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Fuck Lorne.
Posted 09-01-2012 at 09:32 AM by Mac Sirloin
I have two far-leaning politically vocal people on facebook. One is Doug Tennapel; Christian, Republican, Chestertonian (fucksakes) but still an approachable, fairly friendly man. He's the guy responsible for Creature Tech and Earthworm Jim and a bunch of other things. I like Doug. I like his art, I like his stories, and I like his general positivity. Posts about his family a lot, very rarely boards a soapbox and when he does he can be just as crazy and inept as anyone else, but rarely is. Far as I can tell, a good guy all around. Apart from the chestertarianismphilia
Then there's Lorne Lanning. Never a sane, decipherable post. Never something positive. Every shit-damn thing he says is fuck cops this and anarchists rule that. Anarchists, at least those I've me (canadian anarchists, heh) are inept little turds who should have their eyes gouged out with rabid bull dick. They're pretentious little fakewastes that can't deal with their own insufferable loserdom and get a fucking job. Of course Lorne tries to appeal to these white bread whores. Who else will buy into his insipid, utterly preposterous fantasy ideaology? |
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