This is the trust test. I'll fall back, you catch me.
Posted 11-29-2009 at 12:20 AM by Dipstikk
Updated 11-29-2009 at 12:37 AM by Dipstikk
Well, I guess if I'm really sticking around, I should share what I've been up to for the past umpteen-hundred years...
I have a comic series that I've been developing (and not working on, but some things never change) called Tropica. It's a standard superhero comic, set in an alternate universe on an island called Moa during their Victorian era, that tells the story of a young woman of the island who discovers a relic that gives her superpowers (strength, near invulnerability, and later on discovers how to manipulate water) and uses them to try and mediate peace between two aggressive tribes who want to dominate Moa island for their own reasons. It's fantasy, alternate history with a dash of sci-fi. I love this project; it blows Actra right out of the sky and curb-stomps the anthro-bat bitch into a coma.
I want to start posting concepts, script excerpts, documents pertaining to the story, etc etc in the Non-Oddworld Art & Lit section so I can share my ideas and maybe collaborate with me old droogies.
Here's where the trust element comes into play. I decided from the get-go that the main character, Kei, would be a bit on the heavy side, and that her weight would have no impact on her value or treatment as a legitimate character. She's not obscenely obese or anything like that; if anything, she's a mix between thick and athletic. I understand that the sight of women with any hint of fat on their bodies is enough to send people into screaming fits and convulsions, (not that I can find any good reason for such an offense, but that ain't my place to tell you what to be bugged by). Sekto's gotten used to her, I think, and I'm sure the design for her isn't nearly as abhorrent as I'm making her sound.
I want to know that, if I start posting production art, that you guys can handle it maturely (see also: the opposite of how I've been acting since returning to conquer this place). I'd really like to post the thread, but I want to make sure you're seeing the concepts and writing as a whole and if you're going to be transfixed on Kei's weight, then you're not seeing much else and the point is moot.
I'm not going to go all Abe-vore-fetish-guy on you guys; this comic isn't some outlet for fetishy crap and I'm not trying to rub my preferences in the opposite sex in your faces. The comic is all its own and the main character just happens to not be of the conventional superhero body type, which yes, I designed her based on what aesthetic qualities I find attractive.
You can see a bit of her in my new avatar if you're curious.