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Process of a Nonsensical Story

Posted 11-04-2007 at 06:57 PM by mitsur
No idea why, but it's two blogs in one day! Woohoo!

To recap:
  • Boredom is making me write up stuff
  • Most of my time is doing nothing
So, this should be a good equation, right?

Boredom + Plot Ideas + Free Time = Story


Gah, I dunno. I need Nemo or Bullet Magnet to bounce ideas off. They're funny guys. I think.

*Flashes the Bullet/Nemo signal*

I just noticed I'm at 1,666 posts. Unfortunately, nothing has happened, so I've concluded I need 5,000 more posts if I wish for my body to become a sacraficial vessel for Cthulu.

At least, that's what the guy at the Insurance Agency told me.
Total Comments 4


Bullet Magnet's Avatar
It's the Bullet Symbol!

*moody orchestral crescendo* (EXIT BULLET MAGNET)
Posted 11-04-2007 at 07:24 PM by Bullet Magnet

Laser's Avatar
something to do with wacko jacko and a legion of very young looking dwarf body builders?
Posted 11-05-2007 at 09:52 AM by Laser

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
You spelled Cthuhlu wrong.
Posted 11-05-2007 at 04:35 PM by Mac Sirloin

mitsur's Avatar
Crap. That's the second time today.
Posted 11-05-2007 at 08:07 PM by mitsur


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