this the other day and I asked him if he was looking at naughty stuff...he swore he didn't and that he just liked his privacy.
-oddguy :cool: |
No, it wasn't Metallica, but it was metal: Among the Living, Bonded By Blood, and Seasons in the Abyss by Anthrax, Exodus, and Slayer, respectively. Also, Oddguy, I call bullshit on your brother's statements because he was definately cruising titty sites.
definately bullsheet. While we (well it's only me really) are talking about spying, you can buy these things that connect between your keyboard cord and the computer and record the last 10,000 (or something) characters pressed without the user knowing.
Titty sites are the best! brother's here. BURN THE EVIDENCE! |
-oddguy :cool: |
since i have parental controls on my computer and cant get access to violent sites, i just use kazaa and go through that. as for the temporary internet file thing, i deleted it :D
Ugh your brother needs an butt-whooping!!!!!!!!
My younger sis and I are only 19 months apart, we are the best of friends. But we used to fight like you wouldn't believe!!! |
I have one brother... He is 19 and we get along really well. However, when we were younger we used to fight all the time. And a couple of months back we had a big fight which I threw a remote and hit him in the eye which ended up with me blocking the door to my room, so he couldn't get in and I turned Skinlab up so loud... but we got over it and we were back to normal the next day... Petty really...
I'm the eldest of two... my sister is 18 months younger than me... we are BEST FRIENDS always have been always will be but we do fight sometimes... I have been known to slap her silly now and again (usually after we've had a few drinky drinkies!) but normally she deserves it she calls me "fat" and "ugly" and borrows my new shoes and jewellery without permission... even though she knows Id always let her if she just asks! Then she breaks the heel, spills drink all over them... or falls over pissed scuffs my £120 Ted Bakers and clashes my Mickey "bling bling" ring off the club wall causing all the stones to drop out! Aaaaaargh!
But I love her... she's blood just have to... you don't have to like them... just love them! |
My little sister and I get along like two T-Rexes, which isn't very well. She invades my room, erases data on my video games, steals my stuff, and talks so much she talks in her sleep. :fuzmad:
What I do to get revenge on my sister is to beat her at a fighting video game, like Super Smash Brothers Melee, it really makes you feel better. |
I'm an only child.