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-   -   I have a right to eat junk food. (http://www.oddworldforums.net/showthread.php?t=12982)

Dino 11-18-2005 01:54 AM


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Getting back to the topic.


While I feel you all have valid points (except the excessive rambling). I feel that all of these people are trying to get kids to stay healthy, which is why McDonalds are promoting healthy living, while i admit their salads are cruddy lumps, it shows that if kids are told by something they love (all kids love junk food) to eat healthy well they most likely do it, we are really aiming at people tkaing up only one seat on the bus here (:P), if kids start dying at an incredibley low ge then the worlds population will gradually go down until we're all to fat to have babies we ourselves shall end up becoming exctinct (well thats my view on this healthy living)

There's a good point in there... McDonalds DO have a great deal of influence over kids, and they are pretty much being forced to use that influence for the better (although I don't particularly agree with the government using big businesses who've managed to manipulate the nation as tools).

However, isn't it the fault of the parents for taking their kids to McDonalds in the first place? If you're a parent and you take your kids to eat in McDonalds often enough for it to be a risk to their health, then you are an irresponsible parent. McDonalds is after all a fast food resteraunt.

So in light of that I say that the government are tackling child obesity in the wrong way. They aren't getting through to the parents who're responsible for it.

Nate 11-18-2005 09:46 AM


However, isn't it the fault of the parents for taking their kids to McDonalds in the first place? If you're a parent and you take your kids to eat in McDonalds often enough for it to be a risk to their health, then you are an irresponsible parent. McDonalds is after all a fast food resteraunt.

Whilst I agree with you in general, I'd say it's more responsible to take your kid to McDonalds than let them go hungry. Read my previous post for the general gist of my point.

Dino 11-18-2005 01:00 PM


Whilst I agree with you in general, I'd say it's more responsible to take your kid to McDonalds than let them go hungry. Read my previous post for the general gist of my point.

Judging by the size of these kids, I don't think there's any risk of them going hungry.

My point is I don't particularly see how replacing fries with carrots and whatever with apples solves anything. You've still got a burger, you've still got extras, there's still a whole menu of other things, and there's still a sugary caramel dip for the apples. Child obesity is still on the rise, nobody has proved conclusively that McDonalds have much to do with it, and the government still aren't getting through to these irresponsible parents. Who're still at large.

McDonalds isn't the only resteraunt on earth, there are other, healthier places to buy your children meals. Heck, I can get healthier food at the local petrol station. So why is the government trying to get a fast food giant to pretend to be something it's not? Why not encourage the public to go eat in healthier places?

Rincewynd 11-18-2005 01:08 PM

Its not really the fast-food places that should really make healthy options (really we shouldn't get like that), but if we say it's good to eat healthy the kids will think this and then buy good stuff, or at least it it.......I asmit it hasnt completely changed much really but it's only been a few years since they started........oh and one more thing........the whole healthy side of things, even if you eat tons of crud and stay within 10 stone or something, you will get all kinds of illnesses, (e.g: kidney stones, too much salt I think) and this won't go away because you excericise.

Majic 11-18-2005 10:23 PM


McDonalds not putting much salt on their fries

To that, I give a rousing "Hell yeah!" I remember back in the day, it must've been a good seven or eight years ago, when McDonalds still loaded their fries up with salt in these parts. That's how they got the damned nickname "America's Favorite Fries," not by cutting back.

Then again, on an oppisite note, I kind of wish the whole "health craze" publicity had been as active back in the '90s as it is today. If the fact that "hey, those fucking Big Macs are adding to that belly you're ignoring and clashing hardcore with your inherited cholesterol levels,"had been really beaten into me, maybe I would've considered my food options a bit more. Probably would've done my mother some good too; she's the one who was always taking my brother and I out to eat so often, never said a word about fitness, and is now an overstressed, overweight PTA mother of America recently diagnosed with Diabetes. My brother has lost the flub, but that may also be because he did lots of drugs. But we're not changing the subject of this topic, lest I warn you with my non existent ex-mod powers.

Point in case, I was a smart kid back then, and could grasp what was thrown my way, but the concept of "nutritional facts" didn't really hit home with me until about 4-5 years ago. That's probably why since then, I've grown a deal taller, gained pubescent muscle, but only gained around 25 pounds. Now all I need to do is work my stomach down a bit more, as I can at least pretend my "six pack"/ribs will someday show, and increase my running endurance. Not to say I'm not in shape, though; anyone in any serious high school band will argue in favor of the physical aspect.

