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Ankle-deep in shit. (Literally)

Posted 01-01-2012 at 01:15 PM by DarkHoodness
Updated 01-01-2012 at 04:52 PM by DarkHoodness
And no, the blog title isn't a metaphor. I really do mean this literally. This blog is about actual shit.

This needs a little back story. Twelve years ago a sizeable housing estate was built over the scrub land near our house - The housing company, Countryside Properties, also built a sewage pumping station right next to our house to service the estate, too. It's up the hill from us. You can probably see where this is going.

CUNTryside are a fucking incompetent lot despite their image. They cut many, many corners while building their housing estate, and their pumping station. They've been sued many times by residents of the estate for the flaws in their houses that were sold to them for hundreds of thousands of pounds - Fat load of good it did the residents who haven't received a penny in compensation.

Anyway, the pumping station has constantly broken down over the years but has always been repaired by Anglian Water. They were due to adopt it last year (2011), but since it was built so shoddily they've refused to, and had a massive argument with Cuntryside Properties over it - Basically that means they stopped constantly patching it up to keep it running.

Two weeks ago the overflow reservoir, designed to fill up in case the pumps stopped working, got too full and has since been overflowing into our (large-ish) garden in one huge torrent - At first we thought it was just drainage water, but over the past week the smell has been slowly getting worse.

Much of the garden is now a swamp because of the resultant water table rise, all our natural water courses are now full of this shit including both our ponds, and it's flowing out of our garden and down the hill into the local woods, flooding several public footpaths with foul-smelling water.

To cut a long story short, me and my mum have spent a lot of time on the phone with both Cuntyside Properties and the water company who, despite visiting us, surveying the damage and confirming that yes, the water flowing through our garden is sewage, have both refused to do anything about it.

They called out a sewage vacuum truck out on new year's eve to clear the pumps ONLY when the estate residents complained that they could no longer flush their toilets and that there was sewage coming out of a manhole cover on the street - And fat load of good that's done to solve this permanently - The torrent of water has gotten stronger and more foul-smelling with today's rain!

We've tried involving the council too who don't seem to be very interested despite sewage flooding our garden and some public footpaths...

So what the fuck do we do, short of teaming up with the estate residents and suing the pants off of them? How the fuck are they getting away with this?! Why the fuck isn't Environmental Health helping us either?! The fuck is wrong with this fucking province??

Don't live in Essex, it sucks here.
Total Comments 18


Mudokon_Master's Avatar
That is all.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 02:12 PM by Mudokon_Master

Crashpunk's Avatar
Get the message out to everyone. This is awful.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 02:57 PM by Crashpunk

STM's Avatar
I don't know much about law, and the exact discrepancies, but you definitely have a case here, I would hire a barrister or solicitor and team together, and everyone single one of you take them to court. Furthermore this isn't a third world fucking country and you shouldn't be swimming around in fecal matter.

Hire news teams for this, local papers, radio stations, spread the word and don't let injustice happen. If you would like help organising anything...let me know if you need an extra pair of hands and I'll do some researching.

Peace mate.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 04:06 PM by STM

DarkHoodness's Avatar
I'd rather not involve the media if I can help it - The funny thing is that we've been through stuff like this before and I've been in the papers a few times over similar things. The local paper here has a habit of getting things wrong.

Still, I have to consider going down that route again if it means something will be done. Also we're trying to find out if our house insurance will cover us if we hire a legal team to proceed with suing them (like we did when the tyrannical bastard who owned the wood next to us tried to steal land from us, which took a lot of effort to fight off - He's dead now, thank goodness). I kind of get the feeling it'll be a lot of effort, and that we won't get compensated while all they'll do is make a temporary fix, though.

Is wanting a quiet life without shit like this happening to us really too much to ask?
Posted 01-01-2012 at 05:00 PM by DarkHoodness
Updated 01-01-2012 at 05:06 PM by DarkHoodness

Nate's Avatar
Also we're trying to find out if our house insurance will cover us if we hire a legal team to proceed with suing them
Contact the insurance and demand that they repair the damage. Generally speaking, (assuming they think they'll win) they'll then sue the other companies to get their money back. You shouldn't even need to get involved.

For example: My mum was in a minor car accident a few years ago. Her insurance paid for the repairs immediately, but on the condition that she show up to court as a witness against the guy who hit her.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 05:35 PM by Nate

DarkHoodness's Avatar
That won't work. The garden consists of natural scrubland and woodland, so there isn't any damage to that our insurance can repair, so to speak, unless you count the pollution from the huge stinking torrent of water that's now running through it.

But thanks for the suggestion anyway, maybe I can ask about a similar thing.
Posted 01-01-2012 at 06:20 PM by DarkHoodness

MeechMunchie's Avatar
Go burn down Cuntryside and Anglican. No problem can't be solved with arson.
Posted 01-02-2012 at 05:20 AM by MeechMunchie

DarkHoodness's Avatar
I'm glad I'm not that insane. :P
Posted 01-02-2012 at 06:15 AM by DarkHoodness

Glitch's Avatar
Make a huge stink (sorry) about it. Write to your local newspapers and national newspapers, as well as your local BBC and ITV news stations, claim it is a health risk.

Lay it one really thick (sorry) and tell them how uselss everyone involved has been. Be sure to tell them that you've been putting up with this crap (sorry) for ages now.

Actually, before you send off the letters, draft them all up and send a copy of each one to Country and Anglican so that you can let them know that this shit won't fly (sorry).
Posted 01-02-2012 at 02:22 PM by Glitch

DarkHoodness's Avatar
Man, those puns. :P

As I said in an earlier post, I've gone down the media route before with other matters - The local paper around here tends to lie and get things wrong, while it also means sacrificing some privacy. The garden is large, parts of it are overgrown and a mess, and since the sewage torrent isn't actually going near the house (you can smell it clearly as soon as you step outside though), it may not generate much sympathy from the press.

But we're really desperate and are considering going down the media route again anyway.
Posted 01-03-2012 at 01:17 AM by DarkHoodness

DarkHoodness's Avatar
I just experienced a nightmare of sorts. The sky outside turned black about an hour and a half ago and for a moment I thought I'd been spending too long playing Skyrim and had somehow lost track of time.

It rained very heavily for about an hour - All the water falling onto the roads drains into the sewage pumping station. It's not working, so the torrent flowing into my garden turned into a fucking river. You could go fucking canoeing down it if you wanted, for fucks sake.

What I didn't say in my blog is that I own a pet goat - His enclosure is directly behind the pumping station and half of it is flooded. For the first time today there was water lapping around the walls of his tiny little wooden goat house - To prevent it seeping inside, I've just had to brave the weather and get wet feet (no waterproof shoes) to dig up a bank in order to divert some of the water. Now I'm soaked to the skin and covered in clay and soil.

I was fed up with this shit before, but now... I can't describe it. Am looking forward to taking a nice hot bath once the water is heated, though.
Posted 01-03-2012 at 04:50 AM by DarkHoodness
Updated 01-03-2012 at 04:53 AM by DarkHoodness

STM's Avatar

Man this is just getting more and more horrible, I hope that you manage to think up a way to settle this. Keep us posted with how you get on!!
Posted 01-03-2012 at 10:13 AM by STM

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Threaten them with this.

Posted 01-03-2012 at 05:36 PM by Bullet Magnet

Nate's Avatar
Threaten them with a broken image link?
Posted 01-03-2012 at 05:38 PM by Nate

Phylum's Avatar
That's not all that will be broken once he's done with them.
Posted 01-03-2012 at 11:00 PM by Phylum

DarkHoodness's Avatar
@BM - I wish.

This morning some engineers were persuaded to come out and look at the pumping station - Apparently they were veerrry angry with Countryside for not maintaining the pumps. They have managed to fix them for now, which is what we wanted - The water is finally gone. However, there's still a muddy deposit which stinks to high heaven.

We'll be having a councillor come round to check out the mess that Countryside have caused - They finally showed an interest. Although it's a bit like closing the stable door after the horse has bolted.

At least we have what we want now though. Thank goodness for that, yesterday was hell.
Posted 01-04-2012 at 06:16 AM by DarkHoodness

Wil's Avatar
It's more like closing the stable door after x of your y horses have bolted, where x < y.
Posted 01-04-2012 at 07:05 AM by Wil

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Well it works for me.
Posted 01-04-2012 at 08:05 AM by Bullet Magnet


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