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Strike Witch 07-31-2011 11:05 PM


Besides his incarnation in Shumacher's dung pile of a film, what other instances has he been a dumb brute?

Oh, I know, it's just Joe talks my ear off about his hatred for that particular movie Bane so it's good to know I'll be spared another rant or twenty.

I watched Angels and Demons last night.

Film did nothing for me.

Daxter King 07-31-2011 11:48 PM

Cowboys and Aliens.

I thought it was a pretty good action flick. Some of the plot seems iffy if you over analyze it, but otherwise was really fun. The pacing was well done, with most scenes not over staying their welcome. Action was pretty cool too, apparently ILM did the FX, and they did a pretty damn good job. Daniel Craig and Harrison Ford were both great, and Olivia Wilde was their for eye candy. It was one of the best summer blockbusters I've seen in a while, just don't go in expecting anything more than a summer blockbuster.

Mac Sirloin 08-04-2011 01:07 AM

Just like how I went from cumming all over myself at Revenge of The Fallen and then did a heel turn and hated the shit out of it, I'm going to go right ahead and sway my opinion on the new Transformers feature. Because it matters.

They twisted around facts and history a lot. But it's fucking Transformers. I was a jackass to think Micheal Bay was somehow committing treason by using the moon landing and Chernobyl as reference points for his silly robot movie. Hell, I'm impressed that the guy had the stones to do that, and kind of commend him for making The Transformers themselves so damn important within the movies. Going by what was said in the first one, if it weren't for the Transformers, we would still be basically be using bloodletting and horse carriages. From what I've heard about him/seen in interviews he is an INSUFFERABLE DOUCHEBAG, but he got the recipe right this time.

Additionally, it was funtastic. It was such a fun movie. Yeah, it opens with a shot at Rosie Huntington Whitley (whitely? Whitever)'s ass. But you know what I realized? I liked that ass. It was not the worst ass to open a giant robot movie with. And that's really what Transformers as a film series is: It's an ass, but I'll be damned it it isn't one gorgeous, metallic, overbudgeted clanking hell of an ass. And it's not really like they cram that initial ass down your throat. Very little ass cramming.

Patrick Dempsey was great. So was John Turturro and John Malkovich. Megatron apart from dying was just plain rad, all rotten and infested. Some of the deaths could've been more diverse, but then again the action taking place around them made up for it. I didn't even realize they brought back Barricade (Cop car from the first one) back until after I'd seen it. The inclusion of The Wreckers (who are robot space engineers who traded in their wrenches for wrenches with guns on them) was a neat little addition, and they did a good job of establishing themselves as the tertiary 'how shit gets done without you seeing it' force.

So again, an ass, butt a nice one.

Sekto Springs 08-04-2011 06:48 AM


So again, an ass, butt a nice one.
Or should I say *rimjob*?

Strike Witch 08-04-2011 12:24 PM

I like how with the Wreckers they designed them to look like Nascar rednecks, then when the movie came out they turned around and made them sound like British soccer hooligans.

Mr. Bungle 08-04-2011 04:27 PM

I've been watching various episodes of Space Ghost: Coast to Coast, Home Movies and Ren & Stimpy on YouTube. I forgot how good these shows were.

JennyGenesis 08-05-2011 11:46 AM

I love all of them shows!

I remember staying up stupidly late to watch them many moons ago.

I've been watchign that new comedy on Sky 1 called "Trollied" it is fantastic!

Dynamithix 08-05-2011 11:48 AM

Bought the third and fourth Futurama seasons and watched them through in almost one sitting. Awesome.

Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch is one of my favourite episodes now.

Mac Sirloin 08-05-2011 01:32 PM


Bought the third and fourth Futurama seasons and watched them through in almost one sitting. Awesome.

Kif Gets Knocked Up a Notch is one of my favourite episodes now.

Cripes, I bought the third season yesterday myself. I really like Godfellas and that one with the Intergalactic Harlem Globetrotters. Trying to watch all the episodes with commentary now.

Dynamithix 08-05-2011 01:54 PM

Also Insane in the Mainframe was fucking awesome.

Crashpunk 08-05-2011 02:57 PM


I've been watchign that new comedy on Sky 1 called "Trollied" it is fantastic!

I disagree. I thought it was pretty bad. Not my sort of comdey i guess

And speaking of Futurama, has anyone been watching the new Futurama series on Sky1?

Nate 08-20-2011 05:48 PM

Saw The Adjustment Bureau. Thought it was a really good film right up to the last scene, which didn't match the rest of the film in tone, rhythm or spirit. Sure enough, a quick google shows me that it's not the original ending and it was reshot four months afterwards. That said, the original ending sounds even worse; they were brought through the Bureau to meet the Chairman, who was an African American woman and very clearly god. She told them pretty much the same thing as Harry did in the final version.