Alector 11-19-2005 02:40 AM

*pukes at junk-food*
*pukes at the puply lukewarm sticky bread dressed with dead brown, in fat drown cells*

*pukes at the disgusting smell of burned fat over the streets*
*pukes at all the irresponsible parents, who want to make nice tasty hours with their poor children, who have problems all their life if the parents exaggerate!!!*
*pukes on everything which has to do with this death campaign*

I even didn't say anything...my body did it self-governed...

Nate 11-19-2005 12:46 PM


Judging by the size of these kids, I don't think there's any risk of them going hungry.

Let's not confuse cause and effect here.

In terms of McDonalds and salt; I heard that they're saving millions by not putting salt on originally, because whilst 90% of the population liked the amount of salt on the fries, there were plenty of people who prefered to go without and even more (people called autocondimentors) who will add more salt irrespective of how much is on already. So by letting everyone choose for themselves, less salt is used overall and they save megabucks.

Rincewynd 11-19-2005 01:23 PM

How do they save they still put the salt on the plate, that costs them, and if the customer doesnt use it it gets chucked in the bin (or pocketed ;))

Dino 11-20-2005 05:39 AM

They still supply salt in little sachets, you can still add it. But that's not the point. The point is, it's being used as a scapegoat, and it's taking advantage of it and is probably making the situation worse. It's a lose lose scenario.

The government needs to take it's head out of it's arse and smell the stale air of reality. Blame doesn't make a problem go away. It makes it worse, and makes it harder to deal with.

Rich 11-20-2005 05:55 AM


*pukes at junk-food*
*pukes at the puply lukewarm sticky bread dressed with dead brown, in fat drown cells*

*pukes at the disgusting smell of burned fat over the streets*
*pukes at all the irresponsible parents, who want to make nice tasty hours with their poor children, who have problems all their life if the parents exaggerate!!!*
*pukes on everything which has to do with this death campaign*

Don't be ridiculous, it tastes great. It's like genetically engineered to taste good, or something. :p

I agree with everything Dino has said here. Unless I'm with friends on foot, I always go through the drive-thru at McDonalds. There is no way of putting on extra salt this way and the crappy amount they put on the fries nowadays is simply pathetic.

TheRaisin 11-20-2005 09:56 AM

Actually, Rich, it has chemicals in it that make you temporarily feel better, so you subconsciously associate the food with feeling good, making it taste good. Or so I hear.

Sounds like bullshit. But the principle is sound. I think.

Okay, so I heard that in Supersize Me. It still might be true.

Meh. McDonald's is crap. Get a sammich from Subway instead. Mmmmm nummy.

Nate 11-20-2005 01:21 PM

I doubt it. But I did hear about a restaurant in Hong Kong that was fined for putting opium in their food for much the same reason + addictivity.

CheeseOfGlory 11-20-2005 06:17 PM

I would think all fatty, semi-delicious food makes you "temporarily feel better".

Still, I think people have every right to get as fat as they want, as long as no one else (as in me) has to pay for it.

Nate 11-20-2005 06:38 PM

Except that we do, in that it costs the government millions every year due to people's ill health and other side-effects of obesity. At least in any reasonable country that helps pay for its citizen's medical bills.

That's why the Australian government is trying to promote healthy living now so that they don't have to pay even more for everyone who has a heart attack in thirty years time.

used:) 11-20-2005 06:53 PM

Oh Nate and your nonstop travelling. The jet lag must be melting your brains as we speak.

Nate 11-20-2005 09:36 PM

I haven't been out of this one-horse town in three months. But I shall be in Davis on Tuesday and San Francisco on Wednesday. Hooray!

Dino 11-21-2005 04:27 AM


Actually, Rich, it has chemicals in it that make you temporarily feel better, so you subconsciously associate the food with feeling good, making it taste good. Or so I hear.

Sounds like bullshit. But the principle is sound. I think.

Okay, so I heard that in Supersize Me. It still might be true.

Meh. McDonald's is crap. Get a sammich from Subway instead. Mmmmm nummy.

