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How to see in the new year my way.

Posted 01-01-2012 at 03:01 AM by STM
Updated 01-01-2012 at 03:03 AM by STM
Get very. Fucking. Drunk.

Last night was the first time I've ever been sick from drinking, boy isn't it gloriously fun? Problem started when I downed two pint sized glasses of vodka in the space of an hour. And God it makes me feel ill to even think about alcohol right now.

So I'm pretty much in and out of conciousness by 11 PM and all I can think of is...well, I don't remember, I don't believe I did much thinking, but I do remember overhearing someone warning someone else not to let me roll over onto my back because if I did I would choke on my own vomit. So some kind soul picked me up off my mates trampoline, and helps me down a flight of stairs at the bottom of the garden, indoors and to the toilet.

By this point, I know I'm absolutely fucked beyond all reasoning because I'm huddled over my mates toilet like some dishevelled little gremlin. A gremlin that can't stop throwing up.

At 1 AM, my mum turns up to take me home and finds me with sick on my hoody, amazingly I fired all of it either into the toilet bowl or onto me, so none of it on the poor guys floor. Thing is, it might not have been so bad had she not been waiting in the car outside the house for 30 minutes wondering where in the flying fuck I was. So I make a semi-coherent apology to the hosts father who looked more concerned about me than whether or not I made a mess on the floor. So he's gotta be the nicest guy in the world because I would have hit me square in the face and told me to get walking.

This is where it gets a little more funny. I proceeded to spend about an hour crying my eyes out about pretty much everything I could think of, including the scene in the new Planet of the Apes where the bloke with alzheimers drives his neighbours car into another car. Because you can't just go prodding and poking a guy with a mental illness, that's just not cricket.

Any way, after a long sleep, I've sobered up headache, but if I walk too far the world starts spinning, oh and my stomach feels like it's going to implode. I also have to wonder what everyone's new perception of me is after last night, hopefully they'll mark it down to a one off and that I'm not a raging alcoholic. Which brings me onto my final point, if I can quit smoking...(although I'm in some debate as to whether or not I had a toke from someone's blunt last night) I can quit drinking. So, no more alcohol for me from now on.

What a way to break in 2012. I hope you lot had a better whack of it than I did. XD
Total Comments 29


Taco's Avatar
I got through two 6-packs of cider then walked home with no incident so I reckon I had a slightly "better whack of it".

Sounds like you had a big night and got through it alright but be mindful of alcohol poisoning. I know someone close to me who went to hospital for alcohol poisoning treatment after doing some vodka jello-shots. Vodka can fuck you up pretty badly if you dont keep track of how much you've had. Pretty much everyone I know who drinks it at these sort of parties over-does it and ends up projectile-vomiting.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 03:25 AM by Taco

STM's Avatar
Yeh I suppose it's good I hurled most of it back up because that way it's not in my system so much. Still, all I can do now is tell myself not to drink any more...I can't wait to feel back to normal as well, I can't stand upset stomachs and head spinnyness.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 03:27 AM by STM

Jordan's Avatar
Two pints of vodka is extremely bad for you. And I mean really bad. You ought to stay clear of the stuff, especially in those quantities.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 04:42 AM by Jordan

MA's Avatar
you'll drink again. everyone says they're never drinking again after a heavy night, but they do.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 04:53 AM by MA

STM's Avatar
Yes I know, the glasses weren't full but nevertheless, it still sickens me, I mean even the word vodka is making me ill right now. Thank God I was sick actually, I probably would have alcohol poisoning right now if I wasn't. But as I said, it's the last time I'm getting drunk, and maybe the last time I ever drink again.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 04:54 AM by STM

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I said it and then I didn't drink for twenty months.

Then I did.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 04:55 AM by Wings of Fire

STM's Avatar
Well I quit smoking...
Posted 01-01-2012 at 05:00 AM by STM

MA's Avatar
Posted 01-01-2012 at 05:02 AM by MA

Jordan's Avatar
MA is telling the truth. You WILL drink again. I see it so much on Facebook that people will never drink again because of how awful they feel, but then they drink again and feel awful again.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 05:05 AM by Jordan

STM's Avatar
Well I will never be drunk again then, that's something I can choose.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 05:09 AM by STM

JennyGenesis's Avatar
The amount of times I said I will never get drunk again...

