Abe doesn't talk?
Technically, he never says a word in Abe's Oddysee, if you don't count his narrating.
Yeah, I hear 'Hello' and 'Wait' don't count as real words anymore.
Well that was dumb, abe speaks, I've heard him I tell you! I swear it!
Hahaha. What a dickhead.
stupid...today this fucking people see a problem or a something to say... Abe dont talk...in the future somebody going said....why abe have orange eyes?, and another pelople said...because he smoke marijuana......what a fuck....if we gona talk about charcter for the champion of the "dont talk" we select Crash Bandicot....no talk and no narrating :fuzconf:
I'm sorry, I got like... half of that. Could you repeat that? |
He managed to spell every fucking word wrong apart from Marijuana. I love this guy.
I'll select Link but anyway i think your overreating. |
soory...i now my english is very bad....but you understand what I said?
Xavier is going to kick your ass for double posting. For srs. Use the big "EDIT" button down there instead.
Quoted from the site
Looks like someone did not actually play the game.
There's a lot of instances in certain strategy guides where I think the writer did not actually play the game, or at least didn't remember what he did. There will be parts where the strategy guide mentions something completely different from what actually happens in the game.
The SW Strategy Guide did this a few times. |
What a great case of Cowboy Bebop at his Computer.
Time to play a game of Pokey-man.
Abe can't talk, be he sure can fart!
~ooh, that was funny. I'm dying from laughter. Ha, ha. Enchilado |
I think she was talking about the site author.
DAMN IT! Why do i alway do that! (Don't anwser that)
Abe does speak, but why are people overreacting about this?
We'll turn the tiniest sliver of oddworld mention and turn it into a three page discussion in a desperate attempt to keep the life flowing through this husk of a forum :3 |