I can tell you pretty conclusively that McDonalds don't put "chemicals" in their food. The addictive qualities are all psychological. It makes you feel good because it tastes nice and satisfies an urge - you can crave those flavours and that satisfaction, and can even become addicted to it. Those who do not like the flavour of McDonalds food will not go there again, so it stands to reason that those who do go there like the taste. It's also instant; you go there, buy your meal, and go out again. What you've got in that bag is food that in some cases takes under a couple of minutes to get hold of. This is important to the way you think of the food.

Although we don't really notice it, it's in our nature to consider how easily/quikcly we can get food before we go out and get it. This goes back to a time when we would hunt for our food. If it's easier to get food from other places, then we'll go there. We'll also consider how much money we have, and how much food we can get with that money. This isn't a controlling aspect, but it is a factor. Hunger, cravings, mood, and ease of getting food all detirmine what we want to eat.

McDonalds have clearly got this down to such a fine art, that people can become fatally addicted to their food. It's no more than irresponsible on the part of McDonalds, and weak willed on the part of the people who eat themselves to death on their food.

EDIT: And by the way, NOBODY is going to be getting a sandwich so long as you spell it "sammich". :nonono:

Rincewynd 11-21-2005 10:17 AM

[QUOTE=CheeseOfGlory]I would think all fatty, semi-delicious food makes you "temporarily feel better". [QUOTE]

What about Greggs that makes you feel better and it doesnt fatten you up like a chicken :D I just thought I'd point out how delicious Greggs food is and I urge you all to try it :P

Wil 11-21-2005 10:40 AM


But yeah, live and let live.

You say that talking about an industry that is directly and indirectly responsible for thousands of deaths and the lowering of hundreds of thousands of people's quality of life.


What's so wrong in making your living selling people shit that they chose to buy?

It's wrong because you are allowing people to have a detrimental effect on themselves and society a large; it's even worse because fast food corporations encourage you to buy their shit. They even pretend it's not bad for you. It's not about being mentally fit and psychiatry, it's about thinking and psychology. These companies are psychologists. They know exactly what they're doing and how best to get you into their outlets. They know precise what makes kids tick, and they take advantage of that. If people want burgers, they can make them themselves. I do, and I know exactly what goes in them, too, and how what's in them was obtained.


Why are we in britain so goddamn obsessed with harming business? Because of our stupid politically correct views (for instance, saying no to fast food), we now have no industry, and import just about everything. Our export market is one of the worst in the world and employment is suffering because of it. This means that our economy is going down the drain, the cost of living is going through the roof, and britain is turning into a fancy little retirement island full of people who're living off the pensions they earned back when Britain actually had some decent jobs on offer.

I'm guessing you were just going on a rant here, but most of this is rubbish. Britain has no industry because we lost most of our endogenous comparative advantages. Our export market remains the sixth largest in the world, our unemployment is lower than is has been for the last quarter of a century, our economy is one of the strongest in Europe and climbing. The cost of living is going through the roof because people are getting paid more and demanding ever-higher qualities of life from sources who are all too eager to charge more for it, and the aging population is a result of the Baby Boom and nothing to do with the economy or ethical consumerism.


If you're a parent and you take your kids to eat in McDonalds often enough for it to be a risk to their health, then you are an irresponsible parent. McDonalds is after all a fast food resteraunt.

Absolutely you are, and I agree the government isn't doing everything is could to solve the problem, but public awareness of health is increasing dramatically. I fear it's just another fad and dread the next swing of the cultural pendulum, but the awareness we teach children now is still going to be there when they're parents. I'd like to again point out that fast food needn't be synonymous with shit food.

Alector 11-21-2005 01:14 PM


Meh. McDonald's is crap. Get a sammich from Subway instead. Mmmmm nummy.

Subway is boring. Their Veggie Sandwich is as dry as my farts...

OANST 11-21-2005 01:16 PM

My farts are quite juicy.

used:) 11-21-2005 01:22 PM

Subway is so delicious! ^_^

I especially love their wraps and pizza subs.

Alector 11-21-2005 01:33 PM


My farts are quite juicy.

LOL! I envy you! Muahahahhaa! *runs away*

Subway is too expensive here. From that money, I can buy a great meal at the vegan shop

Rich 11-21-2005 01:37 PM

Or you could eat some fresh grass cuttings. They're free. ;)

Alector 11-21-2005 11:54 PM


Or you could eat some fresh grass cuttings. They're free. ;)

Damn! Why not? I need to go to another place if I want to eat grass because the parks In Leipzig are quite...eh....

