I started watching Breaking Bad a few nights ago after borrowing it from my Dad's girlfriend. Fucking phenomenal show, currently on season 3 and I just can't stop watching. Too bad it ends this Sunday.
Man. Breaking Bad. They showed the first season in here a long while ago and it was really good. It's up to season four already? I need to check the rest of it out some time.
I've just seen a advert for the new season of The Walking Dead. Can't wait to see it.
Been watching a lot of Adventure Time and Regular Show. Watching the current season of Sons of Anarchy. Hating it. |
The internet?
It's usually aired on FX. It might be possible that they're showing repeats of the first season. But don't take it as gospel, I'm not sure. |
I personally don't like the show much. I feel like they focused on some of the more minimal aspects/situations from the comics and dragged them out to make an entire episode. When they weren't doing that, it seemed like they were cramming several issues into one episode. The pacing sucked. Also, they skipped too many awesome parts from the comic. |
I never read the comics so, thankfully, I have fresh eyes whenever I watch it. FX is the UK channel where they air the series. I'm not sure where OH is from but I decided to throw it out there.
EDIT: Shit, wrong thread.
Uhh, I've been watching old episodes of Family Guy. Like, before it turned to shit. Good stuff. |
I watched Horrible Bosses just a while ago. It was okay, but nothing special really. Though half the movie I was just thinking about Jennifer Aniston. Oh my.
Saw Trolljegeren or The Troll Hunter in English.
It was a really good movie in my opinion. The 'story' is pretty strange, but otherwise it was a really enjoyable flick. Oh, and the ending was kinda weird. |
I watched that a few days ago. Loved every minute of it. They plan on remaking it to oblivion over here in America.
I didn't really understand the ending either, what I got from it was Thomas was losing his mind from the rabies, and was being pursued by TSS so they could steal his footage. It's ambiguous as to if they caught him or if the tape just ended. |
The end of the series of Dr Who.
It was shit. |
Anyone else watching the new series of An Idiot Aboard? I love it.
Just started watching Enter the Void. Seems like a really trippy movie. Well, I was expecting that since the movie is based around a drugdealer I believe. I'll edit this post later on and tell my after-thoughts of the movie. It's almost 3 hours long...
Breaking Bad season finale.
Oh man. I'm not even lying when I say that I laughed, I cried, and I even danced. The other TV shows aren't even trying. I don't even know how or where they will go with Season 5, especially after that ending. However, I trust them to create the best ending season of any show. |
Oh man, Daxter, you've got me all kinds of excited. I'm nearing the end of season 3 (which, honestly, was pretty slow compared to 1 & 2), and am still loving every minute of this show. It'll be nice to be able to regularly keep up with the show as the episodes are released with season 5, but I can imagine the withdrawl will be unbearable.
I watched Jurassic Park for the first time in years the other day. I still think it's a great movie, even now. I also watched Jurassic Park 2.. Not so good. |
Also, speaking of Jurassic Park, it seems its going to be re-released in theaters soon, hopefully I get a chance to see it then, so few good movies out right now. Though, I did hear good things about Real Steel. |
Are you saying that it's going to be re-released in 3d, or are you talking about the new Jurassic Park film that is being made?
Real Steel looks like Robot Wars meets Rocky. It does look quite good :tard:
Real Steel looks fucking dumb.
I've been watching a little bit of Adventure Time every day. Pretty funny show.
Real Steel looks like exactly what it is; a movie about robots fighting each other. Unlike Transformers however, it looks like it may actually have some heart to it.
I miss when movies could just be simple without also being stupid. Real Steel could potentially be one of those good, simple movies. Or it could do everything wrong like pretty much any sci-fi/action movie of the last five years. Let's cross our fingers. |
I've heard it's pretty straightforward. Just a future robot-boxing story, no biggie.
Right, and going in expecting more than exactly that is asinine.
Another good reason to watch this movie (for me at least): http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/...500_AA300_.jpg Elfman + Robots is a winning combination. Except in the case of Terminator 4... |
Alright, maybe I was too judging saying that it looks fucking dumb, but it really doesn't look like anything too special and it's gotten really mediocre reviews. But hey, everyone has their own opinion.
I've heard mostly good things from non-critics, so Im not sure what to make of it. I thought the new Apes movie looked like shit before it came out, but it ended up being one of my favorite movies of the summer.
I've just finished watching Spartacus: Blood and Sand with my flatmates and we're moving on to Gods of the Arena. Also watching the first season of Rome.
Anime-wise, am currently watching the very most Japanese and quite possibly brilliant horror ever called Shiki, about a famile of vampires that pretty much invade a small rural Japanese village. But they are very very smart about it. Also watching Fate/Zero, which at the moment is promising to be one of the very best of the year. |