I don't really pay much attention to stand up comedy, but David Cross is probably my favourite. I gotta check out more Louis CK stuff.
I've been watching this series called Storage Wars for a while now. It's about hillbillies who buy abandoned/locked storage lockers in hope of finding valuable stuff and they bid on them. I think it's interesting and really stupid at the same time. I especially like the redneck called Darrell.
All thanks to you. You inspired me.
I watched Tiny Furniture the other day. I fucking loved that movie. I can't express how impressed I was with it. It's kind of like the twentysomething slacker movies of the 90's without the angst, and 1,000 times more clever. Every line in the movie is damn near a non sequitur, and makes no goddamn sense except that it makes perfect sense and is beautiful.
Her show that just started on HBO, called Girls, is almost as good as the movie, and is probably my favorite tv show that is currently running. |
But Dane Cook makes the funny sounds with his mouthy mouth.
Just saw The Avengers...and...wow. It exceeded my expectations by far.
The action scenes were absolutely fantastic, near enough the whole film was just none stop action. I can't really pick out a favorite scene because...I don't have one. IT'S ALL GOOD :lol: All the characters coming together was awesome, I knew it would be. I love Iron Man, I saw the Iron Man film not too long ago and I thought it was amazing too. I haven't seen Thor or Captain America, I didn't really know about them before I saw the Avengers but it's defently sparked my interested to watch them films. Oh and Scarlett Johansson playing The Black Widow...Fucking. Hot. I pretty much just kept staring at her in the scenes when not much was going on. ;) |
I liked Thor. I liked it more than the first Iron Man but less than the second one.
I loved the Avengers and hated the more recent Hulk movie with a burning passion. |
I was really stoned when I watched Thor, and all I remember is that dumb bitch yelling for someone to get the first aid kid after she hit the dude with her van going 60 mph, and laughing hysterically at the ice people who were mad because Thor's family stole their box of batteries.
That was really dumb. |
The Avengers seems like one of those movies where everyone is so drowned in the hype that they won't realize it actually sucks until a year or two later.
Not unlike The Dark Knight. And to sound even more hipstery, I actually preferred Ang Lee's "Hulk" to that boring headache with Edward Norton. Normally I love Norton, but that movie was just a fucking snorefest. Ang Lee's was fucking weird, had really great performances (how can you not love Nick Nolte as a psychotic David Banner), and - call me crazy - but I thought the visual fx were actually better than the newer one. |
I still like The Dark Knight, you fuck nugget.
That's because you're such a hipster that disliking the mainstream is too mainstream!
To be fair, I was speaking entirely for myself about TDK. I know I shouldn't judge a movie by it's trailer, but I think the new one coming out looks kind of... boring. When I was on set, I had a lot of fun, but now I'm not so sure if I'll even see it. |
You hated The Dark Knight before it even came out, you fuck nugget.
No I didn't. I was dubious at first, but I enjoyed it when I saw it. I never loved it though.
This conversation makes me feel like a picky asshole, so I'm getting off here. |
Stop getting off, you fuck nugget.
what is all this 'hipster' shit? is it basically being ridiculously anally retentive about what you like and dislike, like super-contrary or something? i've heard it so many times but never summoned the willpower to bother trawling through a load of internet shit only to find out it was what some fucking dumb teenager said back in '97.
i'm not looking for an explanation, it just sort of gets on my tits. i really don't see the point in it. at all. it's like some really shit hive mind. |
But yeah, the defining quality of a hipster is disliking popular or mainstream things because they're popular and mainstream. Hipsters pride themselves on being as contrary as possible in an attempt to seem "unique". |
Nowadays, a hipster is somebody who loves obscure media and hates popular things because they think it makes them seem independent, unique and interesting; Or somebody who pretends to do so in order to fit in with trend-following cliques. |
MeechMunchie said it better than me.
Bastard. :
It's a really obscure way of talking, you've probably never seen it before.
It's what they always accuse me of being because I don't like shitty music.
All joking aside, I think OANST is one of the few people I've encountered whose obscure tastes are genuine.
For me, the obscurity of something doesn't factor into my liking of it, I'm just obviously more likely to encounter things that aren't.
I like things I find and then tell people about them. Repeatedly.
i have a headache |