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An intrusting idea.

Posted 01-03-2009 at 05:43 PM by Fuzzle Guy
Updated 01-03-2009 at 05:45 PM by Fuzzle Guy
mumbs:wanna make this dream intrusting
Fuzzle|Guy: How so?
mumbs: make two sides rebels side and soo kind of ruler side
mumbs: that way people can have something to rp about
Fuzzle|Guy: That would be very intrusting indeed!
mumbs: \ you see im smart for somethings lol
Fuzzle|Guy: What are they?
mumbs: ideas

If anyone can tell me what on Earth this chap was trying to tell me I'd greatly appreciate it.

In other news I spent a full hour and a half revising for my mocks today. That's a new record for me. My previous record was a five minute skim of the acknowledgments in my revision book, whilst trying to watch Frasier simultaneously. I have decided to use sticky notes with facts and potential exam questions on them, and stick them up all over my wall, so they’re always there whilst I’m on my computer, which I spend pretty much all my free time on, so hopefully when I get bored and move my eyes, the notes and facts are always there in front of me to remember.

Having been revising RE today, all the notes on my wall are to do with Relgion. If anyone came into my room they would think I was some sort of religious nut with sticky notes on the wall reading “Is your conscience the voice of God?” and a picture of Jiminy Cricket drawn on the note.

I’ve gone stir crazy, locked up in my bedroom, day in and day out, bottling up my own piss like Howard Hughes, writing religious gobbledygook on notes and sticking them round my bedroom wall. I need to get back to school. Not having anything to do is boring (Edit: quote of the day? ) If I won the lottery I would need to get a job simply to keep me sane.
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Jordan's Avatar
So he's basically saying nobody goes on the dream and his idea would make people go on? Hahahaha.

I feel exactly the opposite, I dread going to school on Monday.
Posted 01-03-2009 at 06:31 PM by Jordan

mitsur's Avatar
I'll kill myself if I don't go to school soon. I'm literally out of things to do except halo 3, trying to get my pirated versions of half life episodes 1 and 2 to work (they crash every ten minutes or so, but auto-save when they do, so it's as if Gordon is taking a breather every now and then), and put off homework.

That being said, I have two webpages to design, a five-page report on that blood disease where you don't clot, and I have to select a poem to perform for english. By tommorow.

I'll probably be up until three in the morning, what fun.
Posted 01-03-2009 at 09:48 PM by mitsur


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