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I Hate Women

Posted 12-27-2008 at 09:06 AM by OANST
Let me start by saying this. I do not hate women in a way that I can help. Intellectually I see them as no different from men in any respect other than anatomy. I know them to be just as capable of wisdom or stupidity as anyone of the opposite sex. However, I have an irrational and almost physical response to almost all women that drives in the exact opposite direction. I hate looking at them. I hate talking to them. I hate being anywhere near them. I hate the way they dress. I hate the way they paint themselves. I hate the way they talk. And I especially hate them when they are attractive.

I think this stems from being raised by my mother and sister. I had very little contact with men as a child and almost all of my experiences with women were bad ones. I have very few good memories of my childhood, and almost all the good ones that I do have are of me riding my bike somewhere and doing something by myself. My mother used to ask me constantly if I masturbated and tell me that doing so was filthy and would damn my soul. These questions began before I even knew what the word meant. Between my fundamentalist christian upbringing and the lack of understanding that my family had for even what a boy is, my younger years were very difficult. I have the kind of childhood that spawns serial killers.

Anyhow, I'm bored and felt like sharing. I hate women. It's true. It's unfortunate.
Total Comments 7


Wil's Avatar
Welcome out of the closet.
Posted 12-27-2008 at 09:16 AM by Wil

OANST's Avatar

I'm only physically attracted to women which is also part of my problem. I don't like feeling like other people have control over me. I think it's more that I'm afraid of women than hatred, to be honest.
Posted 12-27-2008 at 09:21 AM by OANST

Leto's Avatar
I'm surprised you're straight with an upbringing like that. I had the opposite, as in I was raised by mainly my mother and my sister with little male figures. but they didn't pry into my masturbating/were liberal hippies so yeah.

Posted 12-27-2008 at 10:40 AM by Leto

Fuzzle Guy's Avatar
I hate talking to them. I hate being anywhere near them. I hate the way they dress. I hate the way they paint themselves. I hate the way they talk. And I especially hate them when they are attractive.
Reading that seemed to fit perfectly to the tune playing on the radio. You should find a record company or something

I never got the masturbation talk. From anyone. Ever. The first time I had even heard of the word or what the act involved was via this thread. I was on the laptop and my Mum was in the room watching TV. Utterfuly confused as to what this "jacking off" thing was I asked her. I was greeted by a cold silence so was left to google it......

Posted 12-27-2008 at 11:11 AM by Fuzzle Guy

Anonyman!'s Avatar
When I was three years old and extremely fascinated with my own penis, I would often walk around the house with my hand down my pants. The only person to care at all was my grandmother, who scolded me. This obviously left me very, very confused.

Anyway, I too was raised mainly by women, seeing as my only male figure, my grandpa, was usually just keeping to himself.
Posted 12-27-2008 at 03:58 PM by Anonyman!

Raised by two Aunts and a Mother. I have no hatred of women though, almost the opposite. Hmmmmm.
Posted 12-28-2008 at 02:33 PM by Kimon

Strike Witch's Avatar

I are sad nao. ;_;
Posted 03-14-2009 at 02:18 PM by Strike Witch


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