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The shaminator

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Blitzkreig in the home of shaman.

Posted 11-09-2009 at 01:49 PM by shaman
Updated 11-09-2009 at 01:56 PM by shaman
The stove blew up today.

There i was minding my own business, when suddenly i hear my mum walk into the kitchen, then i hear the words.

"I think we have a problem here".

Of course this aroused my concern, but it was nothing compared to the audiable "WHOOSH" that came later and dozens of swears coming from the kitchen. I go out, the kitchen is full. of. smoke (as is the hallway) and a damp teatowel lies on the grill pan alongside a few blackened sausages, turns out the fat had caught fire.

Everyone is ok, it was just a bit of a shake...

And now, the punchline.

Dad: "Tom, open the front door, the cooker has exploded"...
Total Comments 10


MA's Avatar
bloody hell.
Posted 11-09-2009 at 01:57 PM by MA

Sekto Springs's Avatar
That's boring.
Nowif someone was hurt, that's a different story.
Posted 11-09-2009 at 02:59 PM by Sekto Springs

shaman's Avatar
Well, we're still coughing from the smoke...
Posted 11-09-2009 at 03:00 PM by shaman

Wil's Avatar
What a coincidence, I burnt my dinner tonight. But I wasn't using the oven, I was frying them. It was just a few vegetables to make a pasta sauce, so I decided to start from scratch. But I had been angered by the burning, so I was weilding the knife a little too furiously and chopped the end of my thumb off.

Happy, Chris?
Posted 11-09-2009 at 03:09 PM by Wil

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Only if it was on your dominant hand.
Posted 11-09-2009 at 03:09 PM by Sekto Springs

Wil's Avatar
Sadly not, but I do jerk off with it quite a bit. My dominant hand gets too cold to be of any sexual use when it's operating the mouse.
Posted 11-09-2009 at 03:37 PM by Wil

MA's Avatar
so, all this administrating does take its toll on the admins. cold, cold hands. never able to be warmed.
Posted 11-10-2009 at 07:04 AM by MA

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I am a bit unsettled with the idea of Max flogging the dolphin to the sweet sound of infractions.
Posted 11-10-2009 at 07:37 AM by Wings of Fire

shaman's Avatar
Unsettling in mind but common in fact.
Posted 11-10-2009 at 02:36 PM by shaman

Pilot's Avatar
Aww, dolphins are adoreable.
Posted 11-10-2009 at 05:22 PM by Pilot


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