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STM 03-07-2012 01:51 PM

Ah well, it's better to be truthful than to pretend you're following with the trend because of everyone else. Ack, that sounds terribly condescending.

MeechMunchie 03-07-2012 03:18 PM

Go get brutally raped by a hulking Ugandan soldier. Then come and tell us about empathy.

MA 03-07-2012 06:33 PM


Is it empathy or cheap sympathy? Are people really empathizing with the issue, or are they just passing the video on to friends to absolve themselves of the guilt they feel after having watched it?

this. it amazes me how many people will just pass something on or sign themselves up to some shitty cause without looking further into it just because they feel guilty after listening to their sob story. doing that does not absolve you from guilt. you can't say "well, i've done my bit", because these things aren't as simple as that. you need to go further than just skin-deep, otherwise you're just a fucking robot.

moxco 03-07-2012 09:12 PM

I expressed my disgruntledness with the KONY 2012 campaign on FaceBook, thinking of it as an uninformed emotionalist bandwagon. Some became annoyed with me, not being able to comprehend the difference between being concerned about the credibility of the campaign thinking children being shot at is a good thing. People are unbelievably easy to manipulate.

enchilado 03-07-2012 09:39 PM

Call me racist, but I don't trust the guy because he's American.

moxco 03-07-2012 11:07 PM

You're racist.

Mac Sirloin 03-07-2012 11:20 PM


I expressed my disgruntledness with the KONY 2012 campaign on FaceBook, thinking of it as an uninformed emotionalist bandwagon. Some became annoyed with me, not being able to comprehend the difference between being concerned about the credibility of the campaign thinking children being shot at is a good thing. People are unbelievably easy to manipulate.

This is by and large one of the most respectable things I've ever seen you post, Moxco. And I mean that in the absolute best way.

Here's something I cooked up and that I've been pasting here and there. I got some dumb girl from British Columbia to call me a 'troll' for saying she was an ignorant piece of shit after stating that Invisible Children keeps less than 1% of their revenue.

Listen folks, it's totally commendable for you to look on something like Uganda or the LRA and want to help, to bring stability and lend your mighty gestalt social will to the scene and do what you can.
But to just take what you're told at face value? How could you genuinely know you're helping unless you actually do some research? Yeah, the video we've all seen is very heart rending. We don't want more kids like Jacob, and thankfully there is something you can do. The easiest way to get rid of crazed, dangerous vermin like Joseph Kony (and to put the people who don't have any legitimate good intentions in their place) is to support instigating a stable government who will, in turn, take care of the small fry destabilizers. You want another Congo or Somalia? Keep blindly following manipulative Trash like invisible children. You want me to NOT post big walls of text on your wall? Just read this, if you please!

Now rep me, all of you! Muahahaha!

MeechMunchie 03-07-2012 11:27 PM


If we want to help with this, are there any good, genuine charitable ventures we can support instead?

enchilado 03-07-2012 11:53 PM

I've just started one called the Koncealed Kids. If you wish to donate, just PM me your bank details.

Phylum 03-07-2012 11:58 PM

Don't trust Ench. He's related to convicts.

PM me your bank account details.

Wil 03-08-2012 12:58 AM


I've just started one called the Koncealed Kids. If you wish to donate, just PM me your bank details.

Too many K's close together. From a PR perspective, that's not a good name for a Kharity.

moxco 03-08-2012 01:10 AM

Havoc 03-08-2012 01:11 AM

I only just started hearing about this crap, thankfully. I'm probably not well informed about it yet, but it seems hipster crap and people getting butthurt over stuff that's been going on for decades. Could someone give me a quick sum up of what's going on with this and why it shouldn't be supported so I can take part in this bitch fight? :D

Also I thought this was funny. Maybe not true, but still funny.

Edit: Moxco's video summed it up nicely.

T-nex 03-08-2012 01:23 AM

Havoc... I do believe you should research both sides and not just take the more popular stance before joining the bitch fight. I don't mean anything bad with it, just saying :) It seems like you have anyway.

I couldn't watch the video through anyway... There was no introduction posted anywhere, and the video seemed very slow to get to the point. I may try to re-watch later.

When watching it though, I was super paranoid that they were trying to talk to my subconscious :p Sometimes Im just silly like that. But it seemed really suspicious for them to say "THis will only work if you pay attention the next 30 mins" or whatever they said. I dont appreciate people making demands like that <.<

Have a nice day!
/paranoid T-nex walks out of the thread.

Phylum 03-08-2012 01:51 AM

I want to watch it so that I can feel comfortable criticizing it, but, fun as that could be, I'm not wasting 30 mins watching the video then countless hours telling my friends why they're stupid.

One of my friends posted this. I don't know the source, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was true.


Can anyone verify the integrity of this?

Manco 03-08-2012 02:02 AM


Can anyone verify the integrity of this?

Invisible Children makes their financial information publicly available. http://www.invisiblechildren.com.s3-...inancials.html

Strike Witch 03-08-2012 02:05 AM

Okay, I just skipped through that very flash glitzy video and a couple of articles...

...so tell me if I'm reading this wrong, but basically are these guys trying to whip up some sort of public fervor with the goal of taking down some horrid African dictator?

I'm very unsure of this....

enchilado 03-08-2012 04:21 AM

I dunno if this was already posted and I can't be bothered checking.


Also, he reminds me a hell of a lot of the eleventh Doctor, in both looks and the way he's running around saying that we can save the planet if we all think about doing it (or whatever it is).

Mac Sirloin 03-08-2012 06:42 AM


Okay, I just skipped through that very flash glitzy video and a couple of articles...

...so tell me if I'm reading this wrong, but basically are these guys trying to whip up some sort of public fervor with the goal of taking down some horrid African dictator?

I'm very unsure of this....

