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The Silly Saga of Sickenstein.

Posted 03-27-2010 at 10:55 AM by Mac Sirloin
On Monday I had a pretty light scratch in my throat, nothing serious, I just assumed it was from smoking over the weekend, but by Wednesday morning it turned into a disconcertingly sharp ache, and swallowing swallowing in any capacity (spit, water, Ibuprofen etc...) was a jab in the back of my mouth.

By Thursday morning I decided not to go to work, enshrouded myself in blankets, hot tea, video games, toys I got on Tuesday and just generally fucked around all day in a lovely haze of sabbatical goodness.

Of course, sore throats don't really warrant taking a day off from working as a custodian, so I had to go to work on Friday. The day started off somewhat poorly. I was working with Rod. Rod is an old guy, a retired Janitor who comes in when Brian (the Custodian who I work with regularly) is out. Rod's a nice guy. He doesn't mean any harm, but I had this weird paranoia that he was deliberately being a dick to me until I had to spend an hour and a half outside picking up garbage with nothing but my hoodie to keep me warm.

Understand that weather around here was quite lovely until the 21st. The temperature took a sharp, sharp fucking drop and I wandered around with nothing but a t-shirt and jeans because I'm an immense dumbfuck.

So I get back inside from the awful horrible cold, still sick as a dog, and I just kind of let any aggravation with Rod fly out the window. After that I kept feeling worse and worse, but kept working, and the afternoon zipped by pretty fast, and I even felt good enough to spend the night at my friend Jordan's house. We played Just Cause 2 for 4 hours without realizing it.

Anyway, sore throat is gone, but now I'm hacking and coughing and my nose is a runny fuckface. I've spent the day cleaning shit up for Easter (my Mom volunteered to host it, but holy fuck is our house a mess.)

So uh yeah. I'm feeling really tired, and I'm not really sure why I made this blog at all, but whatevs.

I'm in the process of writing more of This Story Has a Robot, if anyone's interested.
Total Comments 5


MeechMunchie's Avatar
Get well soon, damn you.
Posted 03-27-2010 at 11:03 AM by MeechMunchie

OANST's Avatar
If you tried to spend the night at my house while carrying a disease, I would beat you until you poop in a bag.
Posted 03-27-2010 at 11:35 AM by OANST

shaman's Avatar
I also have a cough. Illness Brother.
Posted 03-27-2010 at 01:55 PM by shaman

Phylum's Avatar
I feel sorry for OANSTs daughter...
Posted 03-27-2010 at 09:08 PM by Phylum

MA's Avatar
if this were a book, i'd buy it. actually same goes for TSHAR.

yeah, sore throats scratch like fuck, so hopefully it'll go soon. consume copious amounts of Strepsils.
Posted 03-28-2010 at 03:25 AM by MA


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