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MeechMunchie 10-03-2011 02:16 PM

Oddly enough, I didn't like Scott Pilgrim because it wasn't obscure enough. It's like they wanted to make a movie about gamer culture, but then copped out and made it mainstream.

I was being a hipster before it was cool.

Wings of Fire 10-03-2011 04:09 PM


Oddly enough, I didn't like Scott Pilgrim because it wasn't obscure enough. It's like they wanted to make a movie about gamer culture, but then copped out and made it mainstream.

I was being a hipster before it was cool.

I get what you mean. It's like they were scared to reference anything in particular so they just had random Mario and Zelda stuff and then generic computer game cliches.

At the end where he kills the final Evil Ex and gets 7,000,000 points for it, I would have at least smiled if it were 9001. It's a cheap laugh, but it required a little more thought than just adding three more zeros.

Nate 10-03-2011 05:04 PM

Ignoring the number of zeros, it had to be a multiple of 7 to be consistent with the reward scheme up until that point.


Doctor Who. I saw it coming.

I didn't. I kept thinking that he would go back and create another ganger.

Bullet Magnet 10-03-2011 05:51 PM


I didn't. I kept thinking that he would go back and create another ganger.

After all the trouble he went to proving that gangers are real and sapient, you thought he'd make one to die?

That aside, it seems that if the original Doctor was not present and being shot at on Silencio, time would have similarly unraveled. But we didn't know that until the end.

Nate 10-03-2011 08:19 PM


After all the trouble he went to proving that gangers are real and sapient, you thought he'd make one to die?

That aside, it seems that if the original Doctor was not present and being shot at on Silencio, time would have similarly unraveled. But we didn't know that until the end.

Only if it was an independent ganger. If it was connected and controlled by The Doctor, it would have resulted only in melting.

Dynamithix 10-03-2011 08:34 PM

Couldn't you guys just make a Dr. Who thread?

Strike Witch 10-03-2011 10:05 PM

But conversation is sporadic on it, since it's over now anyway.

T-nex 10-03-2011 10:17 PM


Oddly enough, I didn't like Scott Pilgrim because it wasn't obscure enough. It's like they wanted to make a movie about gamer culture, but then copped out and made it mainstream.

I was being a hipster before it was cool.

The movie was ok... I mean it was a flashy, more game-like lovestory...

But in all honesty I never saw a point to all the flashyness... The gamer-references.

Like I don't feel the movie explains whether its because the world just IS that way, or it's all happening in this dude's head cos he represents someone who played too many games.

Maybe I just don't get it x_x

Flashyness is ok... But it loses points in actually providing a purpose for it all.

Nate 10-04-2011 02:11 AM


I like absurdity done well.

I also like referencing done well.

And humour done well.

And direction done well.

And dialogue done well.

Scott Pilgrim had none of these things. I did not laugh once.

I'm curious; have you seen/did you like Speed Racer? Because that's another film that in my opinion has all of the above, but tends to really divide people.

Strike Witch 10-04-2011 03:12 AM

Speed Racer's races looked pretty cool.

Anything that wasn't racing was just disgustingly bad though.

Mac Sirloin 10-04-2011 03:38 AM


I get what you mean. It's like they were scared to reference anything in particular so they just had random Mario and Zelda stuff and then generic computer game cliches.

At the end where he kills the final Evil Ex and gets 7,000,000 points for it, I would have at least smiled if it were 9001. It's a cheap laugh, but it required a little more thought than just adding three more zeros.

I love all the nerds hatin' Scott Pilgrim. Stop getting mad about fucking video games and enjoy the sheer silliness of it. Yeah, the only likeable character was the guitarist from the band, but you're a soulless dredge if you didn't like the Vegan Police or Scott yelping in pain at the sudden sunlight.

And really, a 9001 joke? Fuck off out of my cinema.

Wings of Fire 10-04-2011 07:45 AM

Also I've just now realized that Scott Pilgrim was directed by the same guy who did Shaun of the Dead. Another movie I really didn't like that everyone else goes nuts over.