Here's how I would have written it; I would have kept it similar. The Chairman changes her mind. They've sacrificed everything. Blah blah blah. They'll be allowed to go free, but only under several conditions - they must use their bond to force each other to acheive their potential. David must become president and Elise must become a world famous dancer (and first lady). That way we still have the happy ending, but no saccharine "Your fate is in your hands" bullshit.

Phylum 08-20-2011 07:46 PM

I didn't really like the ending of it either, but it passed time well on a fucking horrid plane trip.

I did find the movie funny, however, because it seems like it was written by a male attempting to write a love story.

Laser 08-21-2011 12:02 PM

Been watching The Wire for the past few months as its being re-run on FX and I missed it the first time it was shown over here.

Its fantastic, the characters are likable and it gives and really interesting characterisation of the 'good guys' anf the 'bad guys'. The Police Chiefs come across as power addicted beaucrats who only care about percentages than actually helping people. Whilst you see the sort of unending cycle and futility of the drug dealer's lives. The story also twists like a motherfucker, with some truly left field moments that just make you sit there and go :O

Mr. Bungle 08-21-2011 08:05 PM

I watched Kickass the other day. Loved the shit out of it, had so much action, drama and emotion throughout. Of all the recent films that followed the "awkward nerd" trend, this was definitely my favourite.

Dynamithix 08-21-2011 09:05 PM

I saw a movie called Idiocracy. If I remember correctly, it was by the same guy that made Beavis and Butthead. (Mike Judge?)

It was pretty hilarious at some points. The plot was pretty dumb though, but the humor was so derp-a-herp that it was mostly enjoyable.

MeechCrunchies 08-21-2011 09:11 PM

I've been watching Dragon Ball lately.
The last 4-5 minutes is probably the funniest I've seen in a long time :D

Sekto Springs 08-21-2011 09:18 PM

Anyone who cares about Dragonball has already seen it a million times.
Anyone who doesn't care about it doesn't want to start now.

Strike Witch 08-24-2011 11:04 PM

I saw Cowboys and Aliens.

It was quite nice, kind of jumped the shark and got rather silly near the end, and had a few plot oddities. But it was a pretty fun film altogether.

Phylum 08-25-2011 12:14 AM

So it isn't as stereotypically bad as the title sounds?

Strike Witch 08-25-2011 01:48 AM

No, not at all. It's basically Daniel Craig as a quiet badarse, Harrison Ford in one of his best roles, and a decent supporting cast in a really fun film. Just don't think too hard about the alien parts.

Wings of Fire 08-25-2011 02:00 AM


Harrison Ford in one of his best roles

That's a tall claim.

Nate 08-25-2011 04:15 AM

I disagree with Strike Witch. It was an okay film, but not really good. Daniel Craig and Olivia Wilde did their thing quite well, but Harrison Ford was phoning it in.

It was too long and it never felt like it really lived up to its concept. It's like they were trying to take it seriously, when what they should have done was made a really badass B-movie. There were no moments of epic awesomeness and I never felt all that excited by any of it.

Strike Witch 08-25-2011 06:27 AM

Actually, I thought Harrison Ford was amazing while Daniel and Olivia were a mite worse.

Though that just might be Ford's great presence jutting out, I dunno.

Either way I thought it was great fun.

MA 09-01-2011 05:14 PM

just watched the latest episode of Shooting Stars on BBC iPlayer. the final challenge had me in stitches. fucking surreal.

OddjobAbe 09-01-2011 05:20 PM

I didn't even know that came back again. I remember when a scart lead was one of the shitty prizes at the end. The whole thing was funny, but that was the one thing that got a thoroughly hearty laugh from me.

MA 09-01-2011 05:50 PM

personally i reckon this new series hasn't been quite as good as previous series. to me, it feels like there's something missing. Vic and Bob are still batshit insane, don't get me wrong, but i find i'm just chuckling, whereas before with previous series i'd end up in hysterics at some point. then again maybe i'm talking shit, i dunno.

that said, you've still got to take a look at the latest episode on iPlayer.

Dixanadu 09-01-2011 06:45 PM


it feels like there's something missing

Strike Witch 09-01-2011 09:01 PM

First new doctor who episode.

I was caught off-guard in the first half, and it all seems to be going rather well.

Daxter King 09-01-2011 10:47 PM

I've been getting into the TV series Breaking Bad, and holy shit is it good. I'm about half way through the second season right now and I'm so drawn in. All the actors are believable and excellent, and while the scenarios sometimes teeter on unreasonable, I still love it. If you like any sort of good drama, you need to see this show.