Essentially, yes. But there are more horrid dictators, more dangerous people in positions of political power and much much much more efficient ways of bringing stability to the area. Joseph Kony is small potatoes compared to hundreds if not thousands of other monstrous individuals. The goal is to get all the slacktivists they can to bitch and and whine about something that they basically would not give a shit about otherwise so that they can pat each other on the back for a job well done when Kony is taken care of, which will only bring that much more instability to the area because he has a several thousand strong militia of child soldiers which will become a headless, guntoting, psychopathic little band of zealots fuelled by a bizarre pseudo ideaology. Invisible Children is basically a bogus charity powered by guilt and god fucking damn it that picture of those sons of bitches in the jungle holding weapons makes me want to cut them apart with a fork

tl;dr it's for reddit faggots to think they're helping when they're doing nothing of the sort

Hazel-Rah 03-08-2012 07:25 AM


Call me racist, but I don't trust the guy because he's American.

I didn't know American was race?

Also, using social media to do something other than post career ruining pictures of alcohol induced White Castle misuse is a good thing. I mean sure, a lot of people ranting on about this on FB right now are prob just pretending; but, like Occupy Wall Street, it started with good intentions and you shouldn't let the phonies ruin your opinion of it.

MA 03-08-2012 07:28 AM


I didn't know American was race?

no, you didn't.

JennyGenesis 03-08-2012 07:39 AM


I didn't know American was race?


Well they are noticeably different

MA 03-08-2012 07:42 AM



Well they are noticeably different

you are a turd floating around in the shallow end of the pool of intelligence. only you can realize this.

Manco 03-08-2012 08:14 AM


Essentially, yes. But there are more horrid dictators, more dangerous people in positions of political power and much much much more efficient ways of bringing stability to the area. Joseph Kony is small potatoes compared to hundreds if not thousands of other monstrous individuals.

I hate this argument. “There are bigger badder problems in the world!” is not a reason to ignore smaller issues. We are not a civilisation that can only focus on one goddamn problem at a time; we can support the arrest of Kony while also supporting the fixing of problems elsewhere.


The goal is to get all the slacktivists they can to bitch and and whine about something that they basically would not give a shit about otherwise so that they can pat each other on the back for a job well done when Kony is taken care of,

Getting people to give a shit is not inherently a bad thing.


which will only bring that much more instability to the area because he has a several thousand strong militia of child soldiers which will become a headless, guntoting, psychopathic little band of zealots fuelled by a bizarre pseudo ideaology.

I doubt they would just slap handcuffs on Kony and say “welp screw all these child soldiers, they’ll get by just fine on their own!”


Invisible Children is basically a bogus charity powered by guilt and god fucking damn it that picture of those sons of bitches in the jungle holding weapons makes me want to cut them apart with a fork

tl;dr it's for reddit faggots to think they're helping when they're doing nothing of the sort

This is true, but your reasoning is fallacious.

Havoc 03-08-2012 08:43 AM




First person to get all three of them right gets rep.

skychase2rebirth 03-08-2012 08:52 AM

My little Kony
Obi-Wan Konybi
Kony Montana

Havoc 03-08-2012 09:06 AM

Meh, close enough. I liked Obi-Wan Kony better.

skychase2rebirth 03-08-2012 09:16 AM


Find those, get rep ^^

Sekto Springs 03-08-2012 09:37 AM

I must be succeeding in keeping my fingers off the pulse if this one slipped by me until now.

Mac Sirloin 03-08-2012 12:11 PM


I hate this argument. “There are bigger badder problems in the world!” is not a reason to ignore smaller issues. We are not a civilisation that can only focus on one goddamn problem at a time; we can support the arrest of Kony while also supporting the fixing of problems elsewhere.

I'm not saying there are bigger and badder problems in the world, I'm saying that eliminating Kony is small potatoes and won't solve a damn thing in Uganda and East Africa. I'm saying that there are dozens of others like him (and many, MANY worse) and that the surest way to bring about peace would be to bring order through a non-corrupt government that isn't batshit insane. Start at the top and work downwards. Eliminating Kony is like a man getting rid of the problem of a boil on his finger by infecting it with a flesh eating virus.


Getting people to give a shit is not inherently a bad thing.

Except you don't give a shit. If you did give a shit, you'd look into this beyond Invisible Children's sparkly video and sad sack manipulation and realize there are much, much more significant factors at play other than what is essentially just witch hunting a serial killer until we can all feel less tenuous white guilt.


I doubt they would just slap handcuffs on Kony and say “welp screw all these child soldiers, they’ll get by just fine on their own!”

Really, neither of us could know, but presuming that they'd go to the extent of in any way solving the Child Soldiering other than a complete, economically impossible reeducation of them or complete elimination of the army as a whole is naive. Once all of these whinging assholes get Kony taken down, pat themselves on the back and return to being cynical wastes of space all of these poor fucking bastards are going to fill the power vacuum and just keep on raping, pillaging and marauding.


This is true, but your reasoning is fallacious.

Don't you call me fallacious, you little shit. Are you not a Reddit going faggot? Do you really think you're helping after wandering across Invisible Children and joining in with an impotent chorus of white college bums who could not begin to understand the meticulous foreign workings of Ugandan government any more than they understand our politics? (and no, I'm not claiming I do, but I've done a hell of a better job researching and caring about this than you have) Is Invisible Children not lying to our faces through their claimed intentions and easily researched financial history? It's a gigantic fucking useless buttpat and you should be ashamed to not have been smarter about your involvement in it.

I'm not trying to dissuade you from being involved at all, I'm just telling you that there are more than two sides to this and I want people on the one that involves taking some shit for Africa. Good on your for becoming interested, now start digging and don't stop until you've opened up a metaphorical, realistic escape hatch for blood diamond mining and other horrors.