I just saw district 9, that was pretty good
I watched through Power Rangers in Space on Youtube because I found all of my old Power Rangers toys. It was alarming how much of it I remembered. Firm memories of being terrified by The Barillion Sting are still lodged firmly in my mind. I was also scared of Ecliptor in The Impenetrable Web. It was a really well made series. I've had a few conversations with my mum about how well the story is written for a kid's show.
I was saddened to learn about Power Rangers being made from Super Sentai series, though. What used to be my favourite show wasn't really what used to be my favourite show. It was a group of English scenes filmed to tie together Japanese fight scenes that have been dubbed English. Because I enjoyed PRiS so much, I thought I'd watch Power Rangers Samurai because is on Monday mornings here at the moment, so I can watch bits of it while getting ready for school. It's ridiculously similar to the old series. The only difference is that when the Megazords turn away from the defeated monsters there is no longer a jump before the explosion. |
Samurai is apparently a very poor power rangers version, if you can believe that. Apparently the best is the one just before it, RPM.
I don't watch power rangers nor their original Sentai forms though, I just watch Kamen Rider because the costumes are more cool-looking. |
The worst thing about Samurai is the yellow ranger's voice. Other than that, it's bad in a fun to watch way.
I stopped liking Power Rangers when they begun releasing the ridiculous amount of spin offs.
I remember getting the movie for Christmas as a child. The one with Ivan Ooze. Yeah, good times. |
I never liked Power Rangers much as a kid. In fact I thought they were rather homosexual. I was more of a Spider-Man/Beast Wars/Pokemon kid. I do have a few memories of the Rangers, but I can't remember any episodes in particular.
They had odd rapid movements when talking while they've gotten their suits on.
I've just seen Battle Royale and...My God. If there ever was a film that will never be remade in the western world it would be that. Children shooting each other, blood flowing everywhere and implied sexualisation. It was great.
Also, everyone can take about 25 bullets to the torso and still take about an extra 3 minutes to die. |
Slumm Millionaire (Title will be misspelled) :fuzzle:
I saw Captain America: The Last Avenger last night. I thought it was pretty good, and got me even more excited for the upcoming Avengers film. It's gonna rule.
*Slumdog Millionaire
Yeah, it was on TV yesterday here and I watched it too. I've seen it already, but it's still really good. |
I just watched a French film called 'A Town Called Panic'
Oh god. It was glorious. |
That's a TV series too, right?
It is? I had no idea.
I take it you're at least aware of it? |
I saw Jesus Christ: Superstar live at the Startford festival last saturday. It was AWESOME. They had an itty bitty stage to work on but they made the absolute best of it. Pilate and Herod were amazing.
I watched Redline.
It's basically a heavily-stylized wacky races meets death race meets weird abstractish alien design. It's set out like a pretty typical action film, but the animation was hand-drawn over seven years. The result is a very very pretty film which is entertaining but not groundbreaking. If you get a chance to see it it's worth a look. |
Oh, I watched Hobo with a Shotgun last night. It was an absolutely hilarious parody and I loved it.
--- I saw Troll Hunter the other day. An excellent effort, and another in the growing mass of good entertainment drifting over her from the Nordic reigon. I liked seeing Norway use its own mythology for monsters. I've had enough of all the west European stuff I keep seing recycled. Plus I lol'd at the throwaway Christian gags, especially "Stay there! I'll distract him!" (People who've seen it will know what I'm talking about. Also the "I'm a Muslim, does that count?" line near the end. It's not perfect, but well worth seeing. And for once in these shakycam "found footage" movies, the characters actually have credible reasons for wandering around with a video camera. Also, there's a scene early in the film where the titular Troll Hunter runs out of the woods and wails "TROOOLL!" I predict five days before that becomes a staple reaction vid for forums. - Speaking of which, I saw Rise Of The Planet Of The Apes a while back. Besides the clumsy title, it was a lot better than I was expecting. Caesar was a compelling protaganist, and the film only descended into all-action monkey wars near the end, featuring the ever-implausible Gorilla Attacks Helicopter. But hey, at least it earned it's action finale. The Alzheimer's-Dad character didn't get enough character development and screentime though. Plus, Caesar's Crowning Moment Of Awesome. Oh my Lord, I was pinned to my seat by an ear-to-ear grin of character empathy when that happened. I am talking, of course, about "noooOOOOOOOOoo" (not to be confused with DV's NOOOOOOOOooooo). Again, that must be YouTube fodder by now. "Caesar's reaction to the announcement of Transformers 7" and the like. |
It reminds me of the cravendale milk advertisements, on an insane level.
Strike Witch's link has episodes of it, oh, it's such a delight! |
I watched some of Back To The Future 2 last Sunday, but I only watched about 40 minutes of it because I'm planning to buy the box set in the near future and from what I saw, I really want to see every one of them. :p
And some would argue that the second film is the worst (including me, although I can't remember much of it considering I've seen it only once, and I've seen the other two at least three times each).
D.N. Angel Collection ^^
I saw Blade Runner for the first time in my life. (Yes, it took me that long.)
Even though it was pretty good, in my opinion, it wasn't as good as a lot of people have said. Enjoyed it none the less. |
That's because all of it's arcs and messages have been copied and repeated a thousand times in other movies since then. If you were one of the people who saw it when it first came out, you would have shit your pants.
I've been watching the new Doctor Who.
I hate it. |
Amy Pond is still fucking hot.