Just saw the last Harry Potter. It was pretty good.
My favourite scenes were in the pensieve with Snape's memories. They were handled really well and really hit the right emotional notes. I thought that the battle wasn't quite as big as it could have been; quite often you see Harry running through empty (though damaged) hallways, or surrounded by running people but there's not that much actual fighting. Also, I didn't see why they needed to alter the confrontation between Harry and Voldemort at the end; it was written so dramatically in the book. And it would have been so much better if Harry had defeated Voldemort in front of everyone else. And, worse of all, they severely diminished Neville's Crowning Moment of Awesome. But, all in all, a good film. Oh, and if you get the opportunity, see it in 3d. I saw it in 2d and I regret it; I reckon it would be one of the few films that the 3d actually makes it better. |
I'm waiting to see Cowboys Vs. Aliens. For some odd reason i think it looks good.
I hope they make Robots vs. Zombies.
I'm surprised they haven't made a Pirates vs. Ninjas film yet.
They'll probably shoehorn ninjas into the next POTC film though. |
They kinda did in Pirates 3, right? Or were they just generally Asian or Chinese or whatever?
Could this be the real Dark Knight Rises trailer?
Some say it is, some say it isn't and that the real one is released within 48 hours or something like that. Oh, and some say there was an official teaser shown on some website, but it was deleted really quickly. This is exciting! |
Since it's made from clips of other movies, it's not.
That's obviously the fake trailer. The real leaked one was removed from Youtube within a few hours of it's release, it contained some shots of the new Bane. |
Just saw the first of the new Torchwood. Looking good. The prospect of no one dying any more is quite horrifying. As I've long maintained, though I've never considered the very short term implications of it on a global scale.
I think the end of episode preview must rank up there in longest seasonal previews on television.
I was up from eight last night until one this morning watching The Thick of It. It's the funniest program I've ever seen. I think it's definitely an adequate representation of politics.
Let me In, the modern re-make of the 'Let the right one in' apparently it's not as good as the original but I enjoyed it on a whole.
I really thought Let Me In was awful compared to the original. I've been getting thoroughly reamed for thinking so though. There seems to be some kind of putrid sense of cinema patriotism running rampant. When I tell people the film they just watched was a remake of a foreign film, I get alot of "I don't wanna watch no gook movie with subtitles" kind of responses.
I'm not even trying to be indie. It's just that often times, the original is simply better. I don't see why we even need to remake films like we do. Pan's Labyrinth being in Spanish hardly belied it's popularity. Then again, Pan's Labyrinth was pretty unique, and incorporated talent from all over the world. Remaking it would be almost racist. |
Watched Gladiator last night.
It always makes me cry. |
I also watched Shame of the Jungle. As a animated film, I enjoyed it and it had the perfect amount of potty humor that made it likeable without being overly cringe-worthy. |
If I wanna watch a movie/show that has a remake, I usually watch the remake first, if I have the choice. I do this because the original is usually better, and if I watch em the other way around, the remake will probly just disappoint me. But this way, I am able to enjoy both movies to their fullest extent.
That's true.
Close Encounter of the Third Kind has some wonderfully-directed scenes. The stuff with the kid's toys and the lights in the house is just pitch-perfect.
Horrible bosses is really funny. The cast really makes the simple concept shine. Apparently it was supposed to be a black comedy which I didn't really think it was save for one part, but that didn't stop me from loving it all the way through.
Watched Rango at the suggestion of Sekto, and by Jesus I enjoyed that film.
Hell yes you did.
Damn, now I want to see Rango too. It comes out on DVD next week in Finland, might buy it.
I'm gonna rent Rango to see what all the fuss be about...it best be worth the money Sektooo.
Can't be any worse than whatever money you spent on your bible.
Watched Disaster Movie............ One of the worst films I have ever seen in my life.
My friends in school always seemed to go on about how great all the films are in the "movie"? series (Scary Movie, Epic Movie, Date Movie ETC) I did watch a small sample of Scary Movie 3 once and thought it sucked Had the chance to watch Meet The Spartans with a friend but I thought that looked awful so I declined. My mum wanted to watch Vampires Suck, but after watching the trailer I advised her against it. So my question is, are any of these movies by Friedberg and Seltzer any good? After my viewing of Disaster Movie and sample of Scary Movie 3, I get the feeling that I should avoid all of them. |
The long answer is; no, not at all. |
Apparently Scary Movie 1 and 2 are supposed to be much much better than 3 and 4.
Having only ever seen Scary Movie 1, I can't even imagine how horrendous 3 and 4 must be. |
Did you enjoy Scary Movie 1?
Why would you even ask that if he already said that he can't even imagine how horrendous 3 and 4 are if 1 was so bad? Well, he didn't state it was bad but I think it is pretty obvious.
ANYWAYYY, I watched Futurama: Bender's Big Score yesterday evening. It's a nice movie. Damn, I really need to buy some Futurama seasons. It's tons better than Simpsons. |
Futurama episodes I generally find bestows naught but a feeble smile upon my face. The Simpsons (1999 - 2007) I actually laughed at regularly - which says quite a lot for a TV show. Futurama, however, is better than a lot of other crap out there. |
I think Futurama is far cleverer and more nihilistic/dark than The Simpsons. Then again, Simpsons was a syndicated Fox affair, so the "family friendly" element was pretty forced. Now it's in like its 20th fucking season, and it's absolutely terrible. Simpsons stopped being funny or likable somewhere around 2002-2003, and that's being generous.
Futurama has only ever made me lol on a few occasions. It's humor is the kind of droll irreverence at which you smirk snidely, not necessarily laugh out loud. Actually, the lines that made me laugh the hardest were the real derpy ones. One that comes to mind is... Bender: 'I'm a big robot and I want a big cereal!' Fry: 'You too!?' This line actually became less funny when I learned it was a reference to the classic Honeycomb commercials. It was so juvenile in it's structure and delivery, and it came so far out of left field that I did a double-take with enough swiftness to give myself testicular torsion. |
I used to love Fuurama when I was 10. Now any humor has been sucked out by the fact I've seen them all a few times. The newer Simpsons episodes I've seen just seem really puerile and unfunny.
IT Crowd anyone?
I just saw Creation. It's about Charles Darwin as he struggled to finish his book while dealing with his mysterious illness, the death of his young daughter Anne and the devout wife he loved more than anything else.
I was a bit concerned by the way he was portrayed as though he was going mad, but I came to understand that was artistic licence in depicting his grief. |
Woo, there were a lot of DVDs on sale at a near department store so I picked up Futurama's third season for 10€. I haven't seen almost any of these episodes, they're really good.
I heard the studio got alot of shit for the Seymour episode, which is exactly how you know when a show is any good. The newer episode with the professor's time machine was a mind fuck.