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Crazy People That Happen To Me

Posted 01-24-2009 at 08:59 AM by OANST
I have come to the conclusion that I am a magnet for people who are completely insane. They don't always have actual contact with me but they do always end up in the same room as me (typically the bathroom).

A couple weeks ago I took my daughter to see "The Tale of Despereaux". During the film I came to the realization that I would soon be shitting my pants if I didn't get myself to a restroom with the quickness. I go to the bathroom and enter the last stall. I spend a few minutes cleaning the toilet and then begin to do my foul, slippery business. As I am so engaged another man enters and goes to the urinal next to my stall. He is close enough that I can see his feet.

As he begins to urinate he starts moaning in an ungodly manner. It is loud and it is fucking obscene. He does this the entire time. Finally, he finishes up and makes his way to the sink. As he washes his hands he feels the need to count in french. "Un, deux, trois, quatre" he says. He then returns to the urinal and flushes it again. He returns to the sink and begins his litany against whatever demons may be haunting him a second time. "Un, deux, trois, quatre". He goes back to the fucking urinal again!

He rinses and repeats approximately four more times as I just sit there in my own stench feeling very confused.
Total Comments 11


Wil's Avatar

Not that I ever use them, but I’ve never seen a urinal with a flush.

p.s. Urinals, not flushes. I flush every time, unlike one of my housemates.
Posted 01-24-2009 at 09:06 AM by Wil

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Sounds rather OCD.
Posted 01-24-2009 at 07:25 PM by Bullet Magnet

Pilot's Avatar
OCD, maybe.

You'd have been in some shit if he'd started peeing over the stall wall.
Posted 01-24-2009 at 08:51 PM by Pilot

Wil's Avatar
Do you have a thing for pee(p)ing over cubical walls?
Posted 01-24-2009 at 08:57 PM by Wil

Pilot's Avatar
No, when did I ever say I did?

That just provides a quality mental picture.
Posted 01-24-2009 at 09:01 PM by Pilot

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Holy shit, my own clone.
Posted 01-25-2009 at 07:48 AM by Mac Sirloin

shaman's Avatar
if i ever had OCD that bad ... i wanna do that.
Posted 01-25-2009 at 08:37 AM by shaman

Jordan's Avatar
You'd actually want to do that? Wow, that's pretty fucked up to be honest. I wouldn't want to do that, or have OCD at all.
Posted 01-25-2009 at 09:23 AM by Jordan

shaman's Avatar
The pleasure of mentally disturbing OANST would compensate for it enormously.
Posted 01-25-2009 at 12:50 PM by shaman
Updated 01-25-2009 at 12:53 PM by shaman

Daxter King's Avatar
Please, share with the children the rest of your stories OANST. They are quite hilarious.
Posted 01-25-2009 at 07:00 PM by Daxter King

OANST's Avatar
All in due time.
Posted 01-26-2009 at 06:03 AM by OANST


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