Here I am right now with a hangover.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 05:10 AM by JennyGenesis

STM's Avatar
Well then that's your problem with will power. I can do it if I apply myself. Besides, I doubt I'll be going to any parties in the near future.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 05:13 AM by STM

STM's Avatar
If anyone needs any just just said the word vodka to me and I had to run upstairs to the bathroom to puke again. There went my shortbread biscuits.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 05:29 AM by STM

MA's Avatar
Well then that's your problem with will power. I can do it if I apply myself. Besides, I doubt I'll be going to any parties in the near future.
yes you will.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 05:29 AM by MA

STM's Avatar
Not likely, I've been pretty much banned from parties for quite some time.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 05:41 AM by STM

T-nex's Avatar
i just mostly try to be careful not to drink too much, and it mostly works.

I do get ill when I mix too much though. I've never had a hangover though.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 05:44 AM by T-nex

Daxter King's Avatar
I typed out what happened last night and lost it all by hitting the wrong button, so I will summarize.

-Went to two parties
-Didnt drink or smoke at all at the first one, since I had to drive to the second
-The second party greeted me with the best weed I've ever had
-Was high for a long fucking time
-Accidentally drank half of a bottle of Jack Daniels
-Threw up a lot, almost went to the hospital
-Woke up without my pants
-Went to Ihop
-Type this

Overall, I'd do it again. Happy Fucking New Years.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 07:10 AM by Daxter King

MA's Avatar
Not likely, I've been pretty much banned from parties for quite some time.
nah, you will.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 09:44 AM by MA

STM's Avatar
But...I've been banned, where's your logic oldster?
Posted 01-01-2012 at 10:19 AM by STM

Wil's Avatar
Say you're actually going to extra classes or private tuition or something. If you properly want something, a ban isn't going to keep it from you.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 10:28 AM by Wil

STM's Avatar
Point being I'm not bothered whether I go or not right now. If I don't go I can't drink.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 10:36 AM by STM

DarkHoodness's Avatar
Listen to your peers, STM. They're full of wisdom.

A little drink from time to time isn't so bad - Instead of promising yourself that you'll never drink again, just use last night as a way of gauging your limits, and promise yourself that you won't overdo it again.

I made that same promise four years ago after doing what you did one night, and so far I've kept it even though I get tipsy on a regular basis.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 12:08 PM by DarkHoodness

enchilado's Avatar
Wait, that scene was supposed to be funny? I thought it was incredibly sad.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 12:21 PM by enchilado

STM's Avatar
No no Ench, I'm not that much of a heartless bastard, I meant that it bringing me to a blubbering, shivering wreck, was much more comedic.

And DH, I know, since I can think pretty much at full capacity now, I understand that I will most likely drink again, I was encouraged to tonight by my parents, more for a joke, I decline of course lest I regurgitate my curry. However I stand by my statement that I will never get drunk again.

Also, thank you everyone for your concern, offering advice and the sort, it really is a nice gesture.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 12:48 PM by STM

Nate's Avatar
I said it and then I didn't drink for twenty months.

Then I did.
I lasted 5 years. But then, my social life was pathetic back then.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 05:43 PM by Nate

Wings of Fire's Avatar
My social life is noneistent

Posted 01-01-2012 at 07:23 PM by Wings of Fire

Phylum's Avatar
Say you're actually going to extra classes or private tuition or something. If you properly want something, a ban isn't going to keep it from you.
That's very true. Just look at MS.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 08:50 PM by Phylum

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
I had a total of 3 beer on New Years. I don't drink much anymore, I'd rather just smoke pot with my bros and chill. We even rolled a giant doobie to ring in the new year with. Fun times.
Posted 01-03-2012 at 10:33 PM by Mr. Bungle

Ridg3's Avatar
I hate the taste, smell and sight of alcohol and I hate the taste, smell and feel of hangovers.

I'm fairly certain that I won't get drunk again.

I think the only thing hard about tee-totaling is the peer pressure, but it's nothing too serious :P

EDIT: I did what Mr. Bungle did. Got a little pot left for one J and rolled it up for the New Years (and for myself.) The stuff was called Cheese.

Best. High. Ever.

So far that is. I'm looking for some Amnesia Haze now. MMMMmmmmmmmm.
Posted 01-04-2012 at 02:09 PM by Ridg3
Updated 01-04-2012 at 02:12 PM by Ridg3


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