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Guy gives me the Lip at Les Scwab...

Posted 02-17-2010 at 11:43 AM by Pilot
Alrighty, this was ridiculous. About a week ago I took the Firebird down to Les Schwab for new tires (see: previous blog, re: free beef) Over the course of a couple of days I kept looking at the car, "Hmm, something doesn't look right..." it was like the tires looked too small for the wheel well openings or something. Subtle, but to me, noticeable.

Now I decide to pull out my paperwork. Indeed, what they had done was put 60 series tires on my car instead of 65 series, which was what was on there.... 60 series having a shorter sidewall. Just to confirm, I pulled out the paperwork from Discount Tire, where the previous owner had gone for the previous set of tires. Sure enough, it DID have 65 series on it before. Les Schwab messed up, OR made a substitution without my knowledge.

I give them a buzz yesterday morning.

"Les Schwab tires, this is Eric."

"Hi Eric, I need to bring my car back in to have the tires exchanged. I've just noticed that the tires that were put on were not the same as was on the car before. I think someone just messed up and somehow a substitution was made."

"Oh, we don't do that. What's your name?"


*I hear keyboard tapping*

"Okay, it says here that we did put 60 series tires on your car which is what was on there before. If you've changed your mind, just come back down and we'll do an exchange."


Okay, so no problems as they were perfectly willing to exchange my tires, under the 'assumed' premise that I had 'changed my mind.' Not good enough.

Somehow Eric saw me coming when I pulled up and was pulling up my info on the computer as I was walking in.

He starts, "Yeah those 60s were what was on the car when you brought it in."

"No they weren't." I said matter of factly.

"Yes they were. I went back and checked."

(Okay, now at this point it's getting ridiculous because why would he need to 'go check' if they're willing to exchange the tires on a 'change of mind' basis)

"Ah yes, well then. Can you show me?"

*groan* "They're back out in the trailer."

"That's fine."

Now he starts to get upset. "Look, I already said that we'd give you an exchange. We have customers in here all the time who decide their tires aren't right and want to exchange them."

(Now his voice is wavering as he's evidently flustered, still not simply admitting that they might so much has made a mistake.)

"Okay okay, that's fine. I appreciate that.


Are you sure I don't want to see the receipt for those Arizonian edition tires?"


They did the work, I got the tires... and afterward Eric rung me up, he wouldn't even look me in the eyes because he knew I'd caught him lying..... To whatever effect, he was probably trying to cover for a friend or something but to outright lie and claim that I was the one uninformed needed attention. Christ sake. I hope his day wasn't ruined after that, but if it was, it was his own fault. Christ.

New tires look great.
Total Comments 4


MA's Avatar
you got the right tyres. nice one.

and don't worry about his day; he was the one that let things escalate needlessly. it would have been a hell of a lot easier if he had just said that there had been a mistake with the tyres when you turned up, apologised and got on with the job, rather than dragging it out. he must have known you'd have receipts, and it'd be free either way anyway.
Posted 02-17-2010 at 12:22 PM by MA

enchilado's Avatar
This Eric freak sounds like a dick. I would have sworn at him; good job keeping your temper.
Posted 02-18-2010 at 01:42 AM by enchilado

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Oh wait, I'm sorry...

Oh! **
Posted 02-18-2010 at 05:58 AM by Sekto Springs

Pilot's Avatar
That's right. Get with the times, man.

You know... relating to the tire guy... I have to consider that I've done doofish things like that before too.
Posted 02-19-2010 at 03:10 PM by Pilot


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