Still need to see Hot Fuzz though. I don't have very high expectations.

Sekto Springs 10-04-2011 07:48 AM

I did enjoy both Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz. Scott Pilgrim was an anomaly for me.

Dynamithix 10-04-2011 12:18 PM


Also I've just now realized that Scott Pilgrim was directed by the same guy who did Shaun of the Dead. Another movie I really didn't like that everyone else goes nuts over.

You didn't like Shaun of the Dead? Man.

Crashpunk 10-04-2011 12:20 PM

Shaun of the Dead was brilliant, Hot Fuzz was good but not as good.

Dynamithix 10-04-2011 12:34 PM

Hot Fuzz had a pretty slow start, but it was good, yeah.

Dixanadu 10-04-2011 01:46 PM

I liked how both films had their 'jumping fence' scenes.

Hot Fuzz's version was funnier.

scrabface 10-04-2011 04:57 PM

anyone seen Gummo ?
wow what a movie...


Daxter King 10-04-2011 08:40 PM


It was really good, and funny too. I didn't think it would make me laugh as much as it did either. I thought it would be more of a drama from the trailers, but I found it funnier than a lot of comedies that were released over the summer. It also handled the serious stuff really well as well. There was one part that I felt the film could have benefited from being longer, but its really just nitpicking on my part. The final 20 or so minutes of the movie hit you really hard and fast, and its just great seeing such a perfect implementation of what the movie wanted you to feel at any given moment. I recommend it to everyone.

DarkHoodness 10-04-2011 09:19 PM

People not liking Scott Pilgrim or Shaun of the Dead? But they're among some of the better movies to come out within the last few years! To each their own I guess, but you've got to have some odd tastes to not find either of those enjoyable, IMO.


...or it's all happening in this dude's head cos he represents someone who played too many games.

The guy who played Scott Pilgrim in the movie has been quoted saying "... that Scott, in his mind, is the star of his own movie. This movie is, in a way, existing in his own mind. This is his weird perception of the world around him." So maybe you did get it right. :)

Sekto Springs 10-04-2011 09:52 PM

I saw Gummo. I didn't get it at all. It's got some really annoying fans though.

I think I already said this, but I feel like Scott Pilgrim would have been way more enjoyable as an animated film. Or even a series. Something about the live action put me off. I wanna say that it's because of the surreal presentation of the movie, but I actually love that in live action films, so I dunno.

Strike Witch 10-04-2011 09:53 PM


People not liking Scott Pilgrim or Shaun of the Dead? But they're among some of the better movies to come out within the last few years!
I'd rather watch Clash of the Titans in German.

Sekto Springs 10-04-2011 09:55 PM

I guess we can't agree on everything, SW.

Strike Witch 10-05-2011 02:34 AM

I really really like Hot Fuzz though.

Nate 10-05-2011 05:06 AM

I just watched the first episode of the TV series Sherlock. I thought that Benedict Cumberbatch was great and Martin Freeman was fairly good. Sherlock's dialogue when he was being particularly smart sounded a bit too Tenth Doctor for my liking, but other than that the writing was excellent. My only problem was the blatant use of the Sicilian Gambit from Princess Bride... but then I realised afterwards that William Goldman was ripping off the original Sherlock Holmes story when he wrote that book. So that's okay then.

Dynamithix 10-05-2011 06:38 AM

I bought the sixth season of Frasier today. I'll be watching that this weekend.

Sekto Springs 10-05-2011 10:27 AM

I fucking love Frasier.


I really really like Hot Fuzz though.
We can agree on that much. Cold Fuzz is simply awful.

Dynamithix 10-05-2011 10:51 AM

Agreed. I would've got season one and two, but turns out that the seasons don't have Finnish subtitles until season six. Kind of strange.

Sekto Springs 10-05-2011 10:52 AM

You seem to know english pretty well. Whats the issue?

Dynamithix 10-05-2011 01:38 PM

I do, but I still prefer subtitles. :p