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OddjobAbe 10-11-2011 12:31 PM

I watched Dogtooth the other night. It's a Greek film about a man who keeps is family inside a compound, teaches them the wrong names for ordinary objects and brings in a female security guard to sexually gratify his son.
I liked the tone of the film, but I felt like they were trying too hard to make a weird film. There was certainly a kind of pretentious atmosphere lingering there.

In fact, it's the first time I've watched a film on the television for a long time. Usually they just show trite American romantic comedies or fucking boring action films.

Dynamithix 10-13-2011 06:05 AM

Just saw the new South Park episode, The Last of the Meheecans. They're getting back to the roots of SP. I really like that.

Disgruntled Intern 10-13-2011 12:32 PM


Just saw the new South Park episode, The Last of the Meheecans. They're getting back to the roots of SP. I really like that.

Yeah, it was pretty good. A lot of nice little jokes in there for those who speak/understand spanish.

Started watching season 1 of The Colony on netflix. I really liked season 2, and watched the episodes as they aired. This season is good, but I hate pretty much all of the survivors/colonists.

Dynamithix 10-13-2011 01:32 PM

Just watched Super 8.

Uh, I guess it was okay. I realize that some people might really like it or really hate it, I'm having some... mixed feelings, I'd say. I really hated the cliché scene where (Serious spoilers ahead!) Joe (or what's his name) gets captured by the alien and he makes a dumb speech about how the alien doesn't have to die and oh there must be something good in the bottom of it's heart and oh blah blah, and all of the sudden the alien that killed many people and destroyed everything that came in front of it, turns into a good guy and goes off to it's home planet. BRAVO. I loathed that part.

But then again, I did like some parts too. For example, the trainwreck scene was really well made and I liked the beginning of the movie. You kinda don't know what to expect at first, just a bunch of kids making their little movie, but it turns into a mystery. Oh and that cube thing was neat.

Can anyone explain why the movie is called 'Super 8'? I didn't get that.

Crashpunk 10-13-2011 01:35 PM

I also watched Spartacus: Blood and Sand. Its really unneassary gory and the swearing just makes it funnier.

Mr. Bungle 10-13-2011 04:45 PM

I watched The Pursuit of Happiness the other day. It was alright, if a bit slow.

Dynamithix 10-14-2011 12:19 PM

I just watched Futurama: Bender's Game and it was alright. The movies don't seem to be as up to par as the series. Anyways, there was a possible Oddworld reference in it, I'll see if I can find the scene and I'll edit it into this.

MeechMunchie 10-14-2011 02:12 PM


Can anyone explain why the movie is called 'Super 8'? I didn't get that.

The Super 8 was a popular style of portable camera used at the time, and the camera the kids were using to make their movie.

Dynamithix 10-14-2011 02:14 PM

Oh. Neat. Anyways, here's the said reference I was talking about. I don't know, it just reminds me of Abe's Oddysee's intro a lot and especially the sound effect at the end.

EDIT: Probably can't see the video anymore since Fox took it down. Fuck Fox.

Had to upload it myself, hope they won't take it down.

MeechMunchie 10-14-2011 02:19 PM


I watched The Pursuit of Happyness the other day. It was alright, if a bit slow.


Manco 10-14-2011 03:34 PM

Finally got around to watching District 9. Lived up to the hype lemme tell ya.

Crashpunk 10-14-2011 03:54 PM

I'd never saw it as a Abe's Oddysee refrence but now I look back, It very simular :)

Sekto Springs 10-14-2011 09:11 PM

I honestly saw no resemblance between D9 and Oddworld. Maybe on an extremely basic level, but not thematically or visually.

Mac Sirloin 10-15-2011 12:14 AM



Had to upload it myself, hope they won't take it down.

I can absolutely see a little Oddworld-Easter egg intended in that scene. Good eye.

Dynamithix 10-15-2011 12:40 AM


I honestly saw no resemblance between D9 and Oddworld. Maybe on an extremely basic level, but not thematically or visually.

Not D9, but the Futurama clip I posted.

AlexFili 10-15-2011 12:45 AM

For me, District 9 is the closest thing to Oddworld I know. It just has that grimy and gritty feel. Also I think the mech that Wikus goes in looks like a Big Bro Slig. Not sure if anyone agrees. I also think that the film "9" looks like Oddworld, what with the red eyed robots and Slig-Barracks-esque buildings.

I just saw Repo! The Genetic Opera, The Road and Escape From New York recently. Anyone seen some of those?

MeechMunchie 10-15-2011 12:55 AM

9 did recall quite afew of the Indudtrial themes.

Also <3 Steampunk GLaDOS.

STM 10-15-2011 06:18 AM

I have to watch 9, and horrible bosses. Gunna be a fun weekend.

Mr. Bungle 10-15-2011 09:27 AM

I saw The Thing yesterday. The prequel, not the one from the 1980's. It was okay. Story was kind of lame, acting sucked, and the atmosphere wasn't that scary. There were a few moments that had be a bit freaked out (probably because I was pretty damn high while watching it), but it was overall a pretty meh horror movie.

I want to watch the original now, though. I loved the concept.

Mr. Bungle 10-15-2011 09:29 AM

I saw The Thing yesterday. The prequel, not the one from the 1980's. It was okay. Story was kind of lame, acting sucked, and the atmosphere wasn't that scary. There were a few moments that had be a bit freaked out (probably because I was pretty damn high while watching it), but it was overall a pretty meh horror movie.

I want to watch the original now, though. I loved the concept.

Also, I am now completely caught up on Breaking Bad. Wow. What a finale.

I don't know if I can wait almost a whole year for Season 5.

STM 10-15-2011 09:33 AM

Horrible Bosses, 55 minutes in, one bit made me lol. No two. But it is not as good as eeevvverryyonneeee said.

Mac Sirloin 10-15-2011 11:10 AM

I saw Summer Wars, a really heavily lauded Anime movie. It was pretty awesome. Like the First half of The Digimon Movie, but more identifiable. Also predicting Google is nearing some kind of secret project like Oz.

Nate 10-15-2011 04:59 PM


Also predicting Google is nearing some kind of secret project like Oz.


Sekto Springs 10-15-2011 05:43 PM


I saw The Thing yesterday. The prequel, not the one from the 1980's. It was okay. Story was kind of lame, acting sucked, and the atmosphere wasn't that scary. There were a few moments that had be a bit freaked out (probably because I was pretty damn high while watching it), but it was overall a pretty meh horror movie.

Considering that they went and made the Thing itself entirely CG, I knew from the start that the gritty, visceral effect the original had would be entirely absent.

No matter how hard you try to make something gross or visceral in CG, it always falls short. It looks too clean and over-animated. The number of textures they add in a feverish attempt to amp up the realism actually makes it look less real. I think the closest CG has ever come to grossing me out was with those giant penis slugs in King Kong...


Of course, the award-winning sound editing in that film definitely helped in that regard, as well. It was a one time deal though.
Yet every time I watch the original The Thing, I feel just a little bit ill. It looked so organic. I haven't watched any of The Thing's production material, but I'm willing to bet some actual meat and other food products were used to achieve that putrid, organic, barf-bag look.

Mr. Bungle 10-15-2011 06:22 PM

You're just adding to the already massive mounds of hype I have towards seeing The Thing. I just can't find the damn thing (har har) anywhere. Might resort to simply watching it online.

I watched Crash and the Exorcist today. They were both very good, although the former seemed a bit tame by todays standards. There were some pretty creepy and downright disgusting parts (projectile vomit, crucifix-dildo), but it was pretty laughable in others. Especially Satan's british accent. That was hilarious. Overall, a good movie, though.

Crash was fantastic as well. It had some really dramatic, emotional moments (basically whenever Brenden Fraser was off-camera), and really got me thinking about society and race as a whole. I can see why it won best picture in 2005.

Mac Sirloin 10-15-2011 07:05 PM



The plot revolves around this worldwide Internet Media-conglomerate (Called Oz) being personally invaded by a Virus. Oz perforates every angle of society, it's a straightforward combination of something like Steam, Google, Facebook and a Unified worldwide cellphone company or companies (they don't go deeply into the specifics.) It's all very friendly and designed for accessibility to all people, but it also makes a lot of money and holds a lot of important information. Sounds Googley to me.

Daxter King 10-15-2011 09:05 PM

Watchin some Friends.

Ross is pretty pissed about this sandwich thing.

AlexFili 10-16-2011 01:52 AM

I know what you mean about those rotworms in King Kong. The colour of them doesn't help but when they start eating a guy's limbs one by one...

The creepiest things I've ever seen tend to be those human/zombie mutants in Resident Evil. The ones that end up being the end bosses that mutate lots of times throughout the game.

Mr. Bungle 10-16-2011 10:50 AM

Watched The Thing (1982) last night. It was fantastic, just was I was hoping for. There were some legitimately scary scenes, the special effects were top-notch disgusting, and the atmosphere was perfect. One of (if not the) best horror films I've seen in a long time. The spider-head was just too cool.

My only real complaint towards the film was that it left me wanting more. I mean, sure, the fact that you hardly ever really see the Thing adds infinitely towards the creepy factor of the movie, but he was just so well-designed and mysterious that it felt like many scenes in the movie were spent just waiting for it to pop up. But when it did, good god was it awesome.

The prequel just didn't do it justice.

Mac Sirloin 10-16-2011 11:55 AM

The scariest part of The Thing for me was the noise the bearded guy makes out in the snow when the discover he's The Thing.

Chills, man. Chills.