The more recent episode where Bender finds out that he has a defect, but can't transfer into a backup and isn't 'immortal' was sort of another heart-string-tugger for me. Especially the ending montage that shows why Bender was pushed through the inspection line despite the fact that he was obviously defective.
Spoiler: |
Watch them online. They're pretty easy to find.
I'm currently sharing 20Gb a month with my dad, so I'm a bit limited as to what I can download especially if it's reasonable quality. Once I finish downloading all the episodes of Power Rangers in Space I may look into it.
The episode with the clover and Fry's brother was pretty sad in my opinion.
Yeah, that was a good one.
The Seymour episode was incredibly sad, but what about The Luck of the Fryish? That one made me quite emotional. Then there are just well-constructed episodes, such as Roswell That Ends Well. Fuck. I gotta start watching Futurama again.
Did I miss you lot talking about Futurama? aka my favorite TV ever?
The Luck of the Fryish, The Sting and The Devil's Hands are Idle Playthings made me all emotional. Space Pilot 3000 still remains my favorite though, I loved how they kept going back to it in Bender's Big Score |
Please, for the love of god, let this movie be good. I want to be excited about the remake but this trailer was nothing more than average if even that. I hope they don't ruin a classic.
EDIT: Oh, apparently it's a prequel. Hmm. That could be a good thing or a bad thing. Also, the real trailer of The Dark Knight Rises. |
Yeah, it takes place with the other guys just before the first film, apparently.
If they keep it canonical, that means at least two guys will go towards the Americans yelling "Get the hell away! It's not a dog! It's a thing! It's imitating a dog! It's not real! Get away idiots!" In Norwegian. like they were in the start of the film. |
We seem to be terrified of gore these days, and hugely fond of digital grading. Those two things combined will more than certainly ensure that this film completely lacks the gritty, visceral feel of the first. I hope I'm wrong. Actually I don't care if I'm wrong, I won't be seeing it. Unless the next trailer I see changes my mind.
All of which take place at different times, that totally isn't confusing... |
Should rename them The Thing, The Other Thing and The Thingy.
The Thingy would probably be the most terrifying.
The name just makes me think of this. Ben Grimm is cool, except in the movies. |
Saw a clip from the upcoming Conan film today. Honestly, it looks okay. The color grading is vibrant, but not too over the top. It has a certain authenticity to it's scope that I like, and the action is well-paced.
Also Ron Perlman. |
I just watched 'Troll', a fantasy film from the 80s.
Why is the lead character called Harry Potter? |
Troll 1?
You're doing it wrong. Watch Troll 2. It's the best worst movie ever. |
Just made Dorian watch Man's Best Friend. They used to show that movie on TNT pretty much three times a month and my Grandpa loved it. We both thought it was hilarious. I spent many weekends at my grandparents house, so we'd often watch it together, but as I got older and had other things going on, he'd still take the time to call me and excitedly tell me, "Paddy, Paddy! That movie with the dog...It's on!" And I'd do my best to get to their house before it was over.
Trailer: Also watched Basket Case [again] and loved it just as much as the first time. Plus Rubber, which has to be one of the more original/clever movies I've seen in quite some time. It's fucking stupid and silly, but that's the point. If the opening monologue doesn't win you over, don't bother watching: |
Batman updates. Complete with on-set photos. Bane in full costume. Standing on top of a stolen Tumbler (Batmobile). Bane tearing up a picture of Harvey Dent (Two-Face). Definitely leaves alot of room for theories on the plot. I figured I'd post this here, since it's the closest thing we have to a current movies thread and I don't feel like this is blog-worthy. |
I hope that settles that Bane's going to be intelligent.
I don't care how intelligent he is, that costume is really underwhelming.
Still excited for this movie though. |
I want to see that Bane, the one who can break Batman. |
I can't tell if he was dumb in Arkham Asylum, or if the combination of his accent and him having a bitch fit just made him seem dumb.
I saw Captain America. It was good, though I felt like something was missing. The Invaders, probably.
Unusually, the sting at the end was a trailer for The Avengers. That's not really a spoiler. |
Rented Rango.
Fucking awesome. |
I watched Bottle Rockets, Wes Anderson's first film over the weekend. Very funny and energetic. I loved all of the little touches and repeat-details they threw in. Definitely recommend.
Since it was a solid 15$ cheaper, we got the Standard DVD and not the Criterion version. The standard makes it seem like a buddy-cop-comedy. God. I'll watch The Thing: Beginnings or whatever it's called because The Thing scared me when I was little and seeing The Thing turned into a new The Thing is The Thing I was my Thing to Thing. Caaaaan't say I'm all about that dudette from Scott Pilgrim taking the lead role. Seems like kind of a leap. |
I watched The Usual Suspects as well as Ocean's 11. Enjoyed both immensely. The latter had an amazing soundtrack.