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Family Issues Pt 2

Posted 01-21-2009 at 07:06 AM by Wings of Fire
I know it's not like me to post three blogs in the same week so if you're fed up of seeing my intellectually erratic writing style I apologise, but as I got a phonecall from my mother a couple of hours ago I figured that this would be the perfect time to follow on from my previous Family Issues Blog.

You'll be pleased to hear that the tone of this one is far more positive .

Most important shit first, my Nana survived cancer, the doctors operated with a 50% chance of success and she pulled through she's currently undergoing chemotherapy to make sure the hateful little bastard doesn't come back and although she's pretty damn ill at the moment I'm pleased to say that the last tiem I saw her (Christmas day) she still had all her vim and vigour, thank Christ.

Secondly the phonecall I recieved a few hours ago from my mother was about the blood test, which I took to give my my mum a break, the result is good or bad depending on your outlook. The good news is that that cunt can't leech any more money off my mother and can't feasibly harass us anymore without facing legal consequences, and the bad news is that I really am the biological son of a wifebeating, child abandoning, ignorant coward. I never doubted my mother's word for a second but still, it's a legacy I've never taken lightly and has had much in the way of making me the man I am today.

Not really much more to be said, my results from last semester are slowly trickling through my university's extremely bureaucratic resgistry and I'm averaging Bs, which pleases me very much so, although this semester I'll try to raise the bar a little bit more , my modules for this semester also look to be far more interesting with more emphathis on social and moral behaviour, leaving behind purely biological and epistemological baselines (For psychology and philosophy respectively) and mine and my girlfriends relationship keeps going from strength to strength, this week she's going to try and tell her father we've been sleeping together.

So yeah...

If you don't see me for a few days after next weekend then search 'Joseph Doubtfire Murder Aberdeen' into google and write to the newspapers with little epigrams, it'll be cute.

Thank you for reading <3

Wings of Fire...
Total Comments 4


Hobo's Avatar
Why would she tell her father that is she mental?
Posted 01-21-2009 at 08:03 AM by Hobo

shaman's Avatar
Dont worry bout ur legacy.

the sins of the father will not be blamed on the son!

and we all love you WOF
Posted 01-21-2009 at 11:26 AM by shaman

Wings of Fire's Avatar
She promised her dad she'd tell him when she's ready to go on the pill in exchange for him promising not to go spare or ask questions.

I severely doubt he'll keep his end of the deal.
Posted 01-21-2009 at 03:04 PM by Wings of Fire

Nate's Avatar
Huzzah for Nanas! They're awesome, aren't they?

Also: Don't stress too much about your genes. Clearly you're already doing better in the last 18 years than he has in his entire life so far.
Posted 01-21-2009 at 03:52 PM by Nate


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