Dino 11-23-2005 05:02 AM


You say that talking about an industry that is directly and indirectly responsible for thousands of deaths and the lowering of hundreds of thousands of people's quality of life.


The fast food industry is responsible for nothing. If you're too stupid to work out that eating too much junk is bad for you, then that's your fault, not the company that sold you the junk.


It's wrong because you are allowing people to have a detrimental effect on themselves and society a large; it's even worse because fast food corporations encourage you to buy their shit. They even pretend it's not bad for you. It's not about being mentally fit and psychiatry, it's about thinking and psychology. These companies are psychologists. They know exactly what they're doing and how best to get you into their outlets. They know precise what makes kids tick, and they take advantage of that. If people want burgers, they can make them themselves. I do, and I know exactly what goes in them, too, and how what's in them was obtained.

Once again, WRONG.

It's been proven TIME and TIME again that junk food has no detrimental effects if taken in moderation. If individuals are not responsible enough to moderate their eating habits then that's their problem and the Government's problem (who are failing to deal with it).

And if people want to buy a burger to get certain flavours that would be nigh on impossible to replicate with home cooking, (ever try reconstructing a whopper meal from home?) then they have a RIGHT TO DO THAT. Why should we be forced to cook our own food, which could just as easily be very unhealthy, just so that we get to "know what's in it", an "advantage" that has no positive health effects or nutritional value whatsoever. Simply knowing what's in your food doesn't make it infallably healthy.


I'm guessing you were just going on a rant here, but most of this is rubbish.

And again, WRONG. You've most likely been giving way to Labour government propaganda like so many do. If you pay any attention to it you begin to get the impression that Britain is doing very well for itself. Yet if you step out the door and look at the real world, you realise that it's not.


Britain has no industry because we lost most of our endogenous comparative advantages.

Some more of that lovely, juicy WRONG.

Britain has no industry because politicians have, over the years, made it difficult to impossible to operate as an industry here. Britain is frightened of industry, and it generally works against it.

For instance, tallow is set to be considered waste rather than fuel due to a new EU legislation, which will force every industry using tallow to convert to heavy fuel oil, which will make it even more expensive to run an industry here and cause even more pollution. That's just an example of the type of laws and policies that industrial Britain tripped over and never recovered from, not some imaginary "endogenous comparative advantages".


Our export market remains the sixth largest in the world, our unemployment is lower than is has been for the last quarter of a century, our economy is one of the strongest in Europe and climbing.

Ah, max, max, max, WRONG again.

Britain is the 9th largest exporter in the world, and the 3rd largest in europe. That doesn't mean it's exporting things that were manufactured here.

Britain was the worlds first, one and only industrial superpower. It had the largest export market, had the largest manufacturing industry, largest mining industry, and the greatest economy. Britain was where heavy industry was not only pioneered but also invented.

Now look at it. We barely produce any steel or metals of any other kind. We import almost everything. over 70% of the things we use are imported. Mining sectors are doing really badly due to conservationists, traditionalists, and other people in the government who oppose anything they deem "unattractive/dirty" on the landscape, and hold a vision of britain as this land of quaint, biscuit-tin-lid villages in unspoiled rural areas.


The cost of living is going through the roof because people are getting paid more and demanding ever-higher qualities of life from sources who are all too eager to charge more for it, and the aging population is a result of the Baby Boom and nothing to do with the economy or ethical consumerism.

That is incorrect, and I repeat the section of my post that you are referring to, as my countering argument. The average wage next to inflation has been shown to be DOWN not UP - people AREN'T getting paid more. Prices are going up faster than wages, and it's been shown that the demographic that businesses are aiming for are those who've just retired and want all the crap on daytime TV, like a sunny villa in spain, a regular slot at the local carboot sale, and they're getting jiggy with the property ladder. It's also proven that the minimum average age for first time home buyers has jumped up to 31, because of the increase in cost of homes and living, the level of unemployment, and the low wages of employment available to those just starting work.


Absolutely you are, and I agree the government isn't doing everything is could to solve the problem, but public awareness of health is increasing dramatically. I fear it's just another fad and dread the next swing of the cultural pendulum, but the awareness we teach children now is still going to be there when they're parents. I'd like to again point out that fast food needn't be synonymous with shit food.

We shouldn't be teaching "awareness" as something that translates to never eating fast food. "Awareness" should be something that allows you to moderate your eating habits to something sensible, so that you don't eat it every day or something rediculous like that.