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Strike Witch 09-22-2011 11:39 AM

I always thought Hermes was the funniest.

Bullet Magnet 09-22-2011 01:56 PM


The next installment of that dinosaur documentary is on tonight on BBC1. I really enjoyed the last one, a bit shocked the big ferocious Spinosaurus was a god-damn fish-eater.

At the bneginning when I saw it seemingly going after the Ouranosaurus I jumped out of my chair screaming "It was a goddamn piscivore!"

For the record, long slim snout with long point teeth = very likely fish-eater. the same jaws always work on fish. Gharials, dolphins, barracuda etc.


Bear in mind these are big fish we're talking about.

Good show, though. They had the TERROR BIRDS on today. God I love those things. A giant turkey that can crack your skull like a seed husk.

Those weren't terror birds, which appeared in the Palaeozoic- the following geological era from the depicted Mesozoic. They were straight up dinosaurs. While birds themselves are dinosarus, the dinosaurs depicted were not birds, though you see now how arbitrary the distinction really is.

Anyway, getting that wrong bugs me.

MeechMunchie 09-22-2011 02:35 PM

Arbitrary indeed.

Dixanadu 09-23-2011 05:37 AM


For the record, long slim snout with long point teeth = very likely fish-eater. the same jaws always work on fish. Gharials, dolphins, barracuda etc.

It is a relative of Baryonyx, after all...which was proven to be a fish-eater ages ago.

The skull lay out also revealed sensory nodes on it's snout to detect vibrations, combined with it's high nostrils, it was pretty evident it had it's snout in water all day.

Bullet Magnet 09-23-2011 10:53 AM

Wow, where did you find that out?

Dixanadu 09-23-2011 11:07 AM

It was on the programme last week.

It said Spinosaurus had many things in common with crocodiles than was first assumed. I was a bit surprised by it, as well.

MeechMunchie 09-23-2011 01:10 PM

TV: Officially smarter than Bullet Magnet.

Dixanadu 09-23-2011 06:04 PM

I thought he was being sarcastic.

MeechMunchie 09-24-2011 06:01 AM

I didn't.

Someone get the duelling pistols.

Dixanadu 09-24-2011 06:36 AM

We no longer duel with pistols.

We duel with interpretive dancing.

MeechMunchie 09-24-2011 06:39 AM

*Jazz hands*

Dixanadu 09-24-2011 06:41 AM

*Happy feet*

Dynamithix 09-24-2011 07:06 AM

You guys are so off-topic.

Anyways, I watched Zack & Miri make a porno, some strange comedy film that was on yesterday evening. It was ok, but I wouldn't watch it again.

Mac Sirloin 09-24-2011 07:50 AM

So, Super Robot: Red Baron

I bought every episode of this masterpiece last week on a whim. It is AWESOME FUN. The comic relief is a chubster named Pepe, the only woman on the team is frequently manhandled by the royal Daft Punk army, and their only assistant is a Bicycle inspector who uses a bike pump as a variety of weapons and gadgets. So much fucking fun, oh my god.

Manco 09-24-2011 03:11 PM

Just finished watching World’s Greatest Dad. It’s a fuckin’ weird movie, I’ll leave it at that.

Dixanadu 09-24-2011 11:39 PM

It's not THAT weird of a movie.

Manco 09-25-2011 05:26 AM


It's not THAT weird of a movie.

What I meant was that the humour is really fucking jarring. The movie feels a lot of the time like it’s a very serious film, and the themes that the plot focuses on could easily have worked in a serious film.

Mr. Bungle 09-25-2011 05:30 PM

I watched Fight Club. Again. For the millionth time. It's still my favourite movie ever.

moxco 09-25-2011 06:14 PM

*Insert bad joke about Mr. Bungle breaking the first rule of fight club

Manco 09-26-2011 12:36 AM

That’s a shitty comic, even by xkcd standards.

Nate 09-26-2011 04:24 AM

Moxco has broken the second rule of posting xkcd comics by not including the alt-text.

MeechMunchie 09-26-2011 08:08 AM

I have just seen my best friend's sister (both now live in Sweden) on Facebook.

The narrative imperative strikes again.

If you spend your preteen years spurning the advances of your best friend's 8-year-old sister, who, though cute, is still very much a child, logic dictates that when you see her again eight years later she will be insanely hot. And have a boyfriend.

EDIT: While your own boyish looks have been ravaged by adolescence.

shaman 09-26-2011 01:19 PM

Spartacus, Blood and Sand.

They sat down and made a comprehensive list of how they could put the most violence, humping and swearing into one series. It's a borderline gayboy show but also a brilliant drama.

Sekto Springs 09-26-2011 03:55 PM

The Spartacus guy died recently, didn't he?

MeechMunchie 09-27-2011 09:07 AM

All of them?

shaman 09-27-2011 09:39 AM

Just the guy who plays him. Cancer.

MeechMunchie 09-27-2011 10:54 AM

After five minutes, I still couldn't think of a more obvious 'I am Spartacus' joke. Sorry about that.

Dixanadu 09-27-2011 12:54 PM

No, I'm Spartacus.

MeechMunchie 09-27-2011 01:06 PM

I considered "What are you talking about? I feel fine."

Mac Sirloin 09-27-2011 02:49 PM

I thought Blood and Sand was entertaining, for sure, but if memory serves it had a lot of really baffling melodrama clearly thrown in because they couldn't think of anything better.

EDIT: Speedy shits. Look at all of that!