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Don't you hate it when people post obnoxious text at the top of their blog and you have to scroll past it every time you want to read what they've posted? Man, I really hate that.
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Is dead

Posted 05-14-2008 at 02:58 AM by Splat
Updated 03-08-2009 at 04:55 PM by Splat
Following my first ever blog entry last night about how incredibly tired I was, I was then awake until after quarter to five cus of drunken students talking, playing Bob Marley and giggling inanely outside my window, by which point it was light and the birds were waking for the day. Seriously, for about an hour one of them kept making this noise like a racing car going past or a really butch cat and then a girl would giggle more annoyingly than the most contrived-to-be-annoying-cartoon-giggle you ever heard. Possibly because annoying cartoon giggles don't play over and over again between the hours of 4 and 5 in the morning.
Then another bunch of students, by the sound of them maybe even the same bunch if that's possible, woke me up about 10 this morning by repeatedly kicking a football against walls and drainpipes again outside my window.

If you don't here from me after this I've probably been arrested for murder.
Yes, you can give my pity now.
Posted in Life
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Wings of Fire's Avatar
I feel for you every weekend I get woken up at an early hour by my districts resident drug dealer and his quadbike.

Of course the chavs, yobs and other scum think this is cool.
Posted 05-14-2008 at 03:26 AM by Wings of Fire

DarkHoodness's Avatar
You know, I'm glad that, if I'm tired enough, I can sleep through pretty-much anything. . . :P

But yeah, I feel for you. I'd of told them to STFU after about an hour or so if they really bothered me that much.
Posted 05-14-2008 at 08:05 AM by DarkHoodness

Oddey's Avatar
I don't blame you for being arrested if you have.
Posted 05-14-2008 at 08:43 AM by Oddey

T-nex's Avatar
I feel for you!! :S I simply HATE people around my dorm... Like.. At 12 pm its quiet.. Same with the whole day except.... 2 am! Its almost like its a fucking rule that people CANT be quiet at 2 am till 6 am! All friggin days (almost)... Either some stupid chick in my dorm who invites all her friends at 2 am, or some idiots outside my window acting like drunken idiots singing this danish drunken song which consists of a continuous "LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO" Or screaming like retards.

Oh and then we have the people who like putting their music on absolute MAX! So that they kindly prevent anyone from hearing their own thoughts... Ah, the wonders of living in a dorm.
Posted 05-14-2008 at 12:28 PM by T-nex

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
If people are still asleep at 3am, I'm not doing my job properly.
Posted 05-14-2008 at 11:13 PM by Bullet Magnet

Wil's Avatar
I hated halls. That’s why I moved into the first house I looked at the next year. Not due to the simple fact that it wasn’t halls, but because it was specifically advertised as a ‘refuge from halls’. And it was. No one ever threatened to eat glass outside my room. No ever ever raced down the corridor in the cleaners’ trolley. No one ever smashed the windows or banged on all the doors when they went past, or stuck cigarettes in the smoke detectors in the corridor their corridor was having a corridor war with. No mass-produced meals in a noisy cafeteria (although all my halls meals were specially made anyway so as to ensure their veganity, ha). No throngs of lingerers standing in your way as you try to get to the toilet as undetected as possible. No communal showers.

I hated halls.
Posted 05-17-2008 at 04:35 AM by Wil

Munch's Master's Avatar
I know what you mean Splat. People being idiots at 4am is fine, but if they're LOUD idiots, then yes. It's very annoying.

Oh, and I love the phrase "giggling inanely". No idea how that adds to anything, but...
Posted 05-26-2008 at 04:13 AM by Munch's Master


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