I saw probably just short of 12 seconds of Mamma Mia on the television while I put down the remote to scratch my arse and blow my nose. Let me tell you, I have no intention of watching the rest.
that's twelve seconds too many.
To further exacerbate the situation, there was fuck all on the television at all anyway.
I watched Alien today. It's awesome, but I'm still not sure which I prefer more, the first one or Aliens.
Alien is my favourite by far. Ian Holm, Harry Dean Stanton, John Hurt, fucking great cast.
I love the fuck out of Alien, but I don't like Aliens that much.
I always get flock for saying that I love Alien Resurrection. I'm a Juenet fan, what can I say? The first one is still the best of the series though. I can't wait for Prometheus. Let's hope Ridley Scott doesn't fuck it up. |
I like the tacit acceptence that Alien 3 sucked.
Because it did. |
And yet everyone complains about Alien: Resurrection.
Alien > Aliens > Alien: Resurrection > Alien 3. |
Alien 3 indeed sucked far more than Resurrection.
Anyone seen Alien vs Predator: Requiem? That was truly awful.
The Alien Versus Predator franchise is terrible in general.
One of my biggest gripes as both a fan of the respective franchises and a filmmaker was the ball-achingly poor sound editing in the Versus films. They abandoned the iconic hissing of the Xenomorphs and the unsettling "purring" of the Predators in favor of all of the generic animal squeals/roars that I'm pretty sure have been blacklisted since the late 90's for being overused. |
Someone's never heard of Portlandia.
The last movie I watched was 'Let the right one in' and I just found it pretty slow and boring overall and I found it really easy to lose track of the different miscelanous characters. Does anyone know if the american remake is any good?
Considering the only reviews I've heard about the remake were "the original was better", you might want to skip that one.
Also Chloe Grace Moretz is a great actress.
Both are great movies, and I almost negrepped Taco for talking shit about it. The original is slightly better, but only very, very slightly.
I've been watching The Sopranos intermittently with my Sister. It's a really, really entertaining show. I stumbled in on an episode where Tony has a dream that he covers himself in gasoline, explodes and wakes up to fart loudly and repeatedly while his son grumbles "Whose rippin' those big ones?"
Fuckin' classic. |
I liked Let Me In. As Mac said it was a glorious bloodbath consisting of a few kids, a couple of adults and a 300 year old girl. But aside from the violence, the bit of the film that really got me was the developing relationship between Abby and Owen. Touching, really. |
And holy shit was it good. If you've got a Netflix account, see it. |
It was an internet sensation for a brief time after the episode aired, but Time Warner is ruthless when it comes to unlawful distribution. If you do find it, let me know, it's been forever since I've seen it and it's always good for a laugh.
That just sounds really disturbing.
That's why it was an internet sensation. They always are.
I narrowly avoided seeing We Bought a Zoo today.
Treasure Island on Sky 1. Yes, very good.