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I Dreamed a Dream of Time Gone By

Posted 11-19-2012 at 09:34 AM by Nepsotic
This time, it really is a blog about a dream, but not an interesting one. Basically my PC failed on me and I cried in my sleep. That actually isn't what this blog is about, though.

This really is just a big shameless self-promotion.
See, the other week I realised that the music I was making was actually starting to sound like music. So I made some filthy bass sounds and here's what I came up with:

What's this? An EP by Nepsotic?
Not really, well sort of. It depends how you define 'EP'.

It's called 'War', it's a concept EP and it even has an intro and everything!
I know this community isn't really into dubstep, but I just wanted to show you that I think I'm progressing. So it'd help a lot if you could subscribe to me on YouTube and like me on Facebook. Then people would be all "This guy is the best dubstep artist ever, and he also must be really hot, look at all his subs!"
It's an infallible plan.

Also, last Saturday was the best day ever, oh my god, oh jesus.

So good things are happening but not school-wise. People are actually getting scared of me now because they think I'm psychotic, my god this is getting really old now. Even teachers have started separating me from the group. To be honest, I prefer my own company, I can say things to myself that other people wouldn't like, so it's better in a way. Still, the dirty looks people give me does actually make me want to kill them, but that isn't psychotic, that's just a simple urge. More on this as it develops.

Something I was thinking about though, was maybe you can have mental disorders, but not even know about it. How would you know if you're normal?

I'll leave you pondering over that while I eat some food.
Total Comments 12


Daxter King's Avatar
Nepsotic, I really feel as if you probably should look into whether or not the people calling you psychotic might be correct.
Posted 11-19-2012 at 09:42 AM by Daxter King

OANST's Avatar
No. Fuck that, man. You don't have to take their disrespect. Stab them in the leg with a fork that you defecated on. It's the only way they will ever respect you.
Posted 11-19-2012 at 09:48 AM by OANST

Nepsotic's Avatar
That doesn't seem like a bad idea.
Nepsotic, I really feel as if you probably should look into whether or not the people calling you psychotic might be correct.
I'm not a fucking psycho. Really, it can't be. The only reason people think I'm mental is because I prefer to be alone, and I always have my head tilted to the side (It's more comfortable), oh and I twitch, and they take the mick out of that. The only time I really talk in class is to describe a gruesome way of murdering somebody, but that really isn't psycho, that's just what I'm thinking about at that moment. It's really nothing serious, and it doesn't really get me angry, it just makes me want to do what OANST said, and I'm pretty sure that's just natural. PLUS wouldn't the school have done something about it if I was psycho? So there you go, I can't be psycho, I'm just an average kid.
Posted 11-19-2012 at 09:56 AM by Nepsotic
Updated 11-19-2012 at 10:07 AM by Nepsotic

STM's Avatar
I'm going to ignore the petulant attempts to curry attention with all that 'psycho' bollocks and stick with your music, which is still improving. Firstly, you should probably come up with a more thought stimulating title than War, it's not quite breaking the bounds of human thought is it.

I'm hardly the dubstep connoisseur, I only listen to really heavy stuff because I like the adrenaline rush you get, it's hardly music, if I wanted music I'd listen to something else. With that in mind, I'm starting to generally enjoy some of the stuff you're putting out. That's not to say it's all amazing but it's an improvement from when I tolerated some of it.

I think the next step for you is to make your stuff seem less 'samey'. That Alien-esque creaking noise is in quite a lot of your music. I think you should take more time producing one song so that when you're done it holds more meaning to you and sounds much better. Still though, I hope you really do find yourself some modicum of success. Keep us updated.
Posted 11-19-2012 at 10:27 AM by STM

OddjobAbe's Avatar
gruesome way of murdering somebody
There's your problem.

I think it's possible you do have issues, but I don't think you're psychopathic. My impression is that you're somewhat insecure and are developing slightly misanthropic feelings as you see the way your peers respond to you. Maybe sometimes they ought to be more thoughtful, but you must also realise that your own response to that is also part of whatever the problem may be.
Posted 11-19-2012 at 10:29 AM by OddjobAbe

Manco's Avatar
I think his problem is that he doesn’t seem to understand why his actions are getting him such negative responses.

Pro tip: if you talk about gruesome murder on a regular basis, people are going to think you have a thing about gruesome murder. Most people are not comfortable with gruesome murder.
Posted 11-19-2012 at 11:21 AM by Manco

Nepsotic's Avatar
Look, I know how it sounds, but topics like that just come up, it isn't my fault.

I think it's possible you do have issues, but I don't think you're psychopathic. My impression is that you're somewhat insecure and are developing slightly misanthropic feelings as you see the way your peers respond to you. Maybe sometimes they ought to be more thoughtful, but you must also realise that your own response to that is also part of whatever the problem may be.
Yeah, I've started keeping the talking down to a minimum lately and that helped a lot. I guess I just lack some social skills, other than that I'm completely fine.

Firstly, you should probably come up with a more thought stimulating title than War, it's not quite breaking the bounds of human thought is it
Haha, yeah. I know where you're coming from, but the main reason for that, is I just wanted a simplistic idea, and I really liked the idea of using samples of Winston Churchill's famous speech. It appears frequently throughout a few of the songs, hence why I call it a 'concept' EP, not to mention the first couple of songs slot together nicely. That also explains why the crackling bass is in the background every now and again, but yeah, I know what you mean, I'll be more imaginative next time XD
Still though, I hope you really do find yourself some modicum of success. Keep us updated.
Thanks for the compliments, and don't worry, I will do.
Posted 11-19-2012 at 11:30 AM by Nepsotic

Phylum's Avatar
OJA said what I've been wanting to say to you for ages, but he worded it much better than I could have.

I'm sure that most of us here have gone through periods of being excluded/etc. I'm currently on the arse end of a "having no friends" phase. A majority of the people you meet won't like you for who you are and it's an important skill to know how to still get along with them, especially at school. If you talk to people enough you'll start to realise who you actually get along with.

I didn't listen to the song because I won't like it. It's not your fault, it's a stylistic thing and my engrained opposition to synthetic instruments.

e: I feel you pain on the computer thing, too. My SSD died a few weeks ago. Hopefully everything should be operational again on Friday. Also, the drive was still under warranty and they don't make them any more so I just got money from them. I'm now getting a HDD and an nVidia GeForce GTX 670 for the same price
Posted 11-19-2012 at 01:29 PM by Phylum
Updated 11-19-2012 at 01:33 PM by Phylum

JayDee's Avatar
I wonder what Susan Boyle's doing with her singing career at the moment... How long before I can hire her to sing at children's parties?
Posted 11-19-2012 at 02:41 PM by JayDee

Tired Glutton's Avatar
I don't know if it's just not my kind of music but I listened to some of the songs and wasn't a very big fan of most of it, though some of No Time was alright~ Good luck with school and music and things, man
Posted 11-20-2012 at 10:11 AM by Tired Glutton

AlexFili's Avatar
This sounds good, well done
Posted 11-22-2012 at 01:07 AM by AlexFili

Nepsotic's Avatar
Thanks, man. I'm going for an entirely new approach with My upcoming tracks.
Posted 11-22-2012 at 01:03 PM by Nepsotic


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