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My Newbie Commandments

Posted 06-01-2008 at 05:58 PM by ParasiteSklent
Alright. I want to get some stuff out, mainly so I can learn to stop being a moron, and maybe better myself and become a worthy member of this fine community. Here goes:

1) I will not make pointless (or already made) threads.
-I just made the mistake of making one that's already been done. I would blame my internet connection for crapping out on me when I tried to search the threads, but I mainly blame myself for being so rash.

2) I will stop apologizing for everything, but still be respectful.
-Because it seems like everything I've posted so far was a thank you or apology. To get respect, you must respect others, but I don't want to be a pushover, either.

3) I will further educate myself with the rules of the forums.
-I've already been reading over rules and FAQs like it's going out of style, but learning the basics is good, right?

4) I will stay on topic.
-I haven't had any problems with that so far, but I don't want to accidentally become an ADD poster.

5) I will always use correct grammar and spelling.
-I always do that anyway, just thought I'd get that across. Of course, there's the occasion of being this, OMGBOOBIEWIENERLOL. It won't ever come to that, though. EVER.

6) I will try to stop making so many damn blog entries.
-Because I've noticed I've made 3 since I joined, and it hasn't been very long. This was important, though...not that many people will read it. It was mostly so I could be happy with myself. I don't go on forums very often, mainly because I have social anxiety something fierce, but I'm trying my best. I'll learn my way around here eventually...also, thanks to everyone who's been nice and understanding with me so far. One day, I'll grow from a little nervous newbie into a beautiful...not newbie person. My creative writing suddenly wore off. I'll end this now.
Total Comments 9


Nate's Avatar
5) I will always use correct grammar and spelling.
-I always do that anyway, just thought I'd get that across.
God bless you, Mister Sklent!

Now, can you please teach this to all the other recently joined members?
Posted 06-01-2008 at 08:36 PM by Nate

ParasiteSklent's Avatar
Not to be nitpicky, but that would be MISS Sklent. ^^ And yes, you may. I'm glad to be helpful.

Or, actually, yes, I'LL try to teach it to the others. Doy, my brain's all scattered right now.
Posted 06-01-2008 at 08:44 PM by ParasiteSklent

Wings of Fire's Avatar
*Clutches at Best Newbie award protectively*
Posted 06-02-2008 at 07:28 AM by Wings of Fire

Oddey's Avatar
I think the tide is with you.

The force is strong with this one.

The wind is with ye.

I won't go on but you get the point I presume?
Posted 06-02-2008 at 10:34 AM by Oddey

ParasiteSklent's Avatar
Oh jeez, so much I'm all embarrassed. It's only common sense to abide by the rules and not make an ass of yourself, right? If only more people on teh interwebz were like that...
Posted 06-02-2008 at 02:15 PM by ParasiteSklent

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I claim dibs for taking her under my wing, a devious ploy to ensure that any successes she makes are directly attributed unto me .
If you screw up you're all on your own sistah
Posted 06-02-2008 at 04:08 PM by Wings of Fire

ParasiteSklent's Avatar
Wow, now people are trying to claim me. How exciting.
Posted 06-02-2008 at 04:13 PM by ParasiteSklent

Laser's Avatar
Hmm are you a mindless autominton bent on destroying the good names of the members?
Posted 06-03-2008 at 09:06 AM by Laser

ParasiteSklent's Avatar
...No, I'm not. What gave you that idea?
Posted 06-03-2008 at 09:12 AM by ParasiteSklent


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