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I guess I got a job (uh again for the 3rd time the revenge of)

Posted 10-29-2012 at 11:22 AM by Mac Sirloin
I got a job at another call centre. I start training which is a special way of saying corporate indoctrination at 4:30 PM and 'train' until 1:00AM. Kind of a shit shift, but it should only be for 3 weeks/as long as training lasts. I'll be working under a contract I worked for at another company, which will make this like 4 times more boring and insipid.

But a job's a job and I'm glad I have one. I don't know if I reported on my little adventure in Hamilton very much, so I'll do that here.

About a year ago my half sister Shannon (who I barely know) asked me if I wanted to watch her house for an unclear amount of time while she and her husband (and presumably their daughter) all went to Guyana. I might have agreed. I don't remember very well.

Fast forward to June and Shannon starts communicating with me a lot for no clear reason. Eventually I let slip that I generally needed to get out of Belleville for awhile, but had no idea how to do so. Shannon says 'Hey now, why don't you come stay with us for a few weeks before our trip?'

I think this is great and I'm off in about a week. Hamilton seems like a pretty great place. For about 2 weeks I stay there and just hang out, see the sights and so on. My sister's trip to Guyana lasts another 2 weeks during which I find a job, some people to hang out with and maybe I met a girl even.

When they return it's an instant shitshow. Not a word of thanks for watching the house for them, no comment on keeping their big ass garden/field alive, nothing. Just a lot of berating me and complaining so I go to Toronto to visit a friend for the weekend.

While I'm there Shannon repeatedly texts me to inform me how disappointed she is in the state of the house. Just needling and needling and needling me with a lot of bullshit that is either untrue or hyperbole. I tell her to talk to me about it when I get back.

This is the weekend where I fought a guy on a bus.

When I get back, Shannon's husband confronts me and tells me not to speak to his wife that way (I don't know what he means). Shannon, who has been advocating how totally fucking wonderful Hamilton is and how it would be a mistake to go anywhere else, tells me that my encounter with the bus guy somehow makes staying with a friend of mine in Toronto is a bad idea. I say I don't see the connection and she gets nuts angry and tells me not to be defensive.

And so on, and so on. During this time I discovered that my half sister pops valium, snorts coke, smokes an exorbitant amount of weed and survives on nothing but bullshit Hollistic medicine.

Shannon accuses me of acting like my father (something I told her in confidence is that I HATED people saying that to me) and then SCREAMS at me for asking for the password to the wifi. One fine Thursday morning I wake up to have her tell me that since I have a job (I haven't been paid yet) I need to buy my own food and can't eat any of theirs any more. I basically survive on a bag of carrots and bagels for the week. I lose a lot of weight quickly. And develop a really hoarse cough. I'm smoking about a pack of cigarettes a day.

I realize I can probably go to college given a letter of acceptance I got. I transmit this information to Shannon who accuses me of 'running away from my problems every time', demands I affirm that she is my family, and brings her husband into it when I tell her I don't see what loving me and my family has to do with the choice to, you know, get an education.

I'm very fed up and calling 5+ seperate people a day to have someone to talk to. My mom has since returned from her trip to Europe and basically tells me that finding somewhere else to live is the right idea.

The weekend after the first week of the school year I tell Shannon and co. that I'm planning on moving out by the end of the week. Shannon proceeds to launch what is the most incomprehensible and senseless tirade I've ever heard. Like literally nothing I could replicate in how sudden and hate filled and bullshit laden it was. Opening with 'You're not allowed to talk to Chyenne (her daughter) any more The mark of a true master of emotional instability.

I've had it at this point. I'm literally backed into a corner while my Sister makes senseless accusations, her husband sits on the stairs wringing his hands and occasionally growling some kind of agreement and their daughter lurking nearby cries her eyes out.

SOMEHOW I cut her off and tell her to give me the phone number of an uncle that also lives in Hamilton that I can stay with. She takes her sweet fucking time doing so and continually berates me. At one point the question of whether I was taking my ritalin came up and her husband managed a 'EET DOESN'T SEEM LIEK EET' (Did I mention he's a brain damaged rastafarian. Picture that in your brains) I told them both they had literally no idea what they were talking about and took the book to find the number myself. My uncle takes forever to get ahold of and when I finally get through to him I tell him I just need somewhere to crash for the night (at least) he literally hangs up on me (and denies doing so later). Also, this is an uncle somewhat celebrated for randomly letting somewhat estranged family in to his home when they need it.

I'm pretty much out of options, so I call my mom. My mom and I were not on the best of footing at the start of the Summer. I had been out of work for awhile and I was not an affordable thing to have around. Regardless, she talks the shake out of my voice and sends me a train ticket. If you remember that blog, you know how that went.

Seriously my dad's family fucking blows. I've never known them very well and they're all marked with some kind of bi-polar bullshit.
Total Comments 6


STM's Avatar
Well, I'm surprised you kept your shit. I would have fucking exploded at such provocation, so that's pretty good of you at the very least. I sincerely hope you manage to get the fuck away from them so you don't go bat-shit insane, mate. Good luck with the job too!
Posted 10-29-2012 at 02:03 PM by STM

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
Wow, sounds like you had a rough experience in Hamilton. At least you've managed to find a job, whereabouts are you working?
Posted 10-29-2012 at 02:37 PM by Mr. Bungle

OANST's Avatar
Well, it was an experience......
Posted 10-29-2012 at 02:43 PM by OANST

Jordan's Avatar
Want us to go and throw eggs and shit at Shannon's house?
Posted 10-29-2012 at 03:28 PM by Jordan

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
No that's okay. She and her husband will probably just try and pray you to death and they're such a sad looking pair you might just feel like dying on the spot out of pity.

This all happened two months ago, by the way. I don't know if that was clear in any way.
I've just been carrying around the torrent of wordfeels this blog correlated to and feel loads better having let it out. That isn't even close to the amount of needley little bullshits she'd throw at me, either, but I think it covers all the crazy bases. Whoof.

I'm living with my mom again. I'm supposed to be getting an apartment with a friend of mine before Christmas if everything works out right, otherwise I'll be getting a bachelor apartment before christmas if everything works out right. I'll be sure to draw dicks all over the place if it's the latter.

And right you are, OANST. It was an experience I'll never forget (except the parts I've consciously blocked out) and I learned a lot 'living on my own'. I'm just glad I got out of there when I did. I'm going to go ahead and say that moving to Detroit as your home repair underling/henchman/goon would probably have gone a lot better than my Hamtown adventure, though.
Posted 10-29-2012 at 11:16 PM by Mac Sirloin

OANST's Avatar
Posted 10-30-2012 at 08:48 AM by